Monday, November 6, 2017

HELLO PEOPLES! THANK YOU ALL FOR THE BIRTHDAY WISHES! Now, hitting 20, I honestly do feel a little older; teen years are over! Excited to see what happens in this decade! Honestly, with my birthday this week, and all the stuff that's been happening, this week was about as close to perfect as you can get.

Perfeito (Perfection): I felt so much love this past weekend with all your birthday wishes and the birthday stuff the Office Elders did for me. And despite a little startling roadblock that we hit with Virginia Añón (at our appointment with her this week, she had a pack of cigarettes sitting out on the table and so we had to teach the Word of Wisdom instead of the lesson we had planned. But she still is committed and feels confident she can quit.), the two Virginias have been flying high, and in some occasions, they bore testimonies of principles and lessons we haven’t even taught yet! Talk about elect! They both are still well on track for their baptisms. We also found María Calcagño again and she accepted a baptismal date for the 2nd of December; she thought the Plan of Salvation was precious.

Un Subido y Bajado Dramático de Peso (A Dramatic Up and Down of Weight): With all the birthday stuff I ate this past week, I shot from 196 lbs. up to 209 in under a week. 13 POUNDS.Gratefully, I ate so well for the rest of the week and was so dedicated to exercise that I went back under 200 before the end of the week. Thus, we good.

PG be Famous!: For those of you who know the District videos - training for missionaries - the Hermana Zaldivar, who is from Argentina, went to PG High School! It's episode 5 of the District on Mormon Channel, go check it out. Super cool!  

May you all have happiness and joy in this next week! I know that Christ lives and is at the helm of this Church, and thus we have no need to fear!

Con mucho amor,
Élder Newman :)

Mom, haha oh goodness, I love Callie's Primary Program enthusiasm. Glad you enjoyed the visit from the Palabé family, and how cool that they got there on the 30th! Excited for the package! Love you Mom, thanks for everything you constantly do for me!

Pap, tough loss, but glad to hear the boys fought even though they got jipped of the TD in a crucial moment. Reminds me of the Utah-Oregon game with the fumble (although that was no official's fault, it was a crucial turning moment in the game). Quidditch!? Man, I would have loved to be there! Love you Pap!

Emmers! Injuries are no fun for sure, but glad to hear it's minor and healing quickly. What a sweet service experience with the rest home residents, and I'm stoked to see your dances! ¡Te quiero y espero lo mejor para vos (ti)! (I love you and I hope the best for you!)

Callerist! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 7 years old! I remember when you were born and I held you in my arms for the first time. Now you're gonna be 7! How the time has flown! I hope your party is super fun and that you have a great week! What a cute soccer costume for Halloween; you rocked it! And great job with your part in the Primary Program! I love you!

Bear, way to go doing your part in the primary program even though you felt too old to be up there. Besides, that's a great experience you were able to share about Kaylee in your talk! Haha love the costume! Haha buff Australians are super cool for sure. I bet he’s a great basketball trainer. Can't wait to see and hear about the Bantam experience! Love you Bear.

Mom’s Questions:
1. What did you do for your birthday? How was the package? Did you like it?

We kept it chill and had ice cream cake on Saturday. Then, in our meetings on Monday, President brought cupcakes from Hermana Eddy and wanted to sing Happy Birthday again (and I had used your birthday party in a bag ;) ), so we sang again; but all in all, pretty low key. And I LOVED your package! Thanks a ton! :)

2. How are the investigators doing? Are the baptismal dates still on for the Virginias?

They're both good to go still! They both came this Sunday and even became friends! :D And we've also re-found a sweet old investigator named María Calcagño, on whom we put a baptismal date of the 2nd of December! :)

3. What is your favorite thing that happened this week?

Honestly, I don't know, because this week, with my birthday and with the great things that have happened in Malvín, has been perfect.

4. What ways are you finding to serve others in Malvin?

We did some cleaning a little back for Pablo Perez, who is helping us out a lot in the work, and we plan on going back soon to paint! Also, a sister in Malvín Norte wants help painting the outside of her house too, so that'll be fun! :)

5. Are transfers this next week? What are your responsibilities during transfer week?

There'll be a ton for sure, and we know for a fact that Élder Poulson is leaving the offices (6 months are up), but only the assistants and President know the changes for now; we don't even know who the new secretary will be! During changes week, we normally welcome the oros to the mission, give little presentations on what we office Elders do for them, prepare them to meet their trainers, and buy & distribute the bus tickets for the transferring missionaries to get to their new areas. However, this week, it'll be a little different because we will be receiving a General Authority this week! I'll explain more next week. :)

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