Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Quando Chove, Transborda; George de la Selva; and 4's up!

Elder Newman and his new companion, Elder George

Hello my peoples! So great to be talking with you all today! This week was a little bittersweet: bitter because lots of charlas and divisions fell through this week and not a single investigator came to church (there was a ton of rain, which wreaks mental havoc here {Quando Chove, Transborda); sweet because the charlas we did have were amazing, and Elder George is such a great guy and dedicated learner and missionary even though he's a little quiet. (George de la Selva is G. of the Jungle; ALL the members have been saying that this week)

We finally addressed the fact with Raúl that Jehovah is Christ and God is not Jehovah; he seems to have been confused and overthinking way too much about religion, and hasn't prayed yet about the BoM, but we have re-committed him to do so! We were able to introduce Victor's sister, Giovanna, to the gospel and invite her to read and pray about the BoM! This especially was a miracle because before Victor had known the gospel and been able to control his anger, they were constantly fighting over Whatsapp with ugly words and hadn't seen each other for a while; now she stayed at his house for a bit to escape the storm of family problems with the Dad. Victor and Patricia were also able to participate in a FHE with Adrianna, Agustina, and Jorge (first time participating!) that went amazing about "Finding Faith in Christ." Normally Jorge would shake our hand and leave the room, but he stayed for the entire movie and made some great commentaries and questions! We're hoping that he continues to take the charlas and starts with the BoM so that he and Adrianna can get married, and that they and Agustina all can get baptized!

4's up!: This Saturday, the first half of the day was so rough: every single plan, backup plan, and in -the-moment backup backup plan had fallen through, and we had received a call cancelling divisions. However, we decided not to get frustrated, tried to do some contacts, and as a result, we get a few futures for this week, and miracles started to flow after lunch: our division was restored; Micaela got a job and is happier and more outgoing than I've ever seen her (only member in her family, recent convert, shy); Raúl had the clarification explained above and said that the gospel was way simpler than he'd thought; and the miracle with Giovanna happened! If we had mentally given up or gotten frustrated, we wouldn't have had the Spirit that was present that day, and many miracles would not have happened. You gotta put your mental 4's up and give all you've got, and the Lord will direct the way!

Pap, that is a pretty cool missionary wall you've got there; it always makes my day to receive all your guys' letters and see how you all have blossomed. Btw, we gotta have a grill-off when I get home; I will be honing in my asado skills. Haha love you Pops.

Mom, losing your kids... in the temple!? Haha. That should be fun taking organ lessons! Whenever I happen to be in a church building for an activity or meeting or whatever, I've been trying to learn some hymns; right now I'm working on God Speed the Right and I've almost got it! If there's any way you could send me some black suit pants, that would make me happy; I found a black suit jacket in El Pinar that didn't belong to anyone and fit me well, but the pants were WAYY too small. I honestly don't have any suggestions for a package for Elder Durgante... but I know you will do a masterful job. Love you Mom!

Christian, so great to see you guys had a great 4th of July week. Man, I need to cook another asado; that barbeque sounded amazing. Way to take advantage of the temple before you go on the mission; that's sure something I wish happened more often in the mish. Haha, you did way better understanding Spanish than I did in farewell talks; that's a really cool experience to feel the Spirit and have that experience with your mission language! 15 days until the greatest experience you will have had in your life til now! Love you buddy!

Hey Bear! Haha I know the orthodonist experience; 4 years of braces! Don't worry, it'll all pass in a flash. Tell Ms. Rooke hi for me! I can't wait to see how all your tournaments go; always fun to be busy. Love you!

Haha Emma I'm glad you like cleaning so much, because it's always been a tad bit boring for me. Man, I miss a little bit the feel of missionary farewells and homecomings; crazy to think that in around a year, I'll be giving my own homecoming talk! (But there's better things to focus on right now, right?)  Estoy animado para ver como te van las cosas en Drill y todo, y ¡te quiero muchísimo! (I'm excited to see how things go in Drill and everything, and I love you so much!)

I love Bombora too, Callie! And Mom was right: you don't have to wait to be a missionary,you can be one right now by being a great friend and sharing the gospel. Haha blew berries...funny joke! Love you and miss you, Callie!

Mom’s Questions:

1. Where is Elder George from? How long has he been in the mission? 

He's from Kuna, Idaho, and he's got 8 months in the mish!

2. What is your favorite thing about Elder George? 

He is absolutely ready to learn, way chill, and pretty funny.

3. You mentioned that Gabriela Lapeyre and Evelyn Di Paula want to communicate with me. Do they speak any English or do I need to use Google translate to text with them? 

Google Translate

4. What experiences have you had this week that have strengthened your testimony? 

The 4's up experience for sure.

5. Any last minute advise for Christian? He leaves in 15 days!! 

Start reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish and reviewing with Dad. He'll go into the MTC already with a bit of an advantage!

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