Tuesday, April 10, 2018

I Love to See The Temple; Vueltas en la Pansa; e Serviço é Muito Bom

¡Hola queridos! Another long, tiring, satisfying week in the Lord's service. Continuing to see the Gospel change people's lives, and it's so wonderful to see.

We went to the temple this past week as a zone, and it was such a sweet experience. There is an incomparable spirit there that you just cannot afford to miss out on.  Other highlights were: seeing Sister Eddy after three weeks and enjoying her brownie cookies. Yummm!!  Also had interviews this week with President Eddy! Man, I sure do miss being close to the Eddy family constantly!

Giuliana is all set for her baptism this Saturday, and Agustín passed his interview for the Aaronic Priesthood. Lucas continues to progress well, but the date has fallen for now because his non-member mother wants to see him deeply convicted in following this path so that he doesn't fall away afterwards. We're gonna keep working with him, and especially the father, who after a while, has finally expressed his desire to return to activity in the church. And Javier, the baptized but unconfirmed guy we found, is currently striving to gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon. Definitely no lack of desire, though!

Also had the opportunity to do some service this Saturday; we painted the entire outside of an investigator's house yellow in 2.5 hours! Cookin' along!

Did happen to get sick over the weekend. Not sure if it was something I ate, but Friday afternoon my stomach started churning, and we got home just in time, if you know what I mean. All the rest of that day and many times throughout the night, I spent in the bathroom. Yeah, not super fun. But oh well!

¡Les quiero a todos! ¡Que tengan una semana maravillosa! (I love you all! Have a wonderful week!)

Con amor,
Élder Newman :)

Hey Mom! Glad you are able to serve as a Primary pianist! I have to play 2 hymns tomorrow for the district meeting, and our zone leaders will be attending! That should be fun... Wow, quite the home adventures. I don't think I would've done well with the sight of Sarah’s teeth hanging out and blood either, so you're not alone there. And super cool for Mitch! Send him my love and support! Love you Mom!

Callerist! Yes, I was able to have a zone activity today and play some games and eat some pizza with the other missionaries in the zone! Super fun!

Shoot, Bear! I am so sorry to hear about the mishap on the tramp! We all have crazy moments like that. Hope your recovery goes smoothly! Lots of love and prayers your way!

Yes Emma, ñokis are sooo good! Haha, yearbook week seems a little bit like changes week for us. NO REST. Hopefully you'll be able to catch some sleep this next week! Love you!

Dad, that meme is absolutely fantastic and quite true. President Nelson came in with power! We actually have a meeting in the afternoon this coming Sunday at the stake center where all the new quorum presidencies are going to be sustained. I'm super excited. Love you Pap.

Mom’s Questions:

1. How did Guiliana, Shakira, Javier and Lucas progress this week? 

Giuliana fantastic. She's all set to go for this Saturday. Shakira randomly disappeared to Colonia and will be gone until next week (her father told us that). Lucas is doing well but might take a little longer to get to the water. Javier is doing well, just needs to get his answer on the BoM and attend church.

2. How was the temple last Tuesday? Did you go as a district or zone? 

Stellar. :) We went as an entire zone.

3. Is the weather starting to cool off now? 

Mostly yes, there were some cloudy and rainy days. Today's still pretty hot though.

4. What is your favorite thing about Las Piedras? 

Probably the 3x1 pizza or the huge Las Piedras Shopping center.

1 comment:

  1. Pues claro que si la hna Teresita cocina algo rico, asi pues, ya ves mama :)
