Monday, December 25, 2017

Crazy Changes; ¡FELIZ NAVIDAD!; e O Retorno do Português

 Elder Araújo and Elder Newman teaching at the Oros conference about money management
 Elder Araújo and Elder Newman at the Nativity
Google Hangouts call with Christian and the family

Hey peeps! Christmas time is already here! After a long and crazy week, I feel so grateful to be able to celebrate my FAVORITE holiday. Even though I won't be seeing snow for a while, it is so wonderful to commemorate the birth of our dear Savior. 

With Christmas Conferences Wednesday and Friday, we had to do all of changes Monday and Tuesday. Talk about chaos! We fought through a 30-minute traffic jam and got to the bank too late Monday to draw out cash; closed. The next day, we spent an hour trying to convince the workers that President's signature for the check was the same we had used the past 15 times (since I've been there). Then, we had to help out with the Christmas Conferences until late in the afternoon. The result: very little working time this week. Kind of a bummer, especially with my poor new companion coming in just at this crazy, stressing time, but oh well. You can only control your work ethic and attitude, or how you respond to tough times.

So, some stuff about changes:

1. Elder Araújo is my new comp, and he is AWESOME! He's from Brazil and as a result is always positive and tranquilo, yet super hard working. So, thus, I will be once again perfecting my Portuguese with him, Elder Estouco, and my new zone leader.

2. Speaking of new zone leader, Elder Anderson, my pops, has been replaced by... Élder Souza, my son! That was funny, awesome, and weird all at the same time!

3. Elder Holland is the new assistant! We now have three of our tight-knit MTC group here together in the office for a change! (Manzie's leaving after this change)

4. My old companion Elder Mereles has also come into our zone! Camino Carrasco. What a nice big reunion!

5. Elder Christesen is now a valiente! (In his final change) My second major comp to die. Wow. That was worded really harshly. Oh well.

6. Elder George is training again, this time as district leader in Lomas de Solymar! (next to El Pinar. His oro in Toledo went home early.)

We did get to sing Hark, The Herald Angels Sing and read Luke 2 with Adriana and Virginia, so that was a sweet way to spread Christmas cheer. Singing loud for all to hear! (We can't enter into their home without a male adult, so we just did it all outside on their porch.)

Friends and Family, I know that Christ is real, and lives today. He lived before this Earth was created, He was born in a lowly manger, and accomplished the greatest victory of all history and eternity: the Atonement. Our salvation and exaltation made possible. Resurrection secure. He lived, died, and lives again, and He is my Savior, and your Savior. I feel so blessed to be one of His authorized representatives this Christmas season, and the perfect gift for me would be to see the Light of Christ shining in y'all's actions and words. Living as He lived.

Love you all. ¡Feliz Navidad!

Con amor,

Élder Newman :)

Mom, I thought my piano playing would be a sweet surprise for you. And I did move I Stand All Amazed down a key and simplify the second half to make it easier for me. I didn't choose the hymns, I just did what I could with them. And you're right, peace comes during Christmas when our focus is on Christ. See you Monday! Love you!

Thanks for the video Pap, loved it. Mission Christmas' are surely fantastic! And even I don't like airplanes THAT much; 1,000,000 miles is no joke! See you on Monday!

Emma, NO! SLEEP! 'TIL BROOKLYN!.... Jessop this morning. (Reference to seeing a picture of his cousin, Brooklyn with Emma at our annual Christmas Eve breakfast.) Keep it up with the 4.0! ¡Nos vemos el lunes, te quiero! (See you on Monday, I love you!)

Callie, aww, I LOVE gingerbread houses! We are going to make one together when I get back! Deal? Deal. Enjoy Star Wars! (but don't tell me many details because I want to be surprised.) Talk to you on Monday!

Sarah, moose steak? Man, that sounds like paradise! Look at you, slinging from 3-pt land!

Mom’s Questions:

1. What are you most excited about for this Christmas weekend (besides the Christmas call)?
Amigo Secreto (Secret Santa) with the Malvín Elders, and...

2. Did you buy something for Christmas for the other office elders?

For Élder Mananares, yes (Amigo Secreto). But don't tell him. ;)

3. Who is your new companion?

Élder Araújo from João Pessoas, Brasil. Almost-2-year convert with 6 months in the mission.

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