Tuesday, February 27, 2018

A Small Bite of Utah; La Tierra Prometida; e Tranqüilo nas Ruas

 Elder Newman and Elder Araujo with the Eddy's
 Uruguayan style pizzas

Moving day

Hey peoples! Another great week here in the service of the Lord; we continue to see miracles every day. We are learning new things every day and tackling new obstacles. Let's get right to it!

We had to move stuff out of the Wall's home (the senior missionaries that went home last week), so it was deja vú all over again. Only this time, it was not from 5 minutes away from the office. They live in Florida, which is over an hour away when you're not carrying things. But we had our entire van and trailer packed to the max with things to bring back (not counting all the stuff that Marcelo Fontes took in his car to the offices or other areas in Florida), and it took us 3 HOURS to return because we were going so slow.

Funny story: we went to visit a member's house on Monday night, and were surprised to see a ton of teenagers over hanging out with the teen sons of the member family! Two of them were cousins from the neighboring ward Carrasco, and the others were all from Rivera, which is like 8-9 hours away and in the other mission! All but one were members, and it was like being back in Utah again! We sang some hymns and EFY songs together - a few of them were part of a band, and one of them had a POWERFUL voice - and then we shared 3 Nephi 11 with them. Then one of the Rivera members told his conversion story: how he was first baptized and how the gospel filled his soul, and how his family followed his footsteps and his divorced parents got sealed to their family in the temple. It was so beautiful, and I felt that it made a powerful and positive impact in the life of the nonmember that was there.

We have finally found a poorer neighborhood in our area! The south of Malvín and Buceo (our area) is fairly cheto (rich), and we were so happy to find a more humble section of our area! We already have three news from just one street over there and are excited to see how they progress. One of them, Brian, asked where the church was and said he'd go without us even asking him to come! 

We now have two investigators with a baptismal date for the 24th of March: 1) Rossina, a single mother that we found in Buceo seated outside her porch, and 2) Yanina, an Argentine that we found in a plaza in Malvín. We have been exercising more faith specifically to baptize, and are seeing the difference.

One last thing: with the move of the Wall's, we got a ton of spare stuff to store that we didn't have even close to enough room for. The solution? We brought some of the stuff to our house to replace some of our wasted furniture and kitchen supplies. And one old armchair was too big to move from upstairs through the halls, so I decided to take a leaf out of my dad's book and toss it over the balcony.

¡Nos vemos a todos! (See you all!)

Con amor,
Élder Newman :)

Wow Mom, it fills my heart so much with joy to see everyone's progress back at home. After all, I pray for y'all every single night. Snow! Wow! I surely do miss snow. And what a sweet patriarchal blessing experience. Reminds me of my own. Love you!

Callie, I would love to hear your Hawaiian Twister story! Haha, we had to clean our whole house today, so I know how you feel. Have fun with the Newman cousins and tell them all hi for me! Love ya!

Bear, I heard about you doing super well in Young Women's ball, way to go! And I can't wait to hear about your temple trip! New adventures coming your way for sure! Love ya!

¡29! Pero ¡muy bien hecho, Emma! Confío que me vas a vencer en algún momento. (But very well done, Emma! I trust that you will beat me at some point) Patriarchal blessings are such a sweet, tender experience. Haha good ol' Mr. Palmer. Love you so much!

Tweaking and perfecting as always.  Can't wait to hear the talk. Love you Pap.

Mom’s Questions:
1. In what way have your served your companion this week?

I shared with him my Peachi-O's and Hershey's that you gave me. Also helped with some chequero duties while he was busy talking on the phone with an angry landlady.

2. Now that Carnival is over, are people back in town and are you having more success finding people to teach?

Yes, it is definitely better now.

3. What was the best thing that happened this week? 

Probably yesterday with putting a baptismal date on Rossina and finding Brian.

4. How is the weather this time of year? Still hot?

Bipolar. There's some days when it’s hot and super heavy, but it's starting to cool down a little bit.

5. Did you hear about your brother’s new assignment? What do you think? 

That is soo cool! He is going to stretch and grow for sure, and it will sure help in the mission and in life as it has for me. :)

Monday, February 19, 2018

Rise and Shout; El Desierto de Carnaval; e Os Milagres Siguem

 Birthday cake with the Hermanas
 Taking Elder Borquez to the hospital

 Homemade tortillas for lunch

Hi peoples! Another great week full of miracles!

Sadly, Lethiel is not listening to us specifically now, because we found out that he lives in our zone leaders' area. But all is good; I know he's in good hands with Elder Souza and Elder Saeteros. They've actually already put a baptismal date on him and his mom for the 10th of March!

Then, we were going to head to a certain house when Elder Araújo felt inspired to quickly take a Temple Preparation pamphlet to Virginia Añón. We decided to obey that prompting, and it lead to us getting to finally know and teach a reference she had for us! Her name is Graciela, she's currently Virginia's neighbor (moving to other part of Malvín), and she has been super inspired by the change that has taken place in Virginia. She is currently going through an economic and emotional struggle, and is super open to our message. She has accepted the Book of Mormon, and we are excited to see where she goes from here!

Ok, when there's a holiday in Uruguay, everyone seems to go on vacation, and it becomes super hard to find people. But with Carnaval, it's even worse; the normally busy Montevideo streets were completely EMPTY. It was a ghost town for two days, and it also made office business complicated because Citibank and many other businesses that we needed to use were closed.  Then Wednesday, the office business was even more complicated because everyone came back and had the same ideas as we did (go to the bank). But, what can you do?  Just laugh and smile and enjoy the memories.

I also got to spend some more time getting to know better Elder Borquez. He had an appointment in the hospital yesterday, and Elder Christensen needed to give a baptismal interview at the same time, so I drove Elder Borquez over and hung out with him for a few hours. I actually was able to watch the shots being given! (For those of you who know me, that is a drastic improvement.)

Not sure if my folks have told you all yet, but there has been a great disturbance in the force. And that is... that I will be attending college at BYU in the fall. Yup. You read that right. You may wonder how that happened, seeing that I have been a devoted Utah fan all my life. (I still am, by the way) But I prayed, thought, and fasted much on the subject, and it just felt right. So yup, I am now a Cougar!

Love you all so much! Hope you had a great Valentine's Day!

Con amor,
Élder Newman :)

Haha, all basic stuff on the piano, Mom. And, as always, you were right about me wanting to play piano on the mish; and for the rest of my life, to be honest. Glad to see that things are calming down at home and going well.  Also, Elder Araújo is thinking of coming to the states to study and was wondering what you knew about prices for utilities, food, and rent vs. working wages. Love you so much!

Callie! I loved learning about US Presidents when I was in school! Way to go on 2nd place in the storytelling festival! I would love to hear your story!  I love you tons!

Emma! 'Tis that time of year once again! Let me know if any PG people get called to Uruguay! Ohmagoodness, Black Panther sounds soo sick!  ¡Te amo mucho!

Bear, way to get that guy's number. ¡Audaz! (Bold) Have fun with Emma in ward ball! Lots of love!

Hey Pap, sounds like things are going super well at home. Great things happening here in the work. Some unique assignments for sure, but it all just adds up for more experience. Love you Pap! :)

Mom’s Questions:

1. Did you buy a new suit? I see you in a grey suit in some of your pictures. 

No, I found it here in the offices.

2. How is Elder Borquez with the broken foot? Looks like he’s in a walking boot. 

He's doing well. The boot helps a lot, and he is able to proselyte without a problem. :)

3. How was your follow up with your seven nuevos from last week?

The four ladies are not showing much desire to continue listening, Lethiel is now being taught by Barrio 9 (he lives there and not in Malvín), and we just saw Franco yesterday, who said that he was going to come play fútbol with us today.

4. Were you able to get Franco and Netiel to come to church on Sunday? 

Lethiel did for sure! (Yep, his name is actually Lethiel)

5. Is Kevin still planning on going on a mission? I remember he talked about that back when you were in El Pinar.

Yep! He just emailed me and said he sent his papers in!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Tents Towards the Temple; Las Maneras de Dios son Perfectas; e A Fe pra Mudar Montanhas

 Dinner with Eddy's and Elder Grigor's family
 Basketball with Pres. Eddy
 Matching ties with Bishop
 With Elder Escobar
Erik, Kevin's little brother from El Pinar

Hi everyone! Wow. This was one of the most remarkable weeks of my mission. Funny, as well as challenging, but also miraculous. But guys, I experienced this week, perhaps more than any other week out here, the power of the Spirit and the divine design and love of God.

One of the many miracles from this week: we had gotten 0 news last week and literally had no investigators after so many tough weeks of finding few or none and losing all. In weekly planning, we surprised ourselves by putting a goal for 7 news. Lemme tell you, that takes faith in Malvín and especially after a week of almost all 0's. Today, we're at 7 new investigators.  We have strived to be humble and to increase our faith, and what a result!

I believe the best two of the week were Franco and Netiel. They are two of the many boys in that American Football group that we met a few weeks ago. Well, we found them in the same spot; they had come out to escape family problems they were having, and we sat right down and taught about the love of God, the Restoration, and the Book of Mormon. The Spirit in that charla was so strong, and they immediately accepted to read and pray about the Book of Mormon and come to church with us tomorrow. Super special.

Tents Toward the Temple: We had our first Ward Family Home Evening this past Thursday, and it was super cool! We had a bunch of seats grouped together like tents, with a TV showing a pic of the temple on front, like King Benjamin.  The theme was creativity and it was super cool; we had a great turnout as well! Hope you all enjoyed the photo of the Bishop and I with our green ties.

Las Maneras de Dios son Perfectas: It is amazing how the Lord prepares people like President Eddy and my good friend, Elder Escobar (in the picture, on his last change now) to administer to my needs, whether or not they knew those needs.

Oh yeah, and we also saw Erik, Kevin's little brother (El Pinar) after our multizone conference! Super cool!

We are doing really well now and are super excited for the future of the work here!

See you all next week! Continue to trust in God's love and divine design, and you will see miracles, big or small, in your lives.

Con amor,
Élder Newman :)

Wow. I swear that you and Dad are so inspired. I literally lived the 2nd Nephi 4 experience that you just read about this week, both the bitter and the sweet. Well, drill team judges; what can you do? 😐 Love you so much Mom.

Love you Bear! Good luck with the rest of your tournament!

Callie! We need to try Huhot when I get home! Deal? Deal. Well, I think that it’s gonna be pretty low key for me and Valentine's day. Love you!

Emma! I am so sorry for the politics that happened once again in state and for the ear infection. But oh well, those are things we can't always control.  We can just control our effort and know our true success, like you and drill did. Hope that Sweethearts goes super well!  ¡Te quiero muchísimo!

Pap! Tell Liv and Brielle congratulations for me! And send me a video of Chris' call if you can get one! And look at that with PG wrestling winning state again! Tell the boys congrats for me!  And pretty dope with the Jazz as well; "don't call it a comeback..." ;Love you Pap!

Mom’s Questions: 

1. Christian’s pday is Saturday (tomorrow) because of Carnival. Will you have any adjustments this week because of Carnival? Do Uruguayans get crazy?

Fairly crazy, but we won't have any changes to our P-Day.

2. Since you’re down to the last quarter of your mission, what has been the biggest lesson you have learned so far? 

Humility to improve, accept counsel, and never be complacent.

3. When did you laugh this week? 

A lot today; we had the Grigor family (released missionary and parents) over at the Eddy house for P-Day today, and there were many funny stories and laughs for sure.

4. When did you feel the Spirit most this week?

In our charla with Franco and Netiel.

5. Are you enjoying your changed responsibilities this week with being finance secretary?

VERY much so. A lot more tranquilo for sure.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Another One Bites the Dust; Destrucción de Ninja; e Volei com Os Eddys

 Office Elders with Pres. Eddy

 Pday fun

Hey people! Coming to you live at the end of another crazy changes week! Some details: Elder Manzanares finally reached the end of his time in the offices, he is now heading out to Melo to be a zone leader with my MTC comp Elder Cheney! Super happy for him, and he was super happy to finally get out of the city; he's been in the city of Montevideo for his whole mission minus 1 change only (6 weeks). Now he's about as far out as you can get.

Élder Saeteros, my friend from my first area, Chuy, is now my new zone leader with Élder Souza!

My second senior companion in the mission died this week! My whitewash buddy, Elder Christesen. I am going to miss him, but I will always remember with a smile those times we had trying to figure out our area. Now the only senior comps that remain that I've had are Élder Estouco, who goes home a change before me, and Élder Bazaes, who dies with me. I'm old now!

Funny story from changes: while the oros were waiting to do their medical exams, have breakfast, and get to know their trainers, they were playing Ninja Destruction. It came down to a Peruvian Elder and a small Brazilian sister, and the Elder had his arm up in a square. The sister went for the hand, he moved it, and she accidentally slapped him in the face! Like, HARD! At first we were all taken off guard, then we all burst out laughing. The poor sister was so embarrassed.

Due to changes, we sadly haven't had almost any time to work, so Andrés (a new we found in the street and came to church) kind of went downhill this week. He was really high on marijuana and very depressed about the future. But the Spirit I felt as I testified of God's love for him was super strong. But it felt super good to get out and work in our areas finally! And this next change, I will be handing my chequero duties over to Élder Araújo and becoming the tarjetero again. Definitely less stressful.  But he is ready for the responsibilities.

Coming into the final change in the offices! It's been a blast and has flown by, but I honestly can't wait to get back out into the field and be a regular missionary again. But oh well. Everything has its time and place. Just gotta aprovechar the time that I got.

Love y'all!

Élder Newman :)

I can personally testify of the change that comes from serving a mission; I've seen a little of it in myself. With changes week, we weren't able to meet up with the football boys again, but we are thinking of inviting them to a Ward Night we're having this week! Love you so much, Mom.

Emma, congrats on your All-Region for drill! And good luck at state! I will be cheering you on for sure!

Callerist, level 9! WOW! Impressive! And I would be honored to baptize you, if you are absolutely positive that I'm the guy you want to do it.  I like soccer as well now, as well as spicy things (that's probably a surprise), and mate, and most of all, the Gospel! Lots of love!

Hey Bear, sometimes we have those days when the shots don't fall or things don't go our way. No worries. Ah man, I miss Costa Vida! Love you Bear!

Super happy to hear about Ryan, love that kid.  Wow, deadeye at a mile! Haha those crazy lines... Haha I'm still waiting on some videos of Sarah balling up! Love you Pap.

Mom’s Questions:
1. Tell us about the new office elder. 

His name is Élder Bórquez, he's from Chile, has 8 months in the mission, and is super tranquilo. He actually is the "son" of Elder Manzanares! Such a capo.

2. How is Mabel? Were you able to get in for another lesson?

We passed by once more, but she kind of avoided us, so we're not quite sure if we should continue visiting...

3. When did you most feel the Spirit this week? 

Probably when Elder Manzanares, Rújo, and I had dinner and a powerful spiritual thought concerning God's light with the Moreira Suarez family before Manzie left. The dad had had a very rough life before he met the missionaries, and he felt God's love fill the holes in his soul when he met the missionaries. The wife, who is a convert of 2 years, also shared her conversion story, which was very tender.

4. What are you going to miss most about Elder Manzaneras? 

His ability to find humor in just about everything, and the way our musical abilities complimented each other. But seriously, his laugh is contagious.