Monday, December 18, 2017

Eternal Family in the Making; Maestros de Mudanza; e A Paciencia

Our Elvish Christmas Card to you
Adriana's baptism

 Asado with the office Elders

HEYO EVERYBODY!!! Awesome week this week despite the challenges in our way. The whole week was topped off yesterday with me saying good bye to my trainer Elder Anderson, and then making it back for Adriana's baptism! It was such a sweet, spiritual experience; one of Virginia Añón's new friends was crying because it was so sweet. And there was another neat surprise...

I played the piano in the service! Yes Mom, you read that right. I learned early on in the week that Elder Manzanares would not make it on Friday because he'd be helping the valientes get through the airport and boarding and all that jazz, so I practiced Come Follow Me and I Stand All Amazed for a few days. It wasn't great - I messed up quite a few times - but it wasn't too bad either, and a lot of members came up afterwards and asked me why I hadn't told them that I can play the piano! I told them the truth, which is that I really don't know how to play.

We also helped the Camino Carrasco Elders move all their stuff out of their old apartment so that they could take it to their new home! And we were super efficient: 1h and 45m with an apartment on the 4th floor. Moving Masters! (Maestros de Mudanza (Moving Teachers))

This week, I followed President Eddy's advice and decided to keep, in my journal, a record of what Christlike attributes I was trying to develop and how it went each day. And it has been interesting to see my progress! President is so inspired; I feel incredibly blessed to have him at the head of our mission. We are in good hands for sure.

We had a fun, unique assignment this week in the offices as well! Sister Eddy needed to take Brandon to Hospital Británico to X-Ray his ankle (sprained), and she asked us to accompany them! I drove, and Elder Bazaes translated in the hospital. Fun to spend a little time with the Eddy family; they're all incredible and the best missionary family I could've asked for.

Side note: it just passed 100°F here in Uruguay. In the south, that never happens. And to top it all off, it's super humid as well. I feel outside like I'm in an oven. Thank goodness for the office AC.

I hope you all have a great week leading up to this Christmas! As we strive to emulate our Savior in this special time, we will make the world a brighter, better place.

Con muchísimo amor,

Élder Newman

Mom, tell Emma Gardner congratulations! I was thinking, concerning the Skype call, Monday in the evening, around like 7 PM my time, 6PM Christian's time, and 3 PM your guys' time. (Then Christian would come in 20 minutes later after). Or maybe an hour later. The reason is because we have dinner Sunday night with the Palavé's, breakfast with the Eddy's Monday morning, and lunch with the Lavega's in El Pinar Monday (I was invited and got permission from President). But I can rearrange if necessary.  And it will most likely be from the office itself, because the computers and internet there are super high quality. Great to see everything going so well in the family. One of the best gifts I could ask for! Love you so much!

Pap, looks like everything is thriving back at home with the girlies. Truly makes my heart swell to see how they've all blossomed. And WOW! Sarah has physically grown so much too! Can't wait for our family to momentarily reunite during Christmas. Love you Pops!

BEAR! Smoking saves right there! I love that aggressiveness!  I probably had to memorize that poem, but I can't remember... Can't wait to talk with you on Skype (actually Google Hangouts)!

Callerist, I absolutely LOVED the video of your dance and your concert! You did so well!  And way to go with the no cavities! Love you so much!

Mom’s Questions:

1. What is something funny that happened this week?

Well, many, MANY things, but one was that one of Elder Anderson's bags was WAY overweight when we tested it the night before he went home. The limit is 23 kg (almost 51 lbs.) and his bag weighed in at 31.7 kg (70 lbs.)!!!! Haha I don't know how he got back under (because he did), because he got rid of almost nothing! Magician.

2. When did you feel the Spirit most this week?

Either during our charla with Diego & Seba, or in Adriana's baptism. It was incredible the Spirit that was there.

3. How is your exercise going? What is your favorite exercise to do on your mission?

Going super well! I normally get in 1-2 Manzie workouts - alternate between 100 jump rope and body exercises like pushups, situps, bicycle crunches, knee tuck jumps, etc. - a week, twice a week running, and 1-2 good weight seshes once a week.

4. With transfer week do you know who Elder Bazaes’s replacement will be? Does that make you the senior comp?

I will know Sunday! And there's not technically a senior/junior comp (we both classify under Special Assignment), but knowing the area will force me to take the lead a little bit!

5. What extra responsibilities do you have with the Wankiers gone?

We have to deal with the housing contracts, moving missionaries, and filing all the documents. President is taking over their role in house inspections.

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