Monday, October 2, 2017

"This is Trunking Me Outta my Mind!"; Cambios: La Semana de Pesadilla; e A Conferencia Geral Muito Boa

 The Calcagño Grande family from El Pinar
 Office Elders with Pres. Eddy
P-day with the Office Elders and Pres. Eddy

What's up, everyone! This was a super crazy week with changes and all, but I'm starting to get the hang of things around here! Let me tell you, it's super fun to be where I am helping all my friends in the mish at once; you definitely get a new perspective! Not only that, but - and despite the ruckus and chaos of cambios (changes, transfers), we were able to find an amazing family to teach!

Virginia and Gerardo are references from Hermana Bordenave from the other mission; their daughters are good friends. They are super warm, friendly, and receptive, and with cancer having invaded the life of Virginia, they are searching God more than ever. They were always strong believers and affirm to have seen miracles in their lives. Elders Fix, Bazaes, and I were able to teach L1 (Lesson 1: The Restoration) to them and show the video of the Restoration. The Spirit was super strong there; it reduced Virginia to tears, and  they came to Conference this week! Not only that, but the Saturday Afternoon Session where four Apostles were able to speak! "Coincidence? I think NOT!" (name that movie) She has to go in for an operation this week, so we will see if we can call her afterwards and see how she's doing, and perhaps arrange another charla! Excited to set a baptismal date; I'm positive they'll accept!

"This is Trunking Me Outta my Mind!": We were talking with Virginia and Gerardo about the Conference just after the second Session when I heard a familiar voice come on over the speakers. I looked up, and lo, and behold! Dallin Pili! I gasped and said excitedly, "¡Fa! ¡Le conozco a él! ¡Jugué el fútbol americano con él!" (Fa! I know him! I played football with him!) Then popped up another PG face that I knew. "¡A ella también!" (And another!) Elle Evans. Etc. I found out later that it was part of a LDS Youth video called Our Eternal Potential, based on a Conference talk by Allan F. Packer, but in the moment, I was completely shocked, hand over my mouth, almost laughing, speechless. For the first time in my mission, I got a little trunky. (Don't worry, I'm fine now)

Cambios: La Semana de Pesadilla (Changes: Nightmare Week): Already explained a little before, but the office load during changes is very high and super packed. I was tired and I had a very small load compared to the other Elders! Not only that, a few nights, we had to sleep in a hot, stuffy hotel room to same travel time and money. Definitely fun! And the office environment is super great here; all the Elders are super tight. It's been awesome working with Elder Estouco and working and living with Elder Manzanares. Man, that's a funny kid!

A Conferencia Geral Muito Boa (The Very Good General Conference): Man, what an inspired and spiritual Conference! Truly amazing to see many questions answered, and Elder Andersen's tribute to Elder Hales and President Monson was very touching. And I saw some old friends from El Pinar there: The Calcagño Grande family! (picture above)

Love you all; I'm looking forward to see what's in store for us here in Montevideo! ¡Vamo arriba!

Elder Newman :)

Callerist! I can't believe that! We never rented a motor home while I was there! :/ xD Haha hope you have fun! Saturday is my new P-Day, so I love Saturday too! I really like this new place! It's super pretty and pretty calm. Good luck with the drill clinic and your performance! Love you!

Emma, fa, ¡felicitaciones con su aéreo! ¡Trabajaste muy arduamente para conseguir eso! (Fa, congratulations to your aerial! You worked very hard to get that!) Tell Stacey congrats! ¡Te quiero, Emma! (I love you, Emma!)

Wow! Those are some beatdowns, Bear! My new area appears to be super good! We didn't get to work much this past week because of changes, but we'll see this next week! Love you!

Hey! Great to see some familiar faces! Tell Hna. Cabrera hi and that I miss her and Chuy too! Is there any way you could get me Dallin Pili's mish email and Elle Evans email? I want to send them a quick shoutout from the video.  Love you Mom!

On a motorcycle!? "¡Que truchazo!" (What a trick!) my comp just said. Say hi to Cade and Aaron for me! Both looking in really good shape! Love you Pap. :)

Mom’s Questions:

1. What are your responsibilities as the finance secretary?

There's two types of financers (and we both get to do both for 2 changes each) I am currently a Tarjetero: I manage the missionaries giro, reimbursables, phones, etc. as well as electronic expenses from President and Elder Wankier; basically, everything electronic. Elder Bazaes is a Chequero right now: he manages the rent, water, and electricity of the houses, as well as expenses with loose cash. There's obviously a lot more, but that's the basics that I can think of!

2. Who is your companion and what is he like? Is he also a finance secretary?

Elder Bazaes is from Chile; he is super funny and awesome and can joke around in English. He teaches very well and is very patient with me as I learn. He actually played in a rock band before the mission and lived in Spain for 12 years!

3. What is your house like? Do you live in the offices or in a different house?

We live less than 3 minutes from the offices (which are connected to the capilla). The house is two stories, and I honestly think it's even better than Toledo! I'll give you the video tour next week.

4. Do you work with the AP’s much? How far away is their area?

Just in the offices; their area is in the Maroñas zone; they live with my old zone leaders.

5. How is the work in your new area?

Recently the financers moved from Carrasco and switched with the Hermanas in Malvín, so the change before I got here was a whitewash! They've had to build from basically nothing, but they've built a little, and I see a LOT of potential here. Great, supportive members, and really kind people.

6. What was your favorite talk in conference?

I gotta say either Jeffrey R. Holland, Russell M. Nelson, or David A. Bednar.

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