Monday, February 5, 2018

Another One Bites the Dust; Destrucción de Ninja; e Volei com Os Eddys

 Office Elders with Pres. Eddy

 Pday fun

Hey people! Coming to you live at the end of another crazy changes week! Some details: Elder Manzanares finally reached the end of his time in the offices, he is now heading out to Melo to be a zone leader with my MTC comp Elder Cheney! Super happy for him, and he was super happy to finally get out of the city; he's been in the city of Montevideo for his whole mission minus 1 change only (6 weeks). Now he's about as far out as you can get.

Élder Saeteros, my friend from my first area, Chuy, is now my new zone leader with Élder Souza!

My second senior companion in the mission died this week! My whitewash buddy, Elder Christesen. I am going to miss him, but I will always remember with a smile those times we had trying to figure out our area. Now the only senior comps that remain that I've had are Élder Estouco, who goes home a change before me, and Élder Bazaes, who dies with me. I'm old now!

Funny story from changes: while the oros were waiting to do their medical exams, have breakfast, and get to know their trainers, they were playing Ninja Destruction. It came down to a Peruvian Elder and a small Brazilian sister, and the Elder had his arm up in a square. The sister went for the hand, he moved it, and she accidentally slapped him in the face! Like, HARD! At first we were all taken off guard, then we all burst out laughing. The poor sister was so embarrassed.

Due to changes, we sadly haven't had almost any time to work, so Andrés (a new we found in the street and came to church) kind of went downhill this week. He was really high on marijuana and very depressed about the future. But the Spirit I felt as I testified of God's love for him was super strong. But it felt super good to get out and work in our areas finally! And this next change, I will be handing my chequero duties over to Élder Araújo and becoming the tarjetero again. Definitely less stressful.  But he is ready for the responsibilities.

Coming into the final change in the offices! It's been a blast and has flown by, but I honestly can't wait to get back out into the field and be a regular missionary again. But oh well. Everything has its time and place. Just gotta aprovechar the time that I got.

Love y'all!

Élder Newman :)

I can personally testify of the change that comes from serving a mission; I've seen a little of it in myself. With changes week, we weren't able to meet up with the football boys again, but we are thinking of inviting them to a Ward Night we're having this week! Love you so much, Mom.

Emma, congrats on your All-Region for drill! And good luck at state! I will be cheering you on for sure!

Callerist, level 9! WOW! Impressive! And I would be honored to baptize you, if you are absolutely positive that I'm the guy you want to do it.  I like soccer as well now, as well as spicy things (that's probably a surprise), and mate, and most of all, the Gospel! Lots of love!

Hey Bear, sometimes we have those days when the shots don't fall or things don't go our way. No worries. Ah man, I miss Costa Vida! Love you Bear!

Super happy to hear about Ryan, love that kid.  Wow, deadeye at a mile! Haha those crazy lines... Haha I'm still waiting on some videos of Sarah balling up! Love you Pap.

Mom’s Questions:
1. Tell us about the new office elder. 

His name is Élder Bórquez, he's from Chile, has 8 months in the mission, and is super tranquilo. He actually is the "son" of Elder Manzanares! Such a capo.

2. How is Mabel? Were you able to get in for another lesson?

We passed by once more, but she kind of avoided us, so we're not quite sure if we should continue visiting...

3. When did you most feel the Spirit this week? 

Probably when Elder Manzanares, Rújo, and I had dinner and a powerful spiritual thought concerning God's light with the Moreira Suarez family before Manzie left. The dad had had a very rough life before he met the missionaries, and he felt God's love fill the holes in his soul when he met the missionaries. The wife, who is a convert of 2 years, also shared her conversion story, which was very tender.

4. What are you going to miss most about Elder Manzaneras? 

His ability to find humor in just about everything, and the way our musical abilities complimented each other. But seriously, his laugh is contagious.

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