Tuesday, February 27, 2018

A Small Bite of Utah; La Tierra Prometida; e Tranqüilo nas Ruas

 Elder Newman and Elder Araujo with the Eddy's
 Uruguayan style pizzas

Moving day

Hey peoples! Another great week here in the service of the Lord; we continue to see miracles every day. We are learning new things every day and tackling new obstacles. Let's get right to it!

We had to move stuff out of the Wall's home (the senior missionaries that went home last week), so it was deja vú all over again. Only this time, it was not from 5 minutes away from the office. They live in Florida, which is over an hour away when you're not carrying things. But we had our entire van and trailer packed to the max with things to bring back (not counting all the stuff that Marcelo Fontes took in his car to the offices or other areas in Florida), and it took us 3 HOURS to return because we were going so slow.

Funny story: we went to visit a member's house on Monday night, and were surprised to see a ton of teenagers over hanging out with the teen sons of the member family! Two of them were cousins from the neighboring ward Carrasco, and the others were all from Rivera, which is like 8-9 hours away and in the other mission! All but one were members, and it was like being back in Utah again! We sang some hymns and EFY songs together - a few of them were part of a band, and one of them had a POWERFUL voice - and then we shared 3 Nephi 11 with them. Then one of the Rivera members told his conversion story: how he was first baptized and how the gospel filled his soul, and how his family followed his footsteps and his divorced parents got sealed to their family in the temple. It was so beautiful, and I felt that it made a powerful and positive impact in the life of the nonmember that was there.

We have finally found a poorer neighborhood in our area! The south of Malvín and Buceo (our area) is fairly cheto (rich), and we were so happy to find a more humble section of our area! We already have three news from just one street over there and are excited to see how they progress. One of them, Brian, asked where the church was and said he'd go without us even asking him to come! 

We now have two investigators with a baptismal date for the 24th of March: 1) Rossina, a single mother that we found in Buceo seated outside her porch, and 2) Yanina, an Argentine that we found in a plaza in Malvín. We have been exercising more faith specifically to baptize, and are seeing the difference.

One last thing: with the move of the Wall's, we got a ton of spare stuff to store that we didn't have even close to enough room for. The solution? We brought some of the stuff to our house to replace some of our wasted furniture and kitchen supplies. And one old armchair was too big to move from upstairs through the halls, so I decided to take a leaf out of my dad's book and toss it over the balcony.

¡Nos vemos a todos! (See you all!)

Con amor,
Élder Newman :)

Wow Mom, it fills my heart so much with joy to see everyone's progress back at home. After all, I pray for y'all every single night. Snow! Wow! I surely do miss snow. And what a sweet patriarchal blessing experience. Reminds me of my own. Love you!

Callie, I would love to hear your Hawaiian Twister story! Haha, we had to clean our whole house today, so I know how you feel. Have fun with the Newman cousins and tell them all hi for me! Love ya!

Bear, I heard about you doing super well in Young Women's ball, way to go! And I can't wait to hear about your temple trip! New adventures coming your way for sure! Love ya!

¡29! Pero ¡muy bien hecho, Emma! Confío que me vas a vencer en algún momento. (But very well done, Emma! I trust that you will beat me at some point) Patriarchal blessings are such a sweet, tender experience. Haha good ol' Mr. Palmer. Love you so much!

Tweaking and perfecting as always.  Can't wait to hear the talk. Love you Pap.

Mom’s Questions:
1. In what way have your served your companion this week?

I shared with him my Peachi-O's and Hershey's that you gave me. Also helped with some chequero duties while he was busy talking on the phone with an angry landlady.

2. Now that Carnival is over, are people back in town and are you having more success finding people to teach?

Yes, it is definitely better now.

3. What was the best thing that happened this week? 

Probably yesterday with putting a baptismal date on Rossina and finding Brian.

4. How is the weather this time of year? Still hot?

Bipolar. There's some days when it’s hot and super heavy, but it's starting to cool down a little bit.

5. Did you hear about your brother’s new assignment? What do you think? 

That is soo cool! He is going to stretch and grow for sure, and it will sure help in the mission and in life as it has for me. :)

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