Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Harvest; La Pizza de Tus Sueños; e Muito Treinamento Bom

 Zone Activity
 Lethiel's baptism in Malvin

Agustin's baptism in Las Peidras

 Saying goodbye to the Palave family

Hey peeps! What a special week this was! Especially Saturday; I had the grand privilege of being able to travel to Malvín to baptize Lethiel and say farewell to the Palavé family before they move to Utah next month, and then of being part of Agustín's baptism in Las Piedras (Giuliana felt it was too soon and wanted to wait a little longer). Both spiritually charged experiences, and the ward is starting to give us references as well because of it, lots of part-member families! I have a feeling that the harvest in Las Piedras is just getting started.

I also had some great training and learning in an intercambio with one of my zone leaders, Elder Hunt, this week, as well as Zone Conference. We are planning to use the Southamerica Area Plan Card starting tomorrow with a charla we have set with a super capa family in our ward in order to help them set missionary goals, and we will see how it goes! I've already grown so attached to Las Piedras and am excited to see what the Lord can achieve through us!

We also had some pizza to celebrate a miracle reverse-contact that happened this past Monday! (In his video, Elder Newman explains how Sabrina stopped on her bike and approached them in the street before they could approach her and said she wanted them to teach her so she could get baptized.) Sabrina ended up living in the area of the hermanas of my district, so at least I might see her in the baptismal interview! Excited for her!

Well, this week, as we go through the last week of Christ's mortal life and ministry and approach General Conference, may we constantly study the scriptures and ponder upon questions that we all have, and may we enter Conference weekend ready to learn from our prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, and the 12 Apostles and our other inspired leaders. I know that when the Lord speaks through them,"it is the same" as if He were personally speaking. (D&C 1:38) May we treat their words as such!

¡Que tengan una semana maravillosa! (Have a wonderful week!)

Con amor,
Élder Jackson Duane Newman

Emmerist! Look at the bilingual experience! ¿Pudiste entender todo? (Could you understand everything?) Glad you're enjoying Cali, and good luck with the self-taught chemistry lesson! ;) ¡Te amo mucho!

Mom, I did hear about Kevin and his mission call to Brazil! That is super awesome; I am so happy and proud of him and am excited to see what he can do!  Man, I would love to try some Harry Potter’s butterbeer someday; sounds delectable! Haha, Callie's not the first one that's had second thoughts about Tower of Terror-now-Guardians of the Galaxy.  Love you!

Callie, I'm so glad that you were able to enjoy Disneyland and California. Say hi to Mickey and Minnie for me, and don't forget your sunscreen!  Love you!

Woah, Bear! So cool that you got to see Peter Hollens! Such a stud. Sorry you haven't been feeling well; I remember when Christian was really sick in Washington, D.C. Hope you enjoyed the trip though! Love you tons!

Pap, bro hangouts with Bart should always be fun.  Miss that guy! Lots of love and prayers your guys' way.

Mom’s Questions:
1. How big is Las Piedras? How many members are there? 

There's about 80 active members who are really loving and supportive, and the area is HUGE! Not quite as big as El Pinar, but definitely an area where we use a lot of buses.

2. What is your apartment like? 

It is nice, big, and comfy. A little old, but I like it. :)

3. Tell us more about your companion? What is your favorite thing about him?

He's a great pizza addict, so we have something in common there. ;) But seriously, he's a great teacher and gets along really well with people, anyone and everyone. Great example for me. :)

4. Are you adjusting to full time proselyting? 

Oh, definitely. I feel like I'm right back at home. :)

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