Monday, November 20, 2017

What the Hail; Pizza en la Medianoche; e Perfeito em Absoluto

 Zone Pic
 Virginia's Baptism 
 Virginia's Family Came to Support Her

P-day Lunch with the Eddy's

Friends and family! What a week! Quite the roller coaster for sure, but it ended on the highest note possible, so I'm super happy. Got lots of great emails from you all this week, and thanks for your support!

Perfeito em Absoluto (Absolute Perfection): Virginia Vodanovich was baptized yesterday, and considering the conflicting circumstances that were going on throughout the week (conflicts with schedules, etc), it literally could not have turned out better; there was a great showing of people, including her entire family and Virginia Añón (our convert of one week who is working on her family tree!). I believe that was what the rest of the family needed to feel the Spirit and desire to follow this path; we will see going forward!

What the Hail: So, it hailed on Wednesday. And, that never happens in Uruguay. Like, ever. So we were freaking out a little bit.

Pizza en La Medianoche (Pizza at Midnight): On Monday, we had to go move all the stuff out of the Wankiers' apartment so that we could close the contract and get the house out of our hands. It ended up being over a 6 hour project that took from 5:30 in the afternoon until midnight, and so we celebrated our hard work with pizza. At midnight.

With that mudanza de los Wankiers (moving of the Wankiers), all the multi-zone conferences in this first week, and other stuff, we got very little time in our areas this week to work, and this week was a little tough; we were rejected quite a bit. But we learned and cultivated patience and greater diligence and were able to find Julio, who is a man of few words, angry (at the moment) with Christ, but open to read the BoM and learn more.  I truly am loving Malvín; what a great place to be.

We office elders also got to play basketball and touch football with the Eddy family before lunch today, and it was super fun; we all played really well and had a blast. For some strange reason, I was hitting a ton of 3's, and both teams had really good teamwork; back and forth scoring with lots of passes. Then we tied in football, and finished it off with a taco salad and banana splits. Amazing family, and fun day.

Love you all so much! Looking forward to see what we can do as we get closer to Christmas! Oh, speaking of that: The LDS Christmas Campaign is going to be starting the 1st of December, and starting the 25th of November, you can see all the videos for the 25 Days of December! We will be following the same theme as last year, #LightTheWorld, or #IluminaElMundo. I invite you all to get familiarized with the campaign and put it in action so that we may spread Christ's light in us throughout the world! Yo sé que Jesucristo es la luz del mundo, y que esa luz brilla en nosotros. Que podamos ser las manos de Él esta Navidad. (I know that Jesus Christ is the light of the world, and that that light shines in us. May we be the hands of Him this Christmas.)

Con mucho amor,
Élder Newman

Callie, I'm glad you had such a great birthday dinner! Here they don't celebrate Thanksgiving much, and fewer know what it is. But the American Elders ALWAYS celebrate it for sure! And great choice with the ice cream cake; I tried that stuff too and LOVED it! Love you sooo much!

¡Emma! ¡Buena elección con las camisas de Boston! ¡Mi compañero justo dio su aprobación! ¡Y doy la mía también! (Good choice with the Boston shirts! My companion gave his approval! And I give mine too!) Haha crazy scheduling conflicts! I remember those days for sure. And way to go on the ACT score even with unanswered questions! I'm sure you'll be beating me and Christian with all the Q's answered. ¡Te quiero mucho! (I love you so much!)

Hey Bear, doing well in sports. I guess it kinda runs in the family, no? Seriously, way to go giving it your all at all times. That is the greatest attribute an athlete, missionary, or person can ever have. Haha the sore voice is always "fun." Love you Sarah!

Holy cow, Mom! I'm glad that biking dude on the mountain trail is okay; crazy moment! And I sure hope the peacocks come back to say hi when I get home; last time I saw a peacock was in my first area, Chuy! And the light and eclipse talks were some of my favorites of this past conference; great message for all. Love you tons, Mom!

Pap, was the paralyzed girl that spoke to the YW Cambry Kaylor, the one that did horse vaulting? I think I might've seen her video on Mormon Channel once... And that is a FANTASTIC Diana Prince story; she would've made a stellar missionary.  And it is amazing to ponder the constant sacrifice of our armed forces and veterans; sometimes we do take them for granted. Love you!

Mom’s Questions:
1. Did you get your Christmas package from the Palabe family yet?

Not yet, I think they got back this week. I'll surely get it at church tomorrow.

2. How is the other Virginia? Is she on track for baptism? How about your other investigators?

Virginia Vodanovich was baptized yesterday, and all her family came and loved it! This was huge because Gerardo and Germán (dad and son) were lukewarm and Victoria (daughter) was not an investigator, and now they're all coming to church tomorrow for the confirmation! We've had little contact with our other investigators because of changes week and this crazy week of office responsibilities, so we're trying to reestablish contact with them.

3. What did you learn from Bishop Davies when he visited last week?

I learned about cultivating our spiritual gifts and having the right mindset for revelation, as well as receiving instruction and intelligence.

4. What have you learned about the new secretary, Elder Christensen this week?

He's a cross country runner, loves to eat just about anything, is kind of awkward (at least that’s what he says) but super funny, and super dedicated to what he does.

5. How’s the weather? Have you put the sweaters away yet?

This week was stifling hot with the humidity until the hailstorm, and then today was nice and breezy.

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