Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Doctor Joys; y Manejando el Guito

Giant Spider Elder George caught from our shower
 Last Sunday in Toledo

 Office Elders

 Reunited with Elder Estouco...
...And Elder Manzaneras


Here we were, Elder George and I, Saturday night. We were baking a cake for Victor and Patricia when all of the sudden the phone rings at 9:30. I pull it out of my pocket, and freeze as I see President Eddy's number on the screen. Upon answering it, I heard an assignment call I had never expected. FINANCER. Office Elder! Then shortly after, the Assistants called me and delivered an even bigger surprise: They would be coming to pick me up at 3 PM after Church the next day!

Well, after 48 hours of frantic packing, hurried goodbyes, and mind-boggling tallers (workshops), here I am. In the offices in Malvín, Montevideo, Uruguay. In the big city at last! I will be serving with Elder Bazaes from Chile, who understands English perfectly and speaks well! Other news from changes: Elder George with be training in Toledo! Elder Estouco, my old comp from Chuy, is the new assistant! I'm now working and living with Elder Manzanares from my group! And my P-Days will now be on Saturdays! Currently I'm getting used to the rumbo of it all; we normally spend the mornings until 5 PM at the latest doing office work, attending conferences, stuff like that; and then we spend the evenings every day (minus Tuesday for conferences) proselyting. This week is super crazy as we need to help out with changes: welcoming oros, buying bus tickets for changes, bringing valientes to the airport, etc. Super fun though! I'll tell a little more next P-Day when my head stops spinning!

But Elisabéth and Martín came to Church on Sunday, and Martín stayed afterwards for the branch baptism of the son of the 2nd Counselor in the Branch Presidency! Great way to end my changes in Toledo; I will sure miss that place. I grew and learned SO much there, and it certainly has a big piece of my heart! Family pictures are with Elisabéth, Martin Perez, Mauricio, and the Alvez family.

Also had to go to Tres Cruces twice for 1) dentist's appointment in Malvín (coincidence?) and then 2) for blood work (same issue as before, just a delayed trip. No worries, all is well). Now I'm getting the hang of Montevideo areas and streets, so I'll have no trouble going by bus and (in the future) BY CAR!

Super excited as well for General Conference! I hope you all have an amazing experience; pray beforehand for inspiration, write down impressions, and you will receive TONS of revelation! I testify that we truly have prophets and apostles in our day that are inspired of God, and they will NEVER lead us astray.

¡Os quiero! (I love you!)

Elder Newman

BEAR! Way to be everywhere and shut them down! I saw your highlights, WAY TO KILL IT!  I really have improved in my fútbol skills recently; ALMOST latino!  You will do great with your talk! Love you!

Callie, looks like you are one smart cookie! Way to go! I remember reading Captain Underpants books, super funny.  It is getting a little warmer now for sure! Love you Callie!

Mom, Elder Manzanares says hi! WOW, what a happy reunion! (Coombsy) Glad you got the FB message from Patricia.  Give Victor lots of support, okay? Love you!

Emma, so glad to hear about homecoming! And way to go in the 97%! Chemistry was always a hard sucker! Have fun with Math Club!

Mom’s Questions:

1. Have you heard if you or Elder George are being transferred?

I'm already in Malvín and George is staying.

2. How are your investigators doing?

Super well. Elisabe´th and Martín came to church, so I'm super happy!

3. What is your favorite thing you ate this week?

Tri-tip steak with the Eddy family Sunday night!

4. What way did the Spirit touch you this week?

I was on divisions with Adolfo Campos, and we decided to go to a future that hadn't been able to attend us,: Matías. We were able to have a quick doorstep charla with him and gift him a Book of Mormon, and it was super special because Elder George and I had just about written him off when I received the impression to visit him again.

5. Have you had a goal for your district? Do you feel you as a district have been successful in reaching it?

As a district, not really; but the Maroñas zone had goals for 7 baptisms and 300 news.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Bubble Bike Man; La Pesadilla de Transito; e A Dor das Pernas

 Service Project finishing a cement floor

 Feeding the Zone
Hey my friends and family! Great to talk with you all once again! Entering now week 5, and it's very possible this next week that I will be heading out! I'll let y'all know how it goes, but if I leave, I will sure miss Toledo. I have learned and stretched sooo much here with Elders Mereles and George.

So we went on a route this Sunday to pick up investigators and less actives, and the only success there was the less active that helped us out, Gustavo. (We actually finished up his floor on Saturday.) But great was our surprise and joy to see Victor back at Church again! He has passed through some TOUGH trials, but is now re-focused and re-dedicated for his marriage and baptism. Tender mercy of the Lord!

Bubble Bike Man: There's this guy that lives in Casarino but passes by through Toledo a lot. He rides his motorcycle with crutches in his lap, and every time he lets off the accelerator, lots of bubble sounds seem to come out of the exhaust. Hence, the name.

La Pesadilla de Transito (The Nightmare of Transit): On Tuesday, we had to go to Prosperidad for the district meeting. 3 hours of travel in what should have easily been 1.5. And then when I went to the dentist's in Malvin on Wednesday, 3 total hours of travel and $187 (U$S 6.68) for a 20-minute appointment. (I don't have cavities, but pre cavities; this week they're going to do sealants on my back molars to prevent the cavity.)

A Dor das Pernas (Leg Pain): Lots of running this past Friday. Elder George and I went running for exercise that morning and he was dying, poor fellow. Then we played soccer that night at the branch activity with some less actives that are coming back, and they were running me up and down the court (2 teams of only 4). My legs were definitely sore the next day!

¡Os quiero muchísimo!, y ¡que el Señor os bendiga en todo! (I love you very much! May the Lord bless you in everything!)

Con amor,
Elder Newman :)

Mom’s Questions:
1. Are you feeling any better this week?

Yup! :)

2. How is Elizabeth doing? When do you think she and her boyfriend will get married?

She's doing great! THey hope to get married by the middle of December at latest; they have to do some stuff around the house (we offered our help ;)) and then they'll go to take out a specific date.

3. What is the most exciting thing that happened this week?

Tie of 2: Victor finally came back to church, and we put a baptismal date on Sandra Vicente, that nonmember daughter we met at the lunch last week. :)

4. When did you feel the most happy this week?

Seeing Victor in church was so alleviating and joyful. :)

5. Did your new music album I downloaded for you work better than the old files?

MUCH BETTER. Thanks! :)

Sarah: The braces! Haha, I've fought that battle; just do them right and you might not have them on for four total years like I did. Haha, heavy sleeper just like your other big bro; I had to use an air horn app and a wireless speaker once to get him up. Ask him. Tell Juney that I'm also getting fairly decent at soccer! Cousin fun is the best. Glad to hear that Gabs and Michael are doing so well. Love you Bear!

Callie: Yay! Glad your leg is getting better! And congratulations on the win! Today I won a few soccer games myself. The school carnival was always so much fun for me; I never got around to doing the dunk tank! And I get the feeling rock walls used to scare me too! And way to be a big girl! Don't worry, I will be happy and love my companion! I love you Callie!

Emma: Responsibility is always challenging, I know the feeling. This week, I have to prepare for a talk in church, a branch choir number, a district meeting, and helping people get to church! But if there's anyone I know that is responsible, it is definitely you, Emma. Tender mercies of the Lord for sure, allowing you to endure that pain through practice! HAHA,SUPER funny the Domino's story; shows they really do listen to their customers! Top notch service! Congrats on Vikette of the week! ¡Te quiero muchísimo, Emma! ¡Espero que todo te vaya bien! (I love you very much, Emma! I hope everything goes well!)

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Márcoles; e Agora Tenho Visto Tudo

Uruguay Pride with Elder George
 Power was out for a little bit so we studied by candle light
 Asado with the district

My beloved peoples! So glad to be talking with y'all once again! This week was a little tough because I had to go to the doctor and I was commanded a week of rest (only charlas we had already set for the week), but we sure did see some miracles! For example, Elisabéth's marido finally agreed to get married!  We were in the Word of Wisdom charla, and when she told us that, she burst into tears of joy. I almost cried myself; I was so touched. Our prayers were certainly answered this week. We've also found a few people by way of super high-quality references. One example: we were lunching with what we thought was a whole-member family minus 1, but apparently there's 2; the head of the family surprised us by saying that his 30-year-old daughter, Sandra, wants to take the charlas and be baptized. We had honestly thought she was a less active and that he was joking, but her smile confirmed it all. Super excited!

Márcoles: So Martes is Tuesday, and Miércoles is Wednesday. Anyhow, we were trying to set another charla with Nicolás, and "Márcoles" slipped out of my mouth.

Agora Tenho Visto Tudo (Now I Have Seen Everything): While Elder George and I were waiting for a bus, we saw the unthinkable. A Volkswagen Beetle towing another Volkswagen hatchback. Now I've seen it all.

Wellup, that's all! Here's to an ever greater week in the service of the Lord! ¡Os quiero (I love you

Con amor,
Elder Newman :)

Mom, thanks for the music! Super fun yet great week, it looks like! I honestly have not either attended the Provo Temple for endowments! Love you Mom!

Pap, that's super tough to hear about the PG boys. But I recently heard an amazing and inspiring quote from my zone leader Elder Alvarez: "Cuando llegue la medianoche, ya llegará el amanecer." I would love it if you could share those words with the boys and try to animate them a little. Cool to see the Utah win!  Love you Pap!

EMMA, HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY!!! Sorry I didn't email last week! Y sí, la cuerda de V no es tan diferente que la normal. Sé que debe ser muy difícil para los muchachos del equipo de fútbol americano sufrir así, pero ¡estoy feliz que tú y tu equipo estén tan felices y haciendo tan bien! ¡Gracias por tu apoyo siempre! ¡Te quiero!  (And yes, the V handled ski rope is not so different than normal. Great job getting up without it. I know it must be very difficult for the guys on the football team to suffer like this, but I'm happy that you and your team are so happy and doing so well! Thank you for your support always! I love you!)

Bear! Glad to see you play so well in your games despite the little mistakes. And technically, Josue is too old to go on a mission (the max age is 26), but we always need to be patient and loving with those who struggle with such weaknesses; after all, we all have our own. Love you!

Ay ay ay Callie! I'm sorry to see all those little injuries and accidents!  But way to be tough through it all! To answer your questions, we recently served a member by making a concrete floor, and we are looking for more opportunities to serve others! Nope, actually it was super rainy and cold this past week. And no earthquakes!  I love you Callie!

Mom’s Questions:

1.Were you able to have a followup appointment with the family of eight? How did it go?

Alright. The family and parents aren't willing to get baptized as of right now, but supposedly one of the sons - who wasn't there at the charla - is super interested! We'll see what happens!

2. How is Elizabeth? Did you come to church again this week?

She did not due to illness, but she's doing super great! Her husband finally agreed to get married with her!

3. Did you enjoy the temple last week?  


4. You said you enjoyed Grandma Newman’s Amish bread. Did you receive a package with a new loaf from the grandparents? Or did you learn how to make it yourself?


5. Is your camera working ok? I noticed you didn’t send any new pictures this week.

Yes it is. Got quite a few for this week.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

2nd Matthew; Mi Paz Os Doy, Mi Paz... Me Voy; e Uma Casa Limpia Convida Ao Espírito (2nd Matthew; My peace I give you, my peace ... I'm going; and Uma Casa Limpia Convida Ao Espírito)

**Jackson decided to write his entire letter in Spanish this week. So scroll down to the bottom if you don’t speak Spanish for the letter translated into English.

¡Hola mis queridos! Hoy, por la primera vez desde el CCM, ¡voy a escribir todo en Español! ¡Tuvimos una semana llena de milagros, y estoy animado para compartiros como nos fue!

El domingo, ¡Elisabéth fue a la Iglesia! Solo estuvo por la primera hora, mas fue una reunión hermosa de ayuno y testimonios, y ¡ella aún encontró a una de sus amigas de su juventud! Nos hizo tan feliz ver su semblante brillante. :)

Este Martes, tuvimos P Day y fuimos al templo. Fa, como lo extrañaba; la paz que proviene de allí es indescriptible. Después, estábamos en las calles en Toledo a las 20:30, habiendo intentado sin éxito encontrar alguien. Así que, decidimos hacer una oración para pedir guía, y al tocar la primera puerta, ¡encontramos y enseñamos una familia de 8! ¡Fue maravilloso de verdad! :D

Pude trabajar con uno de mis líderes de zona, Élder Alvarez de Perú, en Belloni este Viernes. Para que sepáis, Belloni se considera la área más peligrosa de la misión. Jaja pero realmente, fue un intercambio maravilloso, y después de haber trabajado mucho y encontrado a nadie, manteníamos alto el entusiasmo, y ¡encontramos 4 nuevas personas! Una de las charlas fue la segunda mejor lección de La Restauración - 1ª siendo Elisabéth - en la cual he participado en la misión. ¡Un día buenazo!

También hicimos un piso de cimiento para un menos activo ex misionero que se llama Gustavo. Fue tan divertido, lo hicimos en muy poco tiempo, y como resultado, nos ayudó el domingo al acompañarnos y Elisabéth a la capilla. :)

2nd Matthew: El Jueves, durante nuestro estudio de compañerismo, estábamos compartiendo lo que habíamos estudiado durante estudio personal. Le tocaba a Elder George, y sin darse cuenta, dijo, "Vamos a 2º Mateo..." (Let's go to 2nd Matthew) No fue hasta que yo preguntara, "¿2º Mateo...?" que se dio cuenta. xD

Mi Paz Os Doy, Mi Paz... Me Voy: Nuestros líderes de zona nos contaron de que estaban en una charla una vez con una familia, y había un borracho que quería mostrar su conocimiento de la Biblia, así que citó cuando Jesús dejó su paz sobre sus discípulos, pero lo dijó así: "Mi paz os doy, mi paz... ¡Me voy!" (Or basically, "My peace I give unto you, Peace... I'm out!") xD

Uma Casa Limpia Convida Ao Espírito: Elder Wainker vino este Lune para cortar nuestro pasto e inspeccionar nuestra casa. (Por eso hay la foto) Tenía comentarios muy positivos y dijo que la Hermana Wainker habría estado muy complacida si estuviera ahí. Una vez en El Pinar, él dijo, "Limpieza y órden adentro, éxito afuera," y hemos visto éso durante esta semana.

Pap, estoy feliz de que disfrutaron del consejo de barrio con los misioneros. :) ¡Suerte con las preparaciones para los maratones futuros! :)

Opa, ¡el accidente! Que bueno que estés bien. El césped se ve mejor; ahora ¡deja vú con plantar el pasto! ¡Que experiencia hermosa con las obreras en el templo de ambos lados! ¡Te quiero mamá!

Emma, ¡no sabía yo que tenés (in form of vos, or the Uruguayan tú - get used to it ;) ) Mr. Newman como maestro! ¡Decile hola por mí! Haha una experiencia con fútbol americano y los padres sorprendidos.Y bueno, mi español recompensó por la falta de tu español. ;) xD ¡Te quiero!

¡Osa! ¡Jugando en ambos lados de la cancha! ¡Que divertido! ¡Felicitaciones con consejo estudiantil! :D ¡Que continúes haciendo buenas cosas! ¡Te quiero!

¡Callie! Lo siento por el incidente del queso de nacho... No es divertido. Pero ¡me alegro que ya estés bien! ¡Estoy animado para saber come te vaya el número de baile! Nuggets de pollo siempre son ricos.. :) Suerte con el estánd de limonada; ¡eso va a ser divertido! Para el Día de Los Labores, voy a... descansar. ;) xD ¡Te quiero!

¡Que todos tengáis una muy buena semana! :)

Con amor,
Elder Newman :)

Mom’s Questions:
1. What stood out this week as the most spiritual experience you had?

Cuando Elisabéth nos contó durante nuestra lección esta semana que, al tener fe y valor al rogar a su pareja que la apoyara al asistir a la Iglesia, ¡él respondió en manera positiva!

2. How are your investigators? Are they still on track for their baptismal date?

Elisabéth todavía sigue fuerte. Johnny, Carlos, y Rosana fallaron para el 23 de Septiembre.

3. What’s your favorite thing you ate this week?


4. Any funny stories this week?

Bueno, siempre nos estamos riendo; hay tantas historias graciosas que no puedo recordarlas.

(English Translation)

Hello my dear! Today, for the first time since the CCM, I'll write all in Spanish! We had a week full of miracles, and I am encouraged to compartiros as we were!

Sunday, Elisabeth went to the Church! He was alone for the first hour, but it was a beautiful fast and testimony meeting, and She even found one of her friends of her youth! It made us so happy to see her bright face.

On Tuesday, we had P Day and went to the temple. Fa, I’ve missed that; the peace that comes from there is indescribable. Then we were on the streets in Toledo at 20:30, having tried unsuccessfully to find someone. So we decided to say a prayer for guidance, and touching the first gate, and teach We found a family of 8! It was really wonderful!

I could work with one of my zone leaders, Elder Alvarez of Peru, in Belloni Friday. So you know, Belloni is considered the most dangerous mission area.  Haha but really it was a wonderful exchange, and after having worked hard and found no one, we maintained high enthusiasm, and we found 4 new people! One of the talks was the second best lesson Restoration - 1st being ELISABETH - in which I participated in the mission. Buenazo One day!

We also did a floor foundation for a less active returned missionary named Gustavo. It was so much fun, we did it in a very short time, and as a result, on Sunday to join us and helped us get ELISABETH to the chapel.

2nd Matthew: On Thursday, during our study fellowship, we were sharing what we had studied for personal study. Elder George inadvertently said, "Let's 2nd Mate ..." (Let's go to Mate 2nd) It was not until I asked, "2nd Matthew ...?" he realized.

My peace I give you, my peace ... I'm out: Our zone leaders told us that they were in a conversation once with a family, and there was a drunk who wanted to show his knowledge of the Bible, so he cited when Jesus left his peace upon his disciples, but put it this way: "my peace I give you, my peace ... I'm leave you!" (Or basically, "My peace I give unto you, Peace ... I'm out!")

Uma Casa Limpia Convida Espírito Ao: Elder Wainker  came to cut our grass and inspect our house. (Hence the photo) had very positive comments and said Sister Wainker would have been very pleased if she was there. Once in El Pinar, he said, "tidiness in, hit out," and we have seen that this week.

That all may have a very good week!

With love,
Elder Newman :)

Dad, I'm glad you enjoyed the ward council with the missionaries. Good luck with preparations for future marathons!

Opa, The accident! I'm glad you're okay. The lawn looks better; Now deja vu with planting grass! What a beautiful experience with the workers in the temple on both sides! I love you Mom!

Emma, ​​I did not know that you have (in form of you, or the Uruguayan you - get used to it) Mr. Newman as a teacher! Tell him hello for me! Haha, experience with football and surprised parents about your knowledge of the game. And good, my Spanish rewarded for your lack of Spanish. I love you!

OSA! Playing on both sides of the court! What fun! Congratulations to the student council! Continue doing good things! I love you, Sarah!

Callie! Sorry for the nacho cheese accident... It's not funny. But I'm glad you're all right now! I'm excited to see your new dance number! Chicken nuggets are always delicious. Good luck with the lemonade stand; That will be fun! For Labor Day, I will ... rest. I love you!

Mom's Questions:
1. What stood out this week as the most spiritual experience you had?

When Elisabeth told us during our lesson this week, having faith and courage to pray her partner to support her to attend church, he responded in a positive way!

2. How are your Investigators? Are they still on track for Their baptismal date?

ELISABETH still strong. Johnny, Carlos and Rosana failed to September 23.

3. What's your favorite thing you ate this week?

Grandma Newman’s Amish Bread!!

4. Any funny stories this week?

Well, we're always laughing; There are so many funny stories I can not remember.