Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Hit the Road e Sede Espiritual

Dinner at Sabe a Peru
Office Silliness

Hey peoples! Another great week as we were able to find some new investigators and do some fun stuff around the office. We tried our luck with another Peruvian restaurant, Sabe a Perú (Tastes like Perú), and it turned out fantastic! Especially since you can normally get discounts by using your card, and whilst Sabor Peruano doesn't take cards, Sabe a Perú does! Probably never going take money out at an ATM again while I'm here.

But on more important terms: Sede Espiritual (Spiritual Headquarters)  - WE FOUND THE ENGLISH LADY! We finally tracked down Virginia and have had Lessons 1 & 3 with her, and she is for sure an elegida (chosen)! She wants to come closer to Christ and is hungry to learn and find peace - some evidence is that when we left her 3 Nephi 11 to read, she read all the way to 3 Nephi 19! Awesome! She has a baptismal date for the 11/11/17 and has been progressing like fire. She not only reads, but she understands and already has a great knowledge of the Bible, Christ's life, and the Gospel in general. Super excited to see what happens.

Virginia Vodanovic (of Gerardo and Germán) was out of town this week in Buenos Aires and she just got back yesterday, so we are going to try and set a charla for tomorrow, and invite them to church! We also found some old investigators that are interested in learning and coming to church, Silvia and then Alberto, so we're happy to see the results of the long preparation of the Lord.  Gonna be another great week!

The Office Elders are seriously a hoot! I promise we do get good work done, but it's sure great to have such fun guys to be around.

Also, I've been dropping weight! A week ago, I dropped under 200 for the first time, and I've been successful so far with my goal of staying constantly under 200 lbs. And all this, in the offices!

Hit the Road, Jack: Wellup, I'm on the roads now - passed Elder Wankier's test like a champ - and it's strange how comfortable I already feel behind the wheel again. Now, I won't get to drive that much, because the assistants use the van a TON, but I sure feel great doing it while I can.

The trip looks like a ton of fun! Love you Mom!

Pap, you are now officially (what's the character's name that Robin Williams plays in RV?)... welp, there went my clever comment. oh well.  Glad to hear you guys are having fun out in Nevada and Arizona, and super stoked to hear about the PG boys' win. If they beat Kearns, that will be a HUGE confidence booster! Haha you totally should've hit that cow in the RV! Then you could add "Heifer Hunter" to you resumé! (I got that from Denver) Love you!

All A's! Newman tradition strong! Way to go Emmrs! ¡Tendrás muchas oraciones de mi parte!  Y ¡que bueno para los fútboleros americanos de PG! (You will have many prayers from me! And what good for the PG American footballers!) And I seriously am so humbled to be an example for you, because in MANY ways throughout my life, you've been one for me. ¡Te quiero mucho! (I love you so much!)

Crossing the wake! Nice work, Bear! And great work in your soccer game - SHUTOUT. Love you tons!

Callie, I believe I AM going to have a birthday party two days early! Super excited, but a little scared to be 20 YEARS OLD!  Oh, and how I miss ham and cheese sliders! Love you soo much!

Love you all, and here's to another great week in  the service of the Lord! ¡Os quiero! (I love you!)

Con amor,
Élder Newman :)

Mom’s Questions:
1. Any fun plans for pday next week for your birthday?

Up until now, no idea. Probably just tranquilo, no más

2. How are your investigators doing?

Pretty good. We've had little contact with Virginia and her family, and Santiago and Lucía up until now, but we have plans to visit them again this weekend. And we've found some new people as well, so that's great!

3. Any inside jokes between you and your companion and the other office elders?

Up until now, nothing comes to mind.

4. Have you gotten used to your new responsibilities? How are things going to change when Elder and Sister Wankier leave next transfer?

Yup! And I'm getting new responsibilities in the next few weeks as I become the new Chequero.

5. Did you pass Elder Wankier's driving test?

You betcha! Easy peasy. :)

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