Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Putting off the Natural Man; La Voz del Profeta; e Pequenos Milagres Cada Dia

 District Picture
Lunch between conference sessions Saturday

¡Hola gente! (Hello people!) Definitely a roller coaster week! We have seen some great miracles, like Giuliana accepting to be baptized 14/4/18 and Lucas, the son of a less active dad, agreeing to be baptized the 21/4/18, and we've also had some long days with rejections and returned Books of Mormon. But how would we experience joy without some sorrow every once in a while?

Conference was so amazing for me, incredible to see the vision that the Lord has for His Church by announcing those grand changes in Conference through His prophet, Russell M. Nelson. I felt very strong confirmations throughout the whole conference that he is truly God's prophet and has been prepared for this divine calling. And it seemed like the talks and music this year were better than they've ever been.

Yesterday we had a especially great day. We were able to find a reference that we're gonna pass to Progreso and we had two news! The first was Shakira (no, not that one), a young single mother that we found in the street with her son Isaías; we talked about the purpose of this life and families. Then we found an investigator named Javier that got baptized but not confirmed a year ago. He accepted a baptismal date for the 28/4/18 and is animated to try again in changing his life! After a week of not being able to find many, yesterday was an exciting start to the week!

Short on time because we're going to the temple today, but I love you all and hope that we can apply fully the revelation that we have received in Conference. ¡Les quiero!

Con amor,
Élder Newman :)

Wow, no kidding, President Nelson is so prepared for his role! That's so cool for the ward, a grand homecoming with all those missionaries! Super cool as well that I'll have a cousin at the Y! Love you Mom!

Emma! Way to go on your chemistry test! And Avatar! Man, they chose well.  ¡Te amo, hermanita! (I love you sister!)

Bear, I have memories of wrestling Dad, and it did not go well for me either! Then, when I actually learned to wrestle, he backed out.  Have fun at the rec! Love ya!

Callerist! That is quite the Easter loot there! Yay for school breaks!  I can't choose a favorite talk right now; remember to ask me next week! I love you!

Pap, I have tried to be bolder, following that conference and the prophet's boldness, and I believe that yesterday was a great reward for trying to do so. Happy birthday by the way! I've honestly lost track of how old you are going to be. 45? Love you Pops!

Mom’s Questions:

1. In your last area, you mentioned Southamerica Area Plan Card. Can you explain what this is?

It is a card with 3 blessings on the front - Enjoying the Blessings of the TEMPLE, Living and Sharing the GOSPEL, and finding delight in the SABBATH; on the back, there is space to write goals for each blessing. We are inviting members to write those goals, and we plan on passing by to follow up.

2. How many investigators do you have right now? 

12 right now.

3. Where did you watch conference? What was your favorite part? 

In the stake center, and I can't really choose a favorite; it was all so good! I did enjoy the meals we had in Las Piedras Shopping mall in between sessions!

4. Did you do anything special for Easter (besides conference)?

Nothing in particular.

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