Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Hit the Road e Sede Espiritual

Dinner at Sabe a Peru
Office Silliness

Hey peoples! Another great week as we were able to find some new investigators and do some fun stuff around the office. We tried our luck with another Peruvian restaurant, Sabe a Perú (Tastes like Perú), and it turned out fantastic! Especially since you can normally get discounts by using your card, and whilst Sabor Peruano doesn't take cards, Sabe a Perú does! Probably never going take money out at an ATM again while I'm here.

But on more important terms: Sede Espiritual (Spiritual Headquarters)  - WE FOUND THE ENGLISH LADY! We finally tracked down Virginia and have had Lessons 1 & 3 with her, and she is for sure an elegida (chosen)! She wants to come closer to Christ and is hungry to learn and find peace - some evidence is that when we left her 3 Nephi 11 to read, she read all the way to 3 Nephi 19! Awesome! She has a baptismal date for the 11/11/17 and has been progressing like fire. She not only reads, but she understands and already has a great knowledge of the Bible, Christ's life, and the Gospel in general. Super excited to see what happens.

Virginia Vodanovic (of Gerardo and Germán) was out of town this week in Buenos Aires and she just got back yesterday, so we are going to try and set a charla for tomorrow, and invite them to church! We also found some old investigators that are interested in learning and coming to church, Silvia and then Alberto, so we're happy to see the results of the long preparation of the Lord.  Gonna be another great week!

The Office Elders are seriously a hoot! I promise we do get good work done, but it's sure great to have such fun guys to be around.

Also, I've been dropping weight! A week ago, I dropped under 200 for the first time, and I've been successful so far with my goal of staying constantly under 200 lbs. And all this, in the offices!

Hit the Road, Jack: Wellup, I'm on the roads now - passed Elder Wankier's test like a champ - and it's strange how comfortable I already feel behind the wheel again. Now, I won't get to drive that much, because the assistants use the van a TON, but I sure feel great doing it while I can.

The trip looks like a ton of fun! Love you Mom!

Pap, you are now officially (what's the character's name that Robin Williams plays in RV?)... welp, there went my clever comment. oh well.  Glad to hear you guys are having fun out in Nevada and Arizona, and super stoked to hear about the PG boys' win. If they beat Kearns, that will be a HUGE confidence booster! Haha you totally should've hit that cow in the RV! Then you could add "Heifer Hunter" to you resumé! (I got that from Denver) Love you!

All A's! Newman tradition strong! Way to go Emmrs! ¡Tendrás muchas oraciones de mi parte!  Y ¡que bueno para los fútboleros americanos de PG! (You will have many prayers from me! And what good for the PG American footballers!) And I seriously am so humbled to be an example for you, because in MANY ways throughout my life, you've been one for me. ¡Te quiero mucho! (I love you so much!)

Crossing the wake! Nice work, Bear! And great work in your soccer game - SHUTOUT. Love you tons!

Callie, I believe I AM going to have a birthday party two days early! Super excited, but a little scared to be 20 YEARS OLD!  Oh, and how I miss ham and cheese sliders! Love you soo much!

Love you all, and here's to another great week in  the service of the Lord! ¡Os quiero! (I love you!)

Con amor,
Élder Newman :)

Mom’s Questions:
1. Any fun plans for pday next week for your birthday?

Up until now, no idea. Probably just tranquilo, no más

2. How are your investigators doing?

Pretty good. We've had little contact with Virginia and her family, and Santiago and Lucía up until now, but we have plans to visit them again this weekend. And we've found some new people as well, so that's great!

3. Any inside jokes between you and your companion and the other office elders?

Up until now, nothing comes to mind.

4. Have you gotten used to your new responsibilities? How are things going to change when Elder and Sister Wankier leave next transfer?

Yup! And I'm getting new responsibilities in the next few weeks as I become the new Chequero.

5. Did you pass Elder Wankier's driving test?

You betcha! Easy peasy. :)

Monday, October 16, 2017

Hot Pursuit; ¡Uruguayo Soy!; e Que Mundo Puequeno no Qual Vivemos!

 MTC group Reunion (Elder Holland, Manzaneras, Newman)

 Elder Newman and Elder Manzaneras
 Elder Newman and his previous companion Elder Estouco (who is now an AP)

 Peruvian restaurant

Hey peoples! So good to be talking with you all this beautiful, bright Saturday! By way of news: Uruguay beat Bolivia, so we now know who the greater Newman is (haha love you Christian!) And in the offices, as well as the field, this has been an eventful, great week!

¡Uruguayo Soy!: Originally people had called me a "Gringo Trucho" (fake white guy) because I hate peanut butter, love mate, love carbonated water, tonic water, and have cooked my own asado more than once; basically, that I was more Uruguayan than American. However, this week, I got my Cédula Uruguaya (Uruguayan ID) AND my libreta uruguaya de conducir (Uruguayan driver's license)! I am now a true Uruguayan! All that remains is to take Elder Wankier's (senior couple missionary who is just the best) mini driving test, and I will be on the roads! Exciting and scary at the same time, because the Uruguayan drivers here are crazy, and there are basically no rules that are followed. Don't worry Mom, I'll be super careful! As celebration for the cédula (Elder Estouco went with me so he could begin the paperwork), all us office Elders went out to eat at Sabor Peruano, a Peruvian restaurant in Ciudad Vieja (Old Town) in Montevideo, in the other mission, where we go a lot for office work. Pictures included, but it was AMAZING! Their seafood (and steak) is top notch! I tried squid and octopus and was enchanted!

Hot Pursuit: This morning, we had to go to the offices to pull out some mission cash so that Elder Mecham could go and take a medical driving exam, which is a requisite before going to la Intendencia (Town Hall) in order to homologar (convert) our USA drivers' licences easily and quickly to Uruguayan ones (I did that this week). We decided to run to the offices, me in proselyting clothes, Elder Bazaes in P-Day clothes because he had little time to dress. Long story short: he crossed the street before me because he darted out in front of a semi truck and I didn't dare; thus, I started running to catch up and he ran way out in front. During my "Hot Pursuit," my pen and Missionary Roster fell out, and as I turned around to pick them up, I saw a man in sports clothes behind me stop running and say quickly, "¿Estás bien? ¿Te ayudo?" (You're good? I help you?) Apparently, he thought that Elder Bazaes was a juvenile who had robbed me (due to our difference of clothes), and he had started running to help me catch him! #CAPO

Que Mundo Pequeno no Qual Vivemos! (What a small world we live in!): Yesterday night, we had the privilege of dining and sharing a scriptural thought with the saintly old Martinez couple, where I had a surreal experience. When I said that I was from Pleasant Grove, they said, "Oh! We know that place! We served with a President Driggs in the temple here at one point, and we've been there before!" Driggs sounded super familiar, so I named off the twins from a grade up, Ian and Stephanie, that I had known, and they said, "That's them!" Small world!

This week was absolutely amazing with Virginia and Gerardo, the Soto Vodanovic family, for we had two charlas and their son, Germán, started to listen! We taught the Plan of Salvation with this really neat kids-version, 20-minute video there is on Chanal Mormón, and that night they all three easily accepted the baptismal date for the 4th of November! In the next charla, we felt inspired to bring a missionary who was going home early with us to participate, and he did super well and I feel that it was a great experience for him. When we got there yesterday, Virginia said that she was ready and 100% excited for the 4th, and Gerardo and Germán said that although they wish to wait a little longer to get baptized, they will continue listening and applying the message as if nothing had changed; we had a delightful charla on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and their great questions were answered and our testimonies brought tears to Virginia's eyes. I just KNOW that they will all make it to baptism, perhaps all 3 (or even 4 with Victoria) before I leave in 6 months! But, of course, all in accordance with the will of the Lord.

Little bummed because we weren't able to establish contact and have a charla with Santiango and Lucía or the other Virginia this past week, but we will keep trying!

FUN FACT: We had a little MTC group reunion when Elder Holland came into the office on Wednesday. So great to see him again! (first foto)

Love you all, and I'll be hitting you again with the detes this coming Saturday!

Con amor,
Élder Newman :)

Hey Mom, can't wait to see the new lawn! And the pics of the sunset and the canyon are truly spectacular! Thanks for sending them my way! Tell C-Mill hi for me! Love you tons!

Callie! This week was super fun, because I went into Old Town and ate Peruvian food! Peru is another country down here in South America on the west coast; it's right on the border of Bolivia,  where Christian is! The food was super yummy! Haha "kisses" - that's a super cute trick your friend’s dog does. Love you sooo much!

Emma, ¡Hudl será muy beneficioso para ti! Me encantaba de vardad... Jaja no te preocupes, la escuela pasa muy rápidamente. ¡Fuah! (Hudl will be very beneficial to you! I loved vardad ... Haha do not worry, school happens very quickly.  Fuah!) 14 hours of Drill in a day! Glad the drill display case turned out well!  ¿Me enviás una foto? ¡Te quiero muchísimo! (Send me a picture? I love you a lot!)

BEAR! I don't quite remember the Kiss Cam story from Mr. Manning, what was it like? Real Salt Lake? How fun! And way to be a beast and go solo with the sod-laying! Newman Pride! Super glad to hear how sports are going; it sure is great to be active and healthy. Love you Bear!

Pap, yup, the office environment is pretty similar all around. Love you Pops.

Mom’s Questions:
1. Elder Manzaneras’ mom told me that he was excited to have you join him in the office so that he would have someone to run with since his companion doesn’t like to run. Have you gone for any runs together? Also, do you ever sing together since he loves music too?

We have been once and plan now to go twice a week. And pretty much anytime we're in the house, it's not a case of if, but when we will break out in spontaneous harmony. It's pretty great, and he's SUPER talented!

2. Do you have any new investigators? How is the work?

Germán, son of Gerardo and Virginia! It's still tough to find people who will listen to us; the city is definitely of a colder disposition than the frontier and suburbs. But those who do listen are completely open (black or white), so we are continuing strong!

3. Are you adjusting to your new proselyting schedule?

Now I'm getting the hang of it.

4. What goals do you have for yourself for the next little bit?

I'm trying to: 1) be completely positive and personal in contacts no matter what, 2) get back into cooking, and 3) do a singing contact at some point! Elder Bazaes sings pretty well too and can actually sing harmony, so that's been super great!
5. Did the black pants I sent to you work for you with the jacket you acquired, and do they fit? :)

Yes and yes! Thanks a ton!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Slowly yet Surely; Curando el Matecito; e Não Empuxar O Bolo Pela Garganta

Elder Newman, Elder Sousa (son) and Elder Harris (grandson)

Curando el Matecito

Hello my peoples! Super good to be talking with you all this week. We are definitely being stretched here in Malvin, but no doubt that I've seen the hand of the Lord working in our lives and in our area. Also, some cool surprises on Wednesday, while I was going to begin paperwork for my Uruguayan ID: I finally got to meet my grandson Elder Harris! (Elder Souza had also come for his cédula, or ID) I also met an Hermana from my Grandma Jessop's stake back home, so that was super cool too!

This week, not gonna lie, was rather tough. We were diligent and were constantly on the hunt for new people to teach, but until yesterday, had found nobody, and good contacts were very few. Lots of slammed doors and quick rejections. However, we were able to contact the reference of a contact right away! She's (also) Virginia, in about her 30's, and she speaks English and is SUPER interested in getting closer to God. We invited her, as well as Santiago and Lucía, to Malvín C's (or, the secretaries') baptism for today! Santiago is the son of Pedro, a 2-year convert; Lucía is his girlfriend. He had taken the lessons with the hermanas before, and they accepted to read Mosiah 2:41! Excited to see where they go! We weren't able to have a charla this week with Virginia and Gerardo because she's been wiped out from her cancer treatment on Wednesday, but her friend told us that they are still super interested in continuing to learn, and so now is their 10 year old son! Slowly but surely, we're getting it going!

Não Empuxar O Bolo Pela Garganta (Do Not Push The Cake Through The Throat): In multi-zone conference this week with President Eddy, we talked about properly using the most effective missionary tool available, the Book of Mormon. He showed an example in HIS mission president, President Jarman, who instead of reading a bunch of verses and then trying to explain it all, read super slowly, phrases at a time with frequent pauses and many questions, experiences, personal testimony, etc. It took him 15 minutes to get through 1 Nephi 1:1-2, 4-5, but the experience they had and the Spirit they felt was amazing; it was a much more interactive and fruitful experience than the usual way to share scripture, at least at the beginning of teaching. It made me think: as I had learned from Elder José A. Teixera, the Book of Mormon is like a delectable cake; but I realized that if we try to shove the cake down one's throat, they are not going to enjoy it, contemplate it, or comprehend it very much. We must, as President Jarman did, hold out a piece and let them take a bite, contemplate it, experience the joy, and slowly eat more and more. Super inspiring, and I am excited to apply it here in Malvin!

Been thinking a lot about Elder Hales since he passed; truly a humble, Christlike man. The world will surely miss this great witness of Christ. Upon listening to his words time and time again, I can testify that he was a true Apostle, a special witness of Christ, and I know that whoever fills his place will be qualified by the Lord for the work.

Love you all! ¡Vamo arriba!

Elder Newman :)

Hey Pap, sorry to hear about the sinus infection; being sick is certainly no fun. And super cool flag ceremony even though we got smoked by the one team I would never want to be smoked by. Oh well. Hope you get better soon! Love you Pops.

Back yard's coming back!  Training for new positions; looks like we're in the same boat! It's so true as well; we need to prepare ourselves to return to our Savior's and to God's presence, or we will feel uncomfortable, as the scriptures say. I've actually studied that recently; look up Isaiah 6:1, 3, 5; and Alma 36:19-22. Love you Mom!

BEAR! Sorry for the losses; it definitely is frustrating after a long streak of success. I feel you completely. Just keep going and don't get discouraged, and things will start to go back uphill. Glad you enjoyed the drill clinic! Love ya!

CALLERIST! Man, it sure is fun to do performances/games/work with friends! I have some of my best friends in the mission here in the offices with me. Make sure to send me lots of photos! I love you!

Emmerist! Worth the wait! I can't wait to see the dance and how you girls do! Hahaha Newman's laugh just went through my mind and I laughed as well; miss that guy! ¡Te quiero, hermana!

Mom’s Questions:

1. Did you get your birthday package yet?

YUP! I had Elder Bazaes peek inside to get out my black suit pants (I haven't looked in yet). Thanks!

2. What are you learning from the other office elders? Are you working your tail off?

I'm learning to be patient with myself as I learn my duties, and all the sorts of organization I have to do. We are definitely working very hard here; there's always tons to do!

3. What does your house look like? Maybe take a picture or two (inside and outside)

I actually recorded some videos, so you'll get the whole tour!

4. Do you cook as much as in your other areas or are you fed by the members more? What different foods have you eaten lately?

It is a mix of members feeding us, us cooking, and President feeding us in the many conferences that happen in Carrasco. I've eaten chicken with stir fry, stroganoff, chicken with these noodle/potato thingys, etc. (I think he is talking about gnocchi.)

5. What is your ward like? How many people attend? Is Pres. Eddy’s family in your ward?

It is the stake center and a big ward, I've heard. I wouldn't know how many because I've only been to GC on the Sunday here, but Elder Bazaes says about 100. And the Eddy family attends in Carrasco, not Malvin.

6. Are you adjusting to office work followed by proselyting in the evenings?

Yes. It sure was a big change, but I'm getting used to it now! Also weird getting used to Saturday P-Days, but also a fun and manageable change!

Monday, October 2, 2017

"This is Trunking Me Outta my Mind!"; Cambios: La Semana de Pesadilla; e A Conferencia Geral Muito Boa

 The Calcagño Grande family from El Pinar
 Office Elders with Pres. Eddy
P-day with the Office Elders and Pres. Eddy

What's up, everyone! This was a super crazy week with changes and all, but I'm starting to get the hang of things around here! Let me tell you, it's super fun to be where I am helping all my friends in the mish at once; you definitely get a new perspective! Not only that, but - and despite the ruckus and chaos of cambios (changes, transfers), we were able to find an amazing family to teach!

Virginia and Gerardo are references from Hermana Bordenave from the other mission; their daughters are good friends. They are super warm, friendly, and receptive, and with cancer having invaded the life of Virginia, they are searching God more than ever. They were always strong believers and affirm to have seen miracles in their lives. Elders Fix, Bazaes, and I were able to teach L1 (Lesson 1: The Restoration) to them and show the video of the Restoration. The Spirit was super strong there; it reduced Virginia to tears, and  they came to Conference this week! Not only that, but the Saturday Afternoon Session where four Apostles were able to speak! "Coincidence? I think NOT!" (name that movie) She has to go in for an operation this week, so we will see if we can call her afterwards and see how she's doing, and perhaps arrange another charla! Excited to set a baptismal date; I'm positive they'll accept!

"This is Trunking Me Outta my Mind!": We were talking with Virginia and Gerardo about the Conference just after the second Session when I heard a familiar voice come on over the speakers. I looked up, and lo, and behold! Dallin Pili! I gasped and said excitedly, "¡Fa! ¡Le conozco a él! ¡Jugué el fútbol americano con él!" (Fa! I know him! I played football with him!) Then popped up another PG face that I knew. "¡A ella también!" (And another!) Elle Evans. Etc. I found out later that it was part of a LDS Youth video called Our Eternal Potential, based on a Conference talk by Allan F. Packer, but in the moment, I was completely shocked, hand over my mouth, almost laughing, speechless. For the first time in my mission, I got a little trunky. (Don't worry, I'm fine now)

Cambios: La Semana de Pesadilla (Changes: Nightmare Week): Already explained a little before, but the office load during changes is very high and super packed. I was tired and I had a very small load compared to the other Elders! Not only that, a few nights, we had to sleep in a hot, stuffy hotel room to same travel time and money. Definitely fun! And the office environment is super great here; all the Elders are super tight. It's been awesome working with Elder Estouco and working and living with Elder Manzanares. Man, that's a funny kid!

A Conferencia Geral Muito Boa (The Very Good General Conference): Man, what an inspired and spiritual Conference! Truly amazing to see many questions answered, and Elder Andersen's tribute to Elder Hales and President Monson was very touching. And I saw some old friends from El Pinar there: The Calcagño Grande family! (picture above)

Love you all; I'm looking forward to see what's in store for us here in Montevideo! ¡Vamo arriba!

Elder Newman :)

Callerist! I can't believe that! We never rented a motor home while I was there! :/ xD Haha hope you have fun! Saturday is my new P-Day, so I love Saturday too! I really like this new place! It's super pretty and pretty calm. Good luck with the drill clinic and your performance! Love you!

Emma, fa, ¡felicitaciones con su aéreo! ¡Trabajaste muy arduamente para conseguir eso! (Fa, congratulations to your aerial! You worked very hard to get that!) Tell Stacey congrats! ¡Te quiero, Emma! (I love you, Emma!)

Wow! Those are some beatdowns, Bear! My new area appears to be super good! We didn't get to work much this past week because of changes, but we'll see this next week! Love you!

Hey! Great to see some familiar faces! Tell Hna. Cabrera hi and that I miss her and Chuy too! Is there any way you could get me Dallin Pili's mish email and Elle Evans email? I want to send them a quick shoutout from the video.  Love you Mom!

On a motorcycle!? "¡Que truchazo!" (What a trick!) my comp just said. Say hi to Cade and Aaron for me! Both looking in really good shape! Love you Pap. :)

Mom’s Questions:

1. What are your responsibilities as the finance secretary?

There's two types of financers (and we both get to do both for 2 changes each) I am currently a Tarjetero: I manage the missionaries giro, reimbursables, phones, etc. as well as electronic expenses from President and Elder Wankier; basically, everything electronic. Elder Bazaes is a Chequero right now: he manages the rent, water, and electricity of the houses, as well as expenses with loose cash. There's obviously a lot more, but that's the basics that I can think of!

2. Who is your companion and what is he like? Is he also a finance secretary?

Elder Bazaes is from Chile; he is super funny and awesome and can joke around in English. He teaches very well and is very patient with me as I learn. He actually played in a rock band before the mission and lived in Spain for 12 years!

3. What is your house like? Do you live in the offices or in a different house?

We live less than 3 minutes from the offices (which are connected to the capilla). The house is two stories, and I honestly think it's even better than Toledo! I'll give you the video tour next week.

4. Do you work with the AP’s much? How far away is their area?

Just in the offices; their area is in the Maroñas zone; they live with my old zone leaders.

5. How is the work in your new area?

Recently the financers moved from Carrasco and switched with the Hermanas in Malvín, so the change before I got here was a whitewash! They've had to build from basically nothing, but they've built a little, and I see a LOT of potential here. Great, supportive members, and really kind people.

6. What was your favorite talk in conference?

I gotta say either Jeffrey R. Holland, Russell M. Nelson, or David A. Bednar.