Monday, December 25, 2017

Crazy Changes; ¡FELIZ NAVIDAD!; e O Retorno do Português

 Elder Araújo and Elder Newman teaching at the Oros conference about money management
 Elder Araújo and Elder Newman at the Nativity
Google Hangouts call with Christian and the family

Hey peeps! Christmas time is already here! After a long and crazy week, I feel so grateful to be able to celebrate my FAVORITE holiday. Even though I won't be seeing snow for a while, it is so wonderful to commemorate the birth of our dear Savior. 

With Christmas Conferences Wednesday and Friday, we had to do all of changes Monday and Tuesday. Talk about chaos! We fought through a 30-minute traffic jam and got to the bank too late Monday to draw out cash; closed. The next day, we spent an hour trying to convince the workers that President's signature for the check was the same we had used the past 15 times (since I've been there). Then, we had to help out with the Christmas Conferences until late in the afternoon. The result: very little working time this week. Kind of a bummer, especially with my poor new companion coming in just at this crazy, stressing time, but oh well. You can only control your work ethic and attitude, or how you respond to tough times.

So, some stuff about changes:

1. Elder Araújo is my new comp, and he is AWESOME! He's from Brazil and as a result is always positive and tranquilo, yet super hard working. So, thus, I will be once again perfecting my Portuguese with him, Elder Estouco, and my new zone leader.

2. Speaking of new zone leader, Elder Anderson, my pops, has been replaced by... Élder Souza, my son! That was funny, awesome, and weird all at the same time!

3. Elder Holland is the new assistant! We now have three of our tight-knit MTC group here together in the office for a change! (Manzie's leaving after this change)

4. My old companion Elder Mereles has also come into our zone! Camino Carrasco. What a nice big reunion!

5. Elder Christesen is now a valiente! (In his final change) My second major comp to die. Wow. That was worded really harshly. Oh well.

6. Elder George is training again, this time as district leader in Lomas de Solymar! (next to El Pinar. His oro in Toledo went home early.)

We did get to sing Hark, The Herald Angels Sing and read Luke 2 with Adriana and Virginia, so that was a sweet way to spread Christmas cheer. Singing loud for all to hear! (We can't enter into their home without a male adult, so we just did it all outside on their porch.)

Friends and Family, I know that Christ is real, and lives today. He lived before this Earth was created, He was born in a lowly manger, and accomplished the greatest victory of all history and eternity: the Atonement. Our salvation and exaltation made possible. Resurrection secure. He lived, died, and lives again, and He is my Savior, and your Savior. I feel so blessed to be one of His authorized representatives this Christmas season, and the perfect gift for me would be to see the Light of Christ shining in y'all's actions and words. Living as He lived.

Love you all. ¡Feliz Navidad!

Con amor,

Élder Newman :)

Mom, I thought my piano playing would be a sweet surprise for you. And I did move I Stand All Amazed down a key and simplify the second half to make it easier for me. I didn't choose the hymns, I just did what I could with them. And you're right, peace comes during Christmas when our focus is on Christ. See you Monday! Love you!

Thanks for the video Pap, loved it. Mission Christmas' are surely fantastic! And even I don't like airplanes THAT much; 1,000,000 miles is no joke! See you on Monday!

Emma, NO! SLEEP! 'TIL BROOKLYN!.... Jessop this morning. (Reference to seeing a picture of his cousin, Brooklyn with Emma at our annual Christmas Eve breakfast.) Keep it up with the 4.0! ¡Nos vemos el lunes, te quiero! (See you on Monday, I love you!)

Callie, aww, I LOVE gingerbread houses! We are going to make one together when I get back! Deal? Deal. Enjoy Star Wars! (but don't tell me many details because I want to be surprised.) Talk to you on Monday!

Sarah, moose steak? Man, that sounds like paradise! Look at you, slinging from 3-pt land!

Mom’s Questions:

1. What are you most excited about for this Christmas weekend (besides the Christmas call)?
Amigo Secreto (Secret Santa) with the Malvín Elders, and...

2. Did you buy something for Christmas for the other office elders?

For Élder Mananares, yes (Amigo Secreto). But don't tell him. ;)

3. Who is your new companion?

Élder Araújo from João Pessoas, Brasil. Almost-2-year convert with 6 months in the mission.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Eternal Family in the Making; Maestros de Mudanza; e A Paciencia

Our Elvish Christmas Card to you
Adriana's baptism

 Asado with the office Elders

HEYO EVERYBODY!!! Awesome week this week despite the challenges in our way. The whole week was topped off yesterday with me saying good bye to my trainer Elder Anderson, and then making it back for Adriana's baptism! It was such a sweet, spiritual experience; one of Virginia Añón's new friends was crying because it was so sweet. And there was another neat surprise...

I played the piano in the service! Yes Mom, you read that right. I learned early on in the week that Elder Manzanares would not make it on Friday because he'd be helping the valientes get through the airport and boarding and all that jazz, so I practiced Come Follow Me and I Stand All Amazed for a few days. It wasn't great - I messed up quite a few times - but it wasn't too bad either, and a lot of members came up afterwards and asked me why I hadn't told them that I can play the piano! I told them the truth, which is that I really don't know how to play.

We also helped the Camino Carrasco Elders move all their stuff out of their old apartment so that they could take it to their new home! And we were super efficient: 1h and 45m with an apartment on the 4th floor. Moving Masters! (Maestros de Mudanza (Moving Teachers))

This week, I followed President Eddy's advice and decided to keep, in my journal, a record of what Christlike attributes I was trying to develop and how it went each day. And it has been interesting to see my progress! President is so inspired; I feel incredibly blessed to have him at the head of our mission. We are in good hands for sure.

We had a fun, unique assignment this week in the offices as well! Sister Eddy needed to take Brandon to Hospital Británico to X-Ray his ankle (sprained), and she asked us to accompany them! I drove, and Elder Bazaes translated in the hospital. Fun to spend a little time with the Eddy family; they're all incredible and the best missionary family I could've asked for.

Side note: it just passed 100°F here in Uruguay. In the south, that never happens. And to top it all off, it's super humid as well. I feel outside like I'm in an oven. Thank goodness for the office AC.

I hope you all have a great week leading up to this Christmas! As we strive to emulate our Savior in this special time, we will make the world a brighter, better place.

Con muchísimo amor,

Élder Newman

Mom, tell Emma Gardner congratulations! I was thinking, concerning the Skype call, Monday in the evening, around like 7 PM my time, 6PM Christian's time, and 3 PM your guys' time. (Then Christian would come in 20 minutes later after). Or maybe an hour later. The reason is because we have dinner Sunday night with the Palavé's, breakfast with the Eddy's Monday morning, and lunch with the Lavega's in El Pinar Monday (I was invited and got permission from President). But I can rearrange if necessary.  And it will most likely be from the office itself, because the computers and internet there are super high quality. Great to see everything going so well in the family. One of the best gifts I could ask for! Love you so much!

Pap, looks like everything is thriving back at home with the girlies. Truly makes my heart swell to see how they've all blossomed. And WOW! Sarah has physically grown so much too! Can't wait for our family to momentarily reunite during Christmas. Love you Pops!

BEAR! Smoking saves right there! I love that aggressiveness!  I probably had to memorize that poem, but I can't remember... Can't wait to talk with you on Skype (actually Google Hangouts)!

Callerist, I absolutely LOVED the video of your dance and your concert! You did so well!  And way to go with the no cavities! Love you so much!

Mom’s Questions:

1. What is something funny that happened this week?

Well, many, MANY things, but one was that one of Elder Anderson's bags was WAY overweight when we tested it the night before he went home. The limit is 23 kg (almost 51 lbs.) and his bag weighed in at 31.7 kg (70 lbs.)!!!! Haha I don't know how he got back under (because he did), because he got rid of almost nothing! Magician.

2. When did you feel the Spirit most this week?

Either during our charla with Diego & Seba, or in Adriana's baptism. It was incredible the Spirit that was there.

3. How is your exercise going? What is your favorite exercise to do on your mission?

Going super well! I normally get in 1-2 Manzie workouts - alternate between 100 jump rope and body exercises like pushups, situps, bicycle crunches, knee tuck jumps, etc. - a week, twice a week running, and 1-2 good weight seshes once a week.

4. With transfer week do you know who Elder Bazaes’s replacement will be? Does that make you the senior comp?

I will know Sunday! And there's not technically a senior/junior comp (we both classify under Special Assignment), but knowing the area will force me to take the lead a little bit!

5. What extra responsibilities do you have with the Wankiers gone?

We have to deal with the housing contracts, moving missionaries, and filing all the documents. President is taking over their role in house inspections.

It's Beginning to Look (and especially Feel) a Lot Like Christmas; Tarjetita Viva de la Navidad; e Com Fome pelo Batismo

 Office Elders enjoying ice cream
 Elder Newman with his mission pop, Elder Anderson
Light the World

Hey my friends! Great to talk with you all once again! This week we weren't able to get a
lot of time to search for new people because of set charlas, ward activities, and a lot of
office work. However, the blessings we've received are undeniable!

Diego not only continues strong, but is getting better and better each time. We talked
with him on Monday about the Temple, Eternal Marriages and Vicarious Work, and as
preparation for that and his baptism, we stressed L3 and the law of chastity. We were not
expecting the surprise that followed: he was already no longer living with his pareja or
having sexual relations and will not do so unless they get married. Like, wow! We learned
how dedicated he was to baptism right there; "sí o sí" he is going to get there. He is
literally HUNGRY for baptism (com fome pelo batismo). We set the new date for the
30/12/2017, and the hermanas from Barrio 3 in the other mission visited him yesterday in
the SMI hospital near the border of their area and Barrio 9, our zone leader's area (he did
chemotherapy this week). They taught about following the prophets, and he was asking
questions about how to follow the prophet and if he could have Thomas S. Monson's words.
Thus, we will be giving him a Liahona, the On The Lord's Errand video, and his 5 minute
talk on the Word of Wisdom (which we're going to be talking about on Sunday). I honestly
don't know what we did to deserve the honor of teaching him; he is among the most
prepared people I have ever known. Blessings for sure!

We had FHE at a member's house with Adriana, Virginia, and another member about
receiving revelation through Prayer, Scriptures, and attending church, and it was
spectacular. Great testimonies and experiences shared and a sweet Spirit the whole time.
We started it off with a blindfold obstacle course and Virginia was stressing so much to get

We also did a Christmas-Christ-themed charla with the Soto Vodanovich family, and I
believe it payed off to focus even more on Christ, because by focusing a lot on the church
and the commandments, Gerardo had seemed pretty hesitant; but in that charla he felt the
Spirit and was smiling the whole time, and Germán decided to be baptized with a good
amount of time. Even Victoria is interested to learn moreabout Christ! We invited them to
participate in the Light the World campaign to get to know Christ, and then we sang Venid,
Adoremos (O Come, All Ye Faithful) for them. Fantastic.

Yesterday we had the Ward Christmas Dinner, and although we had to leave early and
ended up not eating (they started an hour late), there was a great turnout of members and
nonmembers alike! Us Elders, the bishop, and two youth sang Venid, Adoremos and then a
sweet arrangement of Silent Night that left the audience in awe. Right after singing, we left
to get home on time.

With all this, I'm really starting to get into the Christmas spirit. Elder Bazaes and I read
about this cool idea that we are now implementing, called: The Living Christmas Card
(Tarjetita Viva de la Navidad). We knock on the door, and as they open it, we sing the first
verse of a Christmas Carol and then offer to come in and share the story of Christ's birth as
found in Luke 2. Then we bear our testimonies of Christ, leave a blessing on the home, and
set a time to come back. Although we haven't got into a house yet with it, the members love
the idea and are going to accompany us to their references to apply it! SUPER excited!

We are continuing English classes and have split up into the Advanced class and the Basics
class. Elder Christensen and I taught the Advanced, which had in attendance Virginia Añón,
Hna. Martinez (a neighbor), the bishop's daughter, and the sister-in-law of our Elders
Quorum President. They all did really well and we had a full conversation; fun experience!
This week I will be teaching Basics with Elder Bazaes.

Last thing: the zone leaders attended our district meeting this Tuesday, which means, my
mission pop, Elder Anderson and I were together in a district meeting for the first time in
over a year, and the last time ever! So, to commemorate, we obviously took a photo.

I am so grateful for you guys' constant support and prayers; I am positive they are what give
me the strength to do this day after day despite discouragements. I know that we are so
blessed to live in the time we're living right now, despite the challenges, and that Christ is
in control. We need only trust in Him and follow Him, and we will not only make it through
safely, but have great joy in the journey. After all, "men are, that they might have joy." (2
Nephi 2:25)

See y'all next week! ¡Y que continúen iluminar el mundo! (Continue to illuminate the world!)

Con mucho amor,
Elder Newman :)

Mom, that is crazy news! WOW! Tell Mr. Green and Ms. Connell congratulations from me!
Man, I am for sure going to visit with them when I get home! I'm glad you enjoyed that
service project so much. The light of Christmas is truly special. And when we follow the
promptings received from the Spirit, that light shines even brighter, because, after all, the
Spirit of Christmas is the Holy Spirit, for it testifies of Christ. I love you!

BEAR! I heard about your extra gear and elevated game in soccer; way to notch it up a
level!  Haha lots of games for sure! But like I always say, when you're busy, you're happy.
I also heard about how you handled the bloody nose in bball practice. LOVE it! Newman
toughness right there. Love ya!

Callie! Lots of parties for sure! Glad you were able to have fun at Natalie's bday party
and feel the Spirit and be happy at the ward Christmas party. When I think about how
Jesus was born for me so He could save me, I feel happy inside and feel so much love
for Him. Callie, I know that He lives today, and that He loves me and loves you. More than
we can imagine. Best of luck with your tap dance number! You know what they say: last
for best! I love you!

Emmrist! Isn't it just wonderful to serve all kinds of people in all kinds of ways? That rest
home service activity sounds amazing.  And I'm so glad the showcase went so well and
that you killed it in your solo! I would love a video if you can send me one! ¡Te quiero
mucho, y que tengas una feliz Navidad! (I love you so much, and have a happy Christmas!)

Pap! What a debut! Solid victory for sure. Man, I LOVE Sarah's intensity and
competitiveness in bball and soccer! Newman pride right there!  I pray for y'all every night,
and each Saturday, I see those prayers answered over and over again. Happy to see all
going so well. Love you Pops.

Mom’s Questions:

1. Is it beginning to look like Christmas? How do people decorate in Uruguay?

In the office and chapel, yes. But in general, the people are pretty modest when it comes to
Christmas decorations.

2. How is #lighttheworld going this week?

Going good; Elder Bazaes and I are implementing the Living Christmas Card in our contacts
and are searching for references to apply it too. Also going to do a stand in the feria with
singing and materials to gift out.

3. Do you have a favorite Christmas hymn in Spanish?

Venid, Adoremos (O Come, All Ye Faithful)

Monday, December 4, 2017

Light the World; Una Montaña Rusa; e Mestre do Inglês

 Thanksgiving Turkey Bowl (Montevideo Mission Office Elders and Montevideo West Mission Office Elders)
 Thanksgiving Feast
 Pres. Eddy and his family with the Office Elders
 Montevideo and Montevideo West Office Elders

Helloo everyone! My, it's been a while! (Well, it's only been a week and a half, but after that long, you sure are ready for P Day.) This past week and a half was kind of a roller coaster (hence Montaña Rusa {Roller coaster}) because immediately after Thanksgiving, I got really sick. To the point that I could hardly talk, I almost couldn't walk, I was constantly blowing my nose and never cleared up my sinuses, fever, etc. We worked very little between Thursday and Sunday because of that, and it was super frustrating to not be able to do much, but I for sure learned patience due to that experience, and I was able to see that I wasn't so bad off thanks to Diego.

Diego was a complete surprise for us; he is the son of a less active mother and showed up halfway during sacrament meeting. He has cancer, and had already received a blessing of health from the Bishop; we gave him a blessing of guidance and comfort. Then the very next day we taught him L1 and he was very receptive and made perfect comments, filling in the gaps for us. We invited him to be baptized the 16/12/17 and he IMMEDIATELY accepted! The fastest I've ever seen anyone accept baptism! We were overjoyed for sure! We also visited him yesterday and taught L2; once again excellent on his part. We're going to have to move his date because 1) he's starting chemotherapy today and will not be at church tomorrow, and 2) he needs to get married. But he has the desire for sure; he asked us straight up, "What do I need to do to be baptized?" Super excited for him!

We have started teaching Adriana, the mother of Virginia Añón, and have gotten through the first 3 lessons. She also is very perceptive and inspired just like her daughter. In the first charla that Elders Bazaes and Christensen (intercambio) had with her, she had declined baptism because she didn't feel ready. However, in our last charla with her, after a spiritually charged L2, we invited her again, and she responded "I will," with all the confidence in the world. Virginia was shocked for sure!

Light the World campaign has officially started! Yesterday we did a really cool service activity as a zone: we cleaned up the beach in Carrasco and did this super fun balloon Make-A-Wish activity! Super fun to see the bright effect Christmas has in people's lives!

Random fun fact: after I scored a TD in the Turkey Bowl last week, Pres. Eddy asked me if I had played rugby before. I said no, and he said, "Shoot, I just lied to President Olson." I then told Pres. Olsen (from the West mission) that I wasn't, in fact, a rugby player, and he said that I should sign up after the mish.

We have also started English classes this week and they are turning out really well; had a turnout of around 10 people this first time! Can't wait to see how that rolls forward.

Love you all; thank you for your constant, unfailing support. See y'all next week!

Élder Newman :)
Mom, no kidding, that was a LOONG time w/o communication! Glad to see you survived Sin City and even enjoyed the visit. I saw the Thanksgiving pics and that is once again a grand gathering in the Newman home! Laughing at the sister missionary pic from the airport. You sure are a wonderful missionary mom at all times.

Dad, ¡Viva Vegas! Nice tool chest you're sportin there! Love the Christmas lights as well. Haha the legendary 3-2 defense! Virtually unstoppable! Love you Pap, and good luck with the Bear's games!

Bear, thank goodness for people like that one sweetheart who will stand up and are a light to the world. What a great friend she must be. Can't wait to see you dominate in Bantam and futsal! Love ya!

Callie, did you know that steak is literally my favorite? And I hope you enjoy the scones because scones are DELECTABLE!  I hope you have a great bday party and have a sweet experience singing for the people at the rest home! And I hope you're being good so that Santa can give you what you want! I love you!

Emmr! I smile when you say that you wish that you had my faith someday, because you have always been an example to me of faith, charity, and hope. Way to tackle chemistry! All of my chem knowledge went away a long time ago. Dance and choir are soo cool because instead of showing what you've accomplished behind doors, on a piece of paper, and quietly, you can express yourself and what you've learned and accomplished and receive immediate feedback! Truly awesome. ¡Continuá haciendo cosas buenazas! Sos un ejemplo para mi y siempre lo has sido. ¡Te quiero! (Keep doing good things! You are an example for me and you always have been. I love you!)

Mom’s Questions:
1. What are some of the service activities you have planned for #lighttheworld?

Yesterday we cleaned the beach in Carrasco as a zone, and as a district, we have plans to clean up beaches and parks, and sing in parks as well.
2. How are the Virginias doing? Are you going to be able to teach their families?

They are facing some trials but still pushing strong. Vodanovich is starting with her treatment for cancer and Añón is kind of down about negative situations with family and some members of the ward.
3. Do you have any new investigators?

Just Diego so far, but we have been constantly searching this past week, and I feel that we are getting close to seeing even more miracles unfold this week. :)
4. What is something you are looking forward to this week?

Friday, we will get to lunch at the Oro conference, and then we are going to participate in the ward Christmas night that day; supposedly our musical number in that one sacrament meeting was so good and liked that they want us to perform again! :) (BTW, I have the video of our rehearsal for that one number that we took Saturday night during Correlation.
5. Is it easier to teach during the Christmas season or harder?

Well, we didn't teach a ton of people last year either way and it was hard to find news, but I am positive that it will be easier because during the Christmas season, people feel more love for their families and others.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Gratitude; Domingo Maravilloso; e Os Elegidos

Hello, my peoples! Happy Thanksgiving! I am honestly sooo grateful for all the blessings my Father in Heaven has given me, and for the opportunity to be here in this wonderful part of the Lord's vineyard serving my Uruguayan brothers and sisters. I am thankful for the blessings my family has received while Christian and I have been away. And above all, I am sooo grateful to be a child of God with the destiny to become like Him and have all that He has. How blessed we all are, and I invite you all to find some quiet time to consider and count your blessings this Thanksgiving Day. You will be overwhelmed as I am.

This morning, we had a Turkey Bowl with the mission president of the West mission - Presidente Olsen - as well as his family and his office Elders. Such a fun time; everyone was balling up, laughing and having a good time. (I'll send pics next week; I didn't take any, but President Olsen and Hermana Eddy did). In a bit, we are going to have Thanksgiving lunch at the Eddy's home; STOKED!

Domingo Maravilloso (Wonderful Sunday): This past Sunday was honestly the best Sunday I've had in the entire mission. For one, Virginia V was confirmed a member of the Church, and her entire family came once again to support her. What's more, they LOVED the service! Adriana came once again this week even though we didn't have a charla with her throughout the week! And a man named Daniel, whom we met while he was taking care of a less active's house and who lives in a different area, came to our church as well! This was huge for the Elders in 18 de Mayo, Las Piedras, because they have a baptismal date with him for the 9th of December, but hadn't had contact with him, and had he not attended, the date would've fallen and they would have dropped him. We called them during weekly planning to give them the good news, and they were ECSTATIC! Daniel asked us to teach him as well and we set a charla for Friday and now are sharing the teaching load with the other Elders. Excited to see what happens!

Os Elegidos (The Chosen): I have been reading Member Missionary Work & Finding the Elect of God (Scott Marshall) this week and have been trying to apply his techniques. On Tuesday, I had an intercambio with Manzie (finally! after 15 whole months!) and our charla fell through, so we decided to look positively and relentlessly for the elect. We saw ahead on the sidewalk this young couple with a baby stroller, and at first I felt hesitant, but I took the resolve to start talking with them, and we had the most comfortable and friendly contact EVER! They accepted wholeheartedly to have a charla the next day and learn about the gospel, and when I checked up the next day, I learned that Nicolás and Katy (them) have a baptismal date for the 13th of January! (still need to get married) Super big testimony builder that the elect are out there, and we just need to find them!

Short on time, but I'm soo grateful as well for all of you in my life, and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! ¡Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias! (Happy Thanksgiving Day!)

Con amor,
Élder Newman :)

Hey Mom! Glad to see that you, the Hollands, and Manzanares' had such a great time and got along so well. Let me know when the Hollands get their country assignment! Sure jealous of the Rancheritos.  Peacocks and cougars! Dang, sure getting a lot of nature in the neighborhood recently! Tell Sara Hamson hi from me! Love you tons!

Hey Pap! Super cool that you got to meet Pappa Manzie and Brother Holland. Some sweet looking Christmas lights for sure! #ItsBeginningToLookALotLikeChristmas Love you.

BEAR! Super stoked for the Ragnarok movie someday! Glad you enjoyed it. Today's Turkey Bowl was just what I needed as well; I felt soooo good to be running around tossing a pigskin after so long. Tell all the cousins hi for me! Love you so much!

Emmr! An iPhone! In the Newman family! Wow, the Berlin Wall's coming down all over again! Thor Ragnarok sounds like the perfect mix of comedy and action. All A's, nice job! Haha good luck with Caleb! Con amor, Élder Oldman

Callerist! Yes, my foot is very much better. Thank you for asking and caring about me!  I sure do miss pie... hopefully we'll have some with the Eddys! Love you tons!

Mom’s Questions:
1. Are you having a Turkey Bowl tomorrow?

We just had it in the morning against the West mission! Close game, but we probably won (no score kept, of course) and I had a pair of TD's. Super fun!

2. What was your favorite scripture you read this week? What scriptures have you been studying this week?

Alma 4:15. It is a great reminder and huge comfort when things get tough in the mish. This week I've been applying the Christ Study exercise from Elder Nelson (currently on the Divine Sonship of Christ) and also the war chapters of the Book of Mormon! There's a lot of great hidden lessons in there for sure!

3. Have you and Elder Manzaneras had any opportunities to sing together at church or baptisms?

Yup! This past Sunday, all the Elders and our DOM (Director de la Obra Misional, or Ward Mission Leader) sang himno 88: Placentero Nos Es Trabajar, acapella version. No, it's not in the English hymnbook, but it was awesome, and I will send you a video next week that we took Saturday night during Correlations.

4. What exercise have you been doing lately?

Running; jump ropes and body exercises, WEIGHTS! (not official ones, but the best I've seen in a missionary house); etc.
5. Are you making your bed? :)

Yes, ma'am! :)