Monday, January 1, 2018

ADRENALINE; Provolone Asado y Guaraná; e o Ano Novo

Guarana on the roof on Christmas Eve

Matching socks for Christmas (gift from Sister Manzaneras)
Christmas Nativity from Grandma

Hey fam bam! Glad to be talking with you once again! We had such a marvelous Christmas! The Palavé family was so nice to have us over and feed us the best asado ever. All different kinds of delectable meat, Paso de Los Toros and Guaraná, and they actually grilled provolone cheese! Like, "OH MYYYY!" (quoting the famous Elder Childs) Literally the most mouth-watering thing ever! And they invited us back for New Year's!

Afterwards, we went home, did Secret Santa (I gave a tie and alfajors to Elder Manzanares and received a sick belt from Elder Christensen), and repeated the Guaraná en piñas (Guaraná in pineapples) tradition, drinking it on the roof and watching the fireworks at midnight. The fireworks here in Montevideo are crazy; there are no legal restrictions and so they go all out.

Speaking of the fireworks, one neighbor set off some aerials in front of our house, and so we had the best seats in the house! It was super intense, and videos don't even do the experience justice! Super cool and super sketchy at the same time.

This week was definitely a lot better than last week; we had more time to work in our area and saw definite results.

After a couple weeks without a charla with the Soto Vodanovich family, it was super great to be with them once again. We had a charla with them on Wednesday, and before we could even start teaching, they broke the news that the 11-year-old son, Germán, wants to be baptized! We set the date for the 27/1/2017 and had a very spiritual L1 charla with the new First Vision video. They have committed to come to church and to read and pray about the Book of Mormon individually and as a family. Super excited to see where they end up going!

We sent the Barrio 3 hermanas over to visit Diego in the hospital this week - chemotherapy - so we will see how that charla went!

And we were able to find 2 news up until now! Elder Araújo and I found a super nice Christian guy named Sebastian who, after a little persuasion and powerful testimony, agreed to pray about the things we've taught. Then Elder Araújo and Elder Christensen found a woman named Maria in our area while on intercambios. Excited to meet and teach her!

Things going great around here, and excited for the New Year! May you all have a fantastic 2018! ¡Mucho amor!

Con amor,
Élder Newman :)

Wow, you surprised me as well with the guitar, Mom! With you learning guitar, me learning piano, and Sarah learning ukulele, we could get a band together! It was great to have the family together in three places. Haha, Elder Manzanares said he felt so loved when you all noticed him in the background and started cheering! He also thought our family prayer was the cutest thing ever.  I hope you had the most merry Christmas possible! Love you!

Dad, 1 mile! Dang, that is pretty impressive! I will definitely have to sharpen up shooting long range when I get home! Can't wait to hear Brother Pearce work his magic! Hey, tell Jace Clinger congratulations for me! Love you so much, and Happy New Year with the old Elliptical!

Callerist! Yes, I was very surprised by your splits! Did you learn that in dance?  I'm so glad you liked Christmas Break. Have fun with the Chadwicks and tell them hi for me! Love you!!!

Bear! I am so excited to hear your ukulele! I am impressed that you gave Emma such a challenge! You held your own against somebody 6 years older! Way to hit the thousand! Some of my favorite all-time songs, hmm. I'm gonna have to think about that one! Remind me next week and I'll get back to you! Love ya!

Emmr, you're so right; when Christ and family are the center of Christmas, it truly becomes transcendent. You climbed on top of the high school!? Wait, what? Like, PICTURES! Haha the fight night with Sarah, I did not think of you as a violent person. ¡Te quiero muchísimo!

Mom’s Questions:
1. Have you had more time for teaching and proselyting this week?

Yes, and it has been SO nice! :)

2. How are you enjoying your new companion? Is he picking up the finance responsibilities?

It's been a blast with Elder Araújo; he is impossible to get down through trials, exactly obedient, and is picking up his office duties like a champ. :)

3. What are your new year’s goals?

Finish the mission stronger and with more urgency than at any point in the past
Bless the lives of EVERYONE
Once home, get a job and get involved in great causes (or, not be lazy)
Ace my first semester at college

4. How was your Christmas Eve sacrament meeting?

Super stellar! The Soto Vodanovich family came and it was a great experience! :)

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