Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Doctor Joys; y Manejando el Guito

Giant Spider Elder George caught from our shower
 Last Sunday in Toledo

 Office Elders

 Reunited with Elder Estouco...
...And Elder Manzaneras


Here we were, Elder George and I, Saturday night. We were baking a cake for Victor and Patricia when all of the sudden the phone rings at 9:30. I pull it out of my pocket, and freeze as I see President Eddy's number on the screen. Upon answering it, I heard an assignment call I had never expected. FINANCER. Office Elder! Then shortly after, the Assistants called me and delivered an even bigger surprise: They would be coming to pick me up at 3 PM after Church the next day!

Well, after 48 hours of frantic packing, hurried goodbyes, and mind-boggling tallers (workshops), here I am. In the offices in Malvín, Montevideo, Uruguay. In the big city at last! I will be serving with Elder Bazaes from Chile, who understands English perfectly and speaks well! Other news from changes: Elder George with be training in Toledo! Elder Estouco, my old comp from Chuy, is the new assistant! I'm now working and living with Elder Manzanares from my group! And my P-Days will now be on Saturdays! Currently I'm getting used to the rumbo of it all; we normally spend the mornings until 5 PM at the latest doing office work, attending conferences, stuff like that; and then we spend the evenings every day (minus Tuesday for conferences) proselyting. This week is super crazy as we need to help out with changes: welcoming oros, buying bus tickets for changes, bringing valientes to the airport, etc. Super fun though! I'll tell a little more next P-Day when my head stops spinning!

But Elisabéth and Martín came to Church on Sunday, and Martín stayed afterwards for the branch baptism of the son of the 2nd Counselor in the Branch Presidency! Great way to end my changes in Toledo; I will sure miss that place. I grew and learned SO much there, and it certainly has a big piece of my heart! Family pictures are with Elisabéth, Martin Perez, Mauricio, and the Alvez family.

Also had to go to Tres Cruces twice for 1) dentist's appointment in Malvín (coincidence?) and then 2) for blood work (same issue as before, just a delayed trip. No worries, all is well). Now I'm getting the hang of Montevideo areas and streets, so I'll have no trouble going by bus and (in the future) BY CAR!

Super excited as well for General Conference! I hope you all have an amazing experience; pray beforehand for inspiration, write down impressions, and you will receive TONS of revelation! I testify that we truly have prophets and apostles in our day that are inspired of God, and they will NEVER lead us astray.

¡Os quiero! (I love you!)

Elder Newman

BEAR! Way to be everywhere and shut them down! I saw your highlights, WAY TO KILL IT!  I really have improved in my fútbol skills recently; ALMOST latino!  You will do great with your talk! Love you!

Callie, looks like you are one smart cookie! Way to go! I remember reading Captain Underpants books, super funny.  It is getting a little warmer now for sure! Love you Callie!

Mom, Elder Manzanares says hi! WOW, what a happy reunion! (Coombsy) Glad you got the FB message from Patricia.  Give Victor lots of support, okay? Love you!

Emma, so glad to hear about homecoming! And way to go in the 97%! Chemistry was always a hard sucker! Have fun with Math Club!

Mom’s Questions:

1. Have you heard if you or Elder George are being transferred?

I'm already in Malvín and George is staying.

2. How are your investigators doing?

Super well. Elisabe´th and Martín came to church, so I'm super happy!

3. What is your favorite thing you ate this week?

Tri-tip steak with the Eddy family Sunday night!

4. What way did the Spirit touch you this week?

I was on divisions with Adolfo Campos, and we decided to go to a future that hadn't been able to attend us,: Matías. We were able to have a quick doorstep charla with him and gift him a Book of Mormon, and it was super special because Elder George and I had just about written him off when I received the impression to visit him again.

5. Have you had a goal for your district? Do you feel you as a district have been successful in reaching it?

As a district, not really; but the Maroñas zone had goals for 7 baptisms and 300 news.

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