Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Márcoles; e Agora Tenho Visto Tudo

Uruguay Pride with Elder George
 Power was out for a little bit so we studied by candle light
 Asado with the district

My beloved peoples! So glad to be talking with y'all once again! This week was a little tough because I had to go to the doctor and I was commanded a week of rest (only charlas we had already set for the week), but we sure did see some miracles! For example, Elisabéth's marido finally agreed to get married!  We were in the Word of Wisdom charla, and when she told us that, she burst into tears of joy. I almost cried myself; I was so touched. Our prayers were certainly answered this week. We've also found a few people by way of super high-quality references. One example: we were lunching with what we thought was a whole-member family minus 1, but apparently there's 2; the head of the family surprised us by saying that his 30-year-old daughter, Sandra, wants to take the charlas and be baptized. We had honestly thought she was a less active and that he was joking, but her smile confirmed it all. Super excited!

Márcoles: So Martes is Tuesday, and Miércoles is Wednesday. Anyhow, we were trying to set another charla with Nicolás, and "Márcoles" slipped out of my mouth.

Agora Tenho Visto Tudo (Now I Have Seen Everything): While Elder George and I were waiting for a bus, we saw the unthinkable. A Volkswagen Beetle towing another Volkswagen hatchback. Now I've seen it all.

Wellup, that's all! Here's to an ever greater week in the service of the Lord! ¡Os quiero (I love you

Con amor,
Elder Newman :)

Mom, thanks for the music! Super fun yet great week, it looks like! I honestly have not either attended the Provo Temple for endowments! Love you Mom!

Pap, that's super tough to hear about the PG boys. But I recently heard an amazing and inspiring quote from my zone leader Elder Alvarez: "Cuando llegue la medianoche, ya llegará el amanecer." I would love it if you could share those words with the boys and try to animate them a little. Cool to see the Utah win!  Love you Pap!

EMMA, HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY!!! Sorry I didn't email last week! Y sí, la cuerda de V no es tan diferente que la normal. Sé que debe ser muy difícil para los muchachos del equipo de fútbol americano sufrir así, pero ¡estoy feliz que tú y tu equipo estén tan felices y haciendo tan bien! ¡Gracias por tu apoyo siempre! ¡Te quiero!  (And yes, the V handled ski rope is not so different than normal. Great job getting up without it. I know it must be very difficult for the guys on the football team to suffer like this, but I'm happy that you and your team are so happy and doing so well! Thank you for your support always! I love you!)

Bear! Glad to see you play so well in your games despite the little mistakes. And technically, Josue is too old to go on a mission (the max age is 26), but we always need to be patient and loving with those who struggle with such weaknesses; after all, we all have our own. Love you!

Ay ay ay Callie! I'm sorry to see all those little injuries and accidents!  But way to be tough through it all! To answer your questions, we recently served a member by making a concrete floor, and we are looking for more opportunities to serve others! Nope, actually it was super rainy and cold this past week. And no earthquakes!  I love you Callie!

Mom’s Questions:

1.Were you able to have a followup appointment with the family of eight? How did it go?

Alright. The family and parents aren't willing to get baptized as of right now, but supposedly one of the sons - who wasn't there at the charla - is super interested! We'll see what happens!

2. How is Elizabeth? Did you come to church again this week?

She did not due to illness, but she's doing super great! Her husband finally agreed to get married with her!

3. Did you enjoy the temple last week?  


4. You said you enjoyed Grandma Newman’s Amish bread. Did you receive a package with a new loaf from the grandparents? Or did you learn how to make it yourself?


5. Is your camera working ok? I noticed you didn’t send any new pictures this week.

Yes it is. Got quite a few for this week.

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