Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Utah all over Again; A Veces Satanás es Muy Pesado; e Dois Passos à Frente

Hello my peoples! This week was a tad bit rough with a LOT of fallen charlas, empty contacts, and only one person at church yesterday.  But that one person gave the week a happy ending, and now we have many ideas in terms of finding new people this week.

Raúl finally came to church! Adolfo was such a ¡CAPO! for bringing him, the members did brilliantly in greeting and fellowshipping him, and he was not scared to share opinions; it was the happiest I've ever seen him! He is well on track for his baptismal date of the 12th of August, and has prayed and recognized his answer. And Victor and Patricia will be officially taking out their marriage date this Wednesday. Great things happening here!

Utah all over Again: It had been predicted that, starting Wednesday, it was going to rain all week. Huh. Up until Saturday afternoon, it was nice, sunny, and clear; I actually sweated a couple days for wearing my coat. But after we got to our lunch on Saturday (still sunny when we walked in), BAM! Torrential downpour and thunder! Skies dark as night! And then after 10 minutes or so, the clouds stayed and the rain completely stopped. Now today it is sunny but freezing. I swear Utah and Uruguay are polar cousins; they can't make up their mind on weather.

A Veces Satanás es Muy Pesado (Sometimes Satan is Very Heavy): Just like Satan tried to stop Joseph Smith from praying to God, he does everything he can to stop the work of God here. We were at a charla with Jessica, seated outside, with a member present, reading 1 Nephi 8 and talking about the Gospel and the Scriptures. All of a sudden, her dog starts barking incessantly, a truck with huge speakers blaring advertisements inexplicably stopped 15 feet away from her house and stayed there, and her girls were fighting and rolling around in the dirt. Poor Jessica; she was visibly distracted.

Dois Passos à Frente (Two Steps Ahead): We went to Antonio Guerra this week and talked about temples, because he is approaching his year mark as a convert. What we didn't know is that he had already taken the temple prep class, AND gotten his recommend signed by the branch and stake president, and literally had nothing to do but wait for August 13th! We were surprised but, knowing Antonio, not shocked.

Wow! That is so great to hear about Kegan! Tell him best of luck for me! I am a tad bit jealous of the Cactus Coolers soda pop you sent to Elder Durgante in the Provo MTC...Just a tad. Crazy fun week! Love you Mom.

Emma, ¡que bueno que estés perfeccionando tu aerial! ¡Di hola a Sami Jo para mí! (It's good that you're perfecting your aerial! Say hello to Sami Jo for me!) You slayed the beast! Way to go on the AP Physics test pass! Your brother here failed his first AP test... Haha going from the subpar to the extra mile; way to keep up the Newman heritage! ¡Te quiero mucho! (I love you so much!)

Bear! Way to take the soccer tournament championship and to come back strong! No worries, I am almost to halfway point; in a year you'll have a brother home again! Love you!

Way to be a great friend, Callie! That is the best way to get friends. I hope you enjoy your sleepover at Grandma's house! Love, Jackson.

Excited to see a printed copy of your talk buddy; I'm positive you rocked it. You are going to be an incredible missionary in Bolivia and are going to bless so many lives. Is your email Here's some cool scriptures I've found about the temple: Abraham (especially the drawings); D&C 130:10-12 & Revelation 2:17; D&C 84:32-40; D&C 38:31-32; Micah 4:1-2, 5 and Isaiah 2:1-5; Exodus 28:36; 29:4-9; 30:24-25, 30; Psalms 48:1-2, 9; Rev. 3:12, 20-22; 7:13-15; 2 Nephi 5:16; Malachi 4:5-6 and D&C 110; Matthew 16:18-19 and Helaman 10:7. Love you buddy. 8 days til the greatest experience of your life so far!

Can't wait to see the letter you've got for me! I recently read your first one again, and am preparing one for the fam bam as well. Love you Pap!

Mom’s Questions:

1. What are some interesting facts about Elder George? How many are in his family? Have any other siblings served missions? 

He is the oldest of 5, has worked a lot with cars, and has built a truck! And he is SUPER easy to get along with!

2. What ways have your grown this week?

 I've definitely learned to have patience and to keep going when nothing seems to be going right.

3. Did you get your package for your one year anniversary yet? 

Yep! The wait begins until Aug 2nd when I can open it...

4. What does 4’s up stand for that you talked about in your last letter? 

Preparing to go all-in into the 4th quarter. It’s why we used to hold up four fingers at the beginning of the 4th quarter in football games.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Quando Chove, Transborda; George de la Selva; and 4's up!

Elder Newman and his new companion, Elder George

Hello my peoples! So great to be talking with you all today! This week was a little bittersweet: bitter because lots of charlas and divisions fell through this week and not a single investigator came to church (there was a ton of rain, which wreaks mental havoc here {Quando Chove, Transborda); sweet because the charlas we did have were amazing, and Elder George is such a great guy and dedicated learner and missionary even though he's a little quiet. (George de la Selva is G. of the Jungle; ALL the members have been saying that this week)

We finally addressed the fact with Raúl that Jehovah is Christ and God is not Jehovah; he seems to have been confused and overthinking way too much about religion, and hasn't prayed yet about the BoM, but we have re-committed him to do so! We were able to introduce Victor's sister, Giovanna, to the gospel and invite her to read and pray about the BoM! This especially was a miracle because before Victor had known the gospel and been able to control his anger, they were constantly fighting over Whatsapp with ugly words and hadn't seen each other for a while; now she stayed at his house for a bit to escape the storm of family problems with the Dad. Victor and Patricia were also able to participate in a FHE with Adrianna, Agustina, and Jorge (first time participating!) that went amazing about "Finding Faith in Christ." Normally Jorge would shake our hand and leave the room, but he stayed for the entire movie and made some great commentaries and questions! We're hoping that he continues to take the charlas and starts with the BoM so that he and Adrianna can get married, and that they and Agustina all can get baptized!

4's up!: This Saturday, the first half of the day was so rough: every single plan, backup plan, and in -the-moment backup backup plan had fallen through, and we had received a call cancelling divisions. However, we decided not to get frustrated, tried to do some contacts, and as a result, we get a few futures for this week, and miracles started to flow after lunch: our division was restored; Micaela got a job and is happier and more outgoing than I've ever seen her (only member in her family, recent convert, shy); Raúl had the clarification explained above and said that the gospel was way simpler than he'd thought; and the miracle with Giovanna happened! If we had mentally given up or gotten frustrated, we wouldn't have had the Spirit that was present that day, and many miracles would not have happened. You gotta put your mental 4's up and give all you've got, and the Lord will direct the way!

Pap, that is a pretty cool missionary wall you've got there; it always makes my day to receive all your guys' letters and see how you all have blossomed. Btw, we gotta have a grill-off when I get home; I will be honing in my asado skills. Haha love you Pops.

Mom, losing your kids... in the temple!? Haha. That should be fun taking organ lessons! Whenever I happen to be in a church building for an activity or meeting or whatever, I've been trying to learn some hymns; right now I'm working on God Speed the Right and I've almost got it! If there's any way you could send me some black suit pants, that would make me happy; I found a black suit jacket in El Pinar that didn't belong to anyone and fit me well, but the pants were WAYY too small. I honestly don't have any suggestions for a package for Elder Durgante... but I know you will do a masterful job. Love you Mom!

Christian, so great to see you guys had a great 4th of July week. Man, I need to cook another asado; that barbeque sounded amazing. Way to take advantage of the temple before you go on the mission; that's sure something I wish happened more often in the mish. Haha, you did way better understanding Spanish than I did in farewell talks; that's a really cool experience to feel the Spirit and have that experience with your mission language! 15 days until the greatest experience you will have had in your life til now! Love you buddy!

Hey Bear! Haha I know the orthodonist experience; 4 years of braces! Don't worry, it'll all pass in a flash. Tell Ms. Rooke hi for me! I can't wait to see how all your tournaments go; always fun to be busy. Love you!

Haha Emma I'm glad you like cleaning so much, because it's always been a tad bit boring for me. Man, I miss a little bit the feel of missionary farewells and homecomings; crazy to think that in around a year, I'll be giving my own homecoming talk! (But there's better things to focus on right now, right?)  Estoy animado para ver como te van las cosas en Drill y todo, y ¡te quiero muchísimo! (I'm excited to see how things go in Drill and everything, and I love you so much!)

I love Bombora too, Callie! And Mom was right: you don't have to wait to be a missionary,you can be one right now by being a great friend and sharing the gospel. Haha blew berries...funny joke! Love you and miss you, Callie!

Mom’s Questions:

1. Where is Elder George from? How long has he been in the mission? 

He's from Kuna, Idaho, and he's got 8 months in the mish!

2. What is your favorite thing about Elder George? 

He is absolutely ready to learn, way chill, and pretty funny.

3. You mentioned that Gabriela Lapeyre and Evelyn Di Paula want to communicate with me. Do they speak any English or do I need to use Google translate to text with them? 

Google Translate

4. What experiences have you had this week that have strengthened your testimony? 

The 4's up experience for sure.

5. Any last minute advise for Christian? He leaves in 15 days!! 

Start reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish and reviewing with Dad. He'll go into the MTC already with a bit of an advantage!

Thursday, July 6, 2017

"No Saben Lo Que Hacen", e Que Deus Abençoe America

 Elder Mereles and Elder Newman helping a member with their backyard teeter totter.

Hey everybody! Happy Independence Day! 241 years of being such a blessed and God-protected nation. This has been a great week, and I have learned that I will be staying in Toledo, and Elder George will replace Elder Mereles, who is going to Piriapolis to kill off a valiente! I will truly miss him, for he has taught me so much, more than anyone else I've been with. Toledo is losing a great missionary.

Some miracles from this week:  Ignacio admitted that he believed in Christ, was worried about his pareja's (couple’s) belief in reincarnation, and felt the Spirit and shed a few tears! After having many charlas with him and seeing little progress, it was refreshing and heartwarming to see that change. Raúl finally came to a church activity and got to know church members!  And Adrianna's knee - of which the doctors had said would never walk again - miraculously started to drastically improve, and she and Agustína came to church! Elder Mereles and I also had a very enlightening study on the Atonement and a very spiritually-charged charla about the atonement with one of the recent converts, Martin.

No Saben Lo Que Hacen (They know not what they do): Leonardo, a recent convert and one of the ward missionaries, had accompanied us to a less active who had just moved into the branch. We were on our way back to his house when some teenagers from a plaza far off started yelling truly horrible and blasphemous stuff about Christ and missionary work. When we got to Leonardo’s house, he admitted that those remarks had truly rankled him but he felt like not responding had been the right thing to do, and a thought came through my mind: Early on in the mission, I would have been super irritated at those remarks for the rest of the day, but the words of the Savior ran through my mind, this time directed at me rather than our Father in Heaven: "Forgive them, for they know not what they do." How merciful and loving is our Savior Jesus Christ; He truly loves all those who mock Him intentionally, because He suffered for them and sees their potential.

Que Deus Abençoe America (God Bless America): As I've thought much about this great country of the USA, I'd like to share with you two quotes from Joseph Smith: "Sacred is the memory of that blood which bought for us our liberty." "The Constitution of the United States is a glorious standard; it is founded in the wisdom of God." (both from Joseph Smith Papers) I also invite you all to read 1 Nephi 13:12-19, 30-32 and 2 Nephi 10:10-17, but I want to leave you my testimony that I know this great country was prepared and preserved by God just for us, and that if we are faithful to America and to Him, we will continue to enjoy the blessings and liberties we now enjoy so fully. May God bless you all, and may you have a tender and meaningful Independence Day, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Callerist, I'm sorry! Throwing up is my least favorite thing in the world! But Heavenly Father always knows how we feel and if we ask Him, He can help us be strong in hard moments. Tap dancing is very fun to watch! That will be so fun to have Mom as your primary teacher for the day! My fav animal here is... not dogs. The dogs here are so annoying. Love you!

Emma, ¡disfruta tu tiempo no despertándote cada mañana a las 6! Aquí, nunca me puedo levantar después de las 6:30. xD Glad to hear that drill is going so well for you; I can't wait to see highlights throughout the season. Man, I miss the reservoirs. ¡Que te vayan bien las cosas! ¡Te quiero! (Enjoy your time by not waking up every morning at 6! Here, I can never get up after 6:30. Glad to hear that drill is going so well for you; I cannot wait to see highlights throughout the season. Man, I miss the reservoirs in Utah. Do things well! I love you!)

Bear, first off, I saw Dad's video of you playing ball, and you are looking great! I LOVE the way you play! Tell all the cousins that Elder Newman says hi! Love you!

Dude, I'm so happy the endowment went so amazing for you. It truly is an indescribable peace and joy to see your family there waiting for you in the Celestial Room; I imagine the Spirit World Paradise and the Celestial Kingdom will be a lot like that. And way to take advantage of the opportunity to do temple work the next day. There is literally no greater place on Earth. Tell Natalie congratulations on her mission call and that she will do great! I'll be sure to send you some special scriptures this coming week. Love you Christian; 23 days until you enter the best 2 years of your life til now! 

Haha at least we know the yard is soon to be relieved. Mom, thanks for all your support throughout these first 11 months of my journey (that's right, 11 months already!) Love you!

Pap, how blessed we are to be a part of the greatest country on Earth. Uruguay surely has its perks, but I am constantly reminded each day that, despite our problems, we are truly blessed beyond measure. God Bless America. And as I've grabbed the right perspective and focused on the people and their happiness, I've seen them come to know the joy of the gospel. And it makes me excited to do more.

Have a great and safe 4th of July, all of you! I'll tell you all about my new companion this coming week! ¡Os quiero! (I love you!)

Con amor,
Elder Newman :)

Mom’s Questions:
1. Did Elder Mereles get transferred? If so, who is your new companion and what do you know about him? 

Yes; my new companion is Elder George; he is the grandson of my ZL Elder Childs (the missionary Childs trained, trained E' George), and that's about all I know.

2. Who was the sister that connected with me on FB this week and sent me pictures of you and Elder Mereles playing with her kids? 

Evelyn Di Paula; her 8 year old daughter was baptized the first week I was here. 

3. How are the investigators coming along this week? Any come to church? 

Very well; Victor, Adrianna, and Agustína all came! :) We are also going to try and find some news this week.

4. How was your asado that you sent pictures of last week? I smoked some delicious spare ribs this week. Yummy!! 

Absolutely amazing. I was honestly about to do another one today for the 4th of July, but I ran out of time.