Thursday, November 23, 2017

Gratitude; Domingo Maravilloso; e Os Elegidos

Hello, my peoples! Happy Thanksgiving! I am honestly sooo grateful for all the blessings my Father in Heaven has given me, and for the opportunity to be here in this wonderful part of the Lord's vineyard serving my Uruguayan brothers and sisters. I am thankful for the blessings my family has received while Christian and I have been away. And above all, I am sooo grateful to be a child of God with the destiny to become like Him and have all that He has. How blessed we all are, and I invite you all to find some quiet time to consider and count your blessings this Thanksgiving Day. You will be overwhelmed as I am.

This morning, we had a Turkey Bowl with the mission president of the West mission - Presidente Olsen - as well as his family and his office Elders. Such a fun time; everyone was balling up, laughing and having a good time. (I'll send pics next week; I didn't take any, but President Olsen and Hermana Eddy did). In a bit, we are going to have Thanksgiving lunch at the Eddy's home; STOKED!

Domingo Maravilloso (Wonderful Sunday): This past Sunday was honestly the best Sunday I've had in the entire mission. For one, Virginia V was confirmed a member of the Church, and her entire family came once again to support her. What's more, they LOVED the service! Adriana came once again this week even though we didn't have a charla with her throughout the week! And a man named Daniel, whom we met while he was taking care of a less active's house and who lives in a different area, came to our church as well! This was huge for the Elders in 18 de Mayo, Las Piedras, because they have a baptismal date with him for the 9th of December, but hadn't had contact with him, and had he not attended, the date would've fallen and they would have dropped him. We called them during weekly planning to give them the good news, and they were ECSTATIC! Daniel asked us to teach him as well and we set a charla for Friday and now are sharing the teaching load with the other Elders. Excited to see what happens!

Os Elegidos (The Chosen): I have been reading Member Missionary Work & Finding the Elect of God (Scott Marshall) this week and have been trying to apply his techniques. On Tuesday, I had an intercambio with Manzie (finally! after 15 whole months!) and our charla fell through, so we decided to look positively and relentlessly for the elect. We saw ahead on the sidewalk this young couple with a baby stroller, and at first I felt hesitant, but I took the resolve to start talking with them, and we had the most comfortable and friendly contact EVER! They accepted wholeheartedly to have a charla the next day and learn about the gospel, and when I checked up the next day, I learned that Nicolás and Katy (them) have a baptismal date for the 13th of January! (still need to get married) Super big testimony builder that the elect are out there, and we just need to find them!

Short on time, but I'm soo grateful as well for all of you in my life, and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! ¡Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias! (Happy Thanksgiving Day!)

Con amor,
Élder Newman :)

Hey Mom! Glad to see that you, the Hollands, and Manzanares' had such a great time and got along so well. Let me know when the Hollands get their country assignment! Sure jealous of the Rancheritos.  Peacocks and cougars! Dang, sure getting a lot of nature in the neighborhood recently! Tell Sara Hamson hi from me! Love you tons!

Hey Pap! Super cool that you got to meet Pappa Manzie and Brother Holland. Some sweet looking Christmas lights for sure! #ItsBeginningToLookALotLikeChristmas Love you.

BEAR! Super stoked for the Ragnarok movie someday! Glad you enjoyed it. Today's Turkey Bowl was just what I needed as well; I felt soooo good to be running around tossing a pigskin after so long. Tell all the cousins hi for me! Love you so much!

Emmr! An iPhone! In the Newman family! Wow, the Berlin Wall's coming down all over again! Thor Ragnarok sounds like the perfect mix of comedy and action. All A's, nice job! Haha good luck with Caleb! Con amor, Élder Oldman

Callerist! Yes, my foot is very much better. Thank you for asking and caring about me!  I sure do miss pie... hopefully we'll have some with the Eddys! Love you tons!

Mom’s Questions:
1. Are you having a Turkey Bowl tomorrow?

We just had it in the morning against the West mission! Close game, but we probably won (no score kept, of course) and I had a pair of TD's. Super fun!

2. What was your favorite scripture you read this week? What scriptures have you been studying this week?

Alma 4:15. It is a great reminder and huge comfort when things get tough in the mish. This week I've been applying the Christ Study exercise from Elder Nelson (currently on the Divine Sonship of Christ) and also the war chapters of the Book of Mormon! There's a lot of great hidden lessons in there for sure!

3. Have you and Elder Manzaneras had any opportunities to sing together at church or baptisms?

Yup! This past Sunday, all the Elders and our DOM (Director de la Obra Misional, or Ward Mission Leader) sang himno 88: Placentero Nos Es Trabajar, acapella version. No, it's not in the English hymnbook, but it was awesome, and I will send you a video next week that we took Saturday night during Correlations.

4. What exercise have you been doing lately?

Running; jump ropes and body exercises, WEIGHTS! (not official ones, but the best I've seen in a missionary house); etc.
5. Are you making your bed? :)

Yes, ma'am! :)

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