Monday, February 19, 2018

Rise and Shout; El Desierto de Carnaval; e Os Milagres Siguem

 Birthday cake with the Hermanas
 Taking Elder Borquez to the hospital

 Homemade tortillas for lunch

Hi peoples! Another great week full of miracles!

Sadly, Lethiel is not listening to us specifically now, because we found out that he lives in our zone leaders' area. But all is good; I know he's in good hands with Elder Souza and Elder Saeteros. They've actually already put a baptismal date on him and his mom for the 10th of March!

Then, we were going to head to a certain house when Elder Araújo felt inspired to quickly take a Temple Preparation pamphlet to Virginia Añón. We decided to obey that prompting, and it lead to us getting to finally know and teach a reference she had for us! Her name is Graciela, she's currently Virginia's neighbor (moving to other part of Malvín), and she has been super inspired by the change that has taken place in Virginia. She is currently going through an economic and emotional struggle, and is super open to our message. She has accepted the Book of Mormon, and we are excited to see where she goes from here!

Ok, when there's a holiday in Uruguay, everyone seems to go on vacation, and it becomes super hard to find people. But with Carnaval, it's even worse; the normally busy Montevideo streets were completely EMPTY. It was a ghost town for two days, and it also made office business complicated because Citibank and many other businesses that we needed to use were closed.  Then Wednesday, the office business was even more complicated because everyone came back and had the same ideas as we did (go to the bank). But, what can you do?  Just laugh and smile and enjoy the memories.

I also got to spend some more time getting to know better Elder Borquez. He had an appointment in the hospital yesterday, and Elder Christensen needed to give a baptismal interview at the same time, so I drove Elder Borquez over and hung out with him for a few hours. I actually was able to watch the shots being given! (For those of you who know me, that is a drastic improvement.)

Not sure if my folks have told you all yet, but there has been a great disturbance in the force. And that is... that I will be attending college at BYU in the fall. Yup. You read that right. You may wonder how that happened, seeing that I have been a devoted Utah fan all my life. (I still am, by the way) But I prayed, thought, and fasted much on the subject, and it just felt right. So yup, I am now a Cougar!

Love you all so much! Hope you had a great Valentine's Day!

Con amor,
Élder Newman :)

Haha, all basic stuff on the piano, Mom. And, as always, you were right about me wanting to play piano on the mish; and for the rest of my life, to be honest. Glad to see that things are calming down at home and going well.  Also, Elder Araújo is thinking of coming to the states to study and was wondering what you knew about prices for utilities, food, and rent vs. working wages. Love you so much!

Callie! I loved learning about US Presidents when I was in school! Way to go on 2nd place in the storytelling festival! I would love to hear your story!  I love you tons!

Emma! 'Tis that time of year once again! Let me know if any PG people get called to Uruguay! Ohmagoodness, Black Panther sounds soo sick!  ¡Te amo mucho!

Bear, way to get that guy's number. ¡Audaz! (Bold) Have fun with Emma in ward ball! Lots of love!

Hey Pap, sounds like things are going super well at home. Great things happening here in the work. Some unique assignments for sure, but it all just adds up for more experience. Love you Pap! :)

Mom’s Questions:

1. Did you buy a new suit? I see you in a grey suit in some of your pictures. 

No, I found it here in the offices.

2. How is Elder Borquez with the broken foot? Looks like he’s in a walking boot. 

He's doing well. The boot helps a lot, and he is able to proselyte without a problem. :)

3. How was your follow up with your seven nuevos from last week?

The four ladies are not showing much desire to continue listening, Lethiel is now being taught by Barrio 9 (he lives there and not in Malvín), and we just saw Franco yesterday, who said that he was going to come play fútbol with us today.

4. Were you able to get Franco and Netiel to come to church on Sunday? 

Lethiel did for sure! (Yep, his name is actually Lethiel)

5. Is Kevin still planning on going on a mission? I remember he talked about that back when you were in El Pinar.

Yep! He just emailed me and said he sent his papers in!

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