Monday, April 30, 2018

Elder Sandía; Mentes y Corazones Preparadas; e Quasi Pelé

¡Hola gente!

Another stellar week as we are currently striving (and succeeding) in finding new people and helping those we have to progress. One example is Esteban, a friend of a current investigator named Edwin who is friends with a member family. The two are super sharp and accepted to be baptized! (We are working on parental permission before we set the date) And Esteban, despite the rain on Sunday, came to church! We're trying to help everyone else come out to church so that they can get baptized too; a few baptismal dates fell through this week.

Remember Santiago? He is super hungry for knowledge, that's for sure. We had read 3 Nephi 11 with him and invited him to be baptized - he said he needs to think and pray about it - and then he asked about Adam and Eve, and he asked such questions as, "How did God become God?" Like, wow! Such deep questions for an investigator! He surely shows a ton of promise and we invited him to pray last night to know if these things are true. We also have a ward fellowshipping activity tomorrow for Labor Day, and we have invited a few investigators to attend. It's gonna be awesome!

My new companion is Elder Chandía. He is such a stud and wants to work hard and improve in everything. Haha, the people here quite often confuse his last name with "Sandía" (watermelon). Haha, it's pretty funny.

We also started teaching Margarita, who lives in the 18 de Mayo ward but attends Las Piedras because of her friend Teresita who is the Gospel Essentials teacher. She is absolutely amazing and has more understanding and knowledge than many members. And she asked us how she could be saved because, in her words, "Me quiero salvar." (I want to be saved.) Thus, we set a baptismal date for the 26th of March. We are going to work with the 18 de Mayo Elders to help her know at least who her ward missionaries and bishop are, and we're excited to see how it all turns out.

Exciting news: Elder Holland is going to visit our mission this transfer! I had been hoping for that for a long time, and I am soo excited to hear the words of an apostle of the Lord.

Today we played fútbol in our zone activity, and I almost pulled a bicycle kick goal! It would have been like Pelé from Brasil! Oh well. I also did score a "taco" goal (kick it backwards like a donkey.)

Hope y'all have a great week! I'm so grateful for all your prayers and support in my behalf. It truly makes a difference, so keep it up! :) ¡Les quiero!

Élder Newman

Opa, looking good with the sheetrock put up! Great view as well from the back deck!

Thanks for the card and for all you do siempre para mí. Love you Mom.

Hey Bear! Looks like you'll start off the reports with a bang! My pleasure, happy that what I sent you helped. Make sure to send me a pic afterwards! Love you tons!

Callie! Remind me and we will definitely watch Annie together after the mish! AH, good ol' Cookie Sunday! Love you soo much! Remember to always Choose the Right!

Emmrist! Congrats on the Spirit Bowl victory! Well deserved! Haha nice with the "run-in" with the cops!  Excited to see Infinity War! ¡Te amo mucho!

Mom’s Questions:

1. What is the funniest experience you had this week? 

Elder Chandía in general. The kid's a crackup!

2. Are there any people in your ward that you are really connecting with? 

Definitely the quorum president and the ward secretary. Both really young and super capo.

3. Who is your new companion? How long has he been in the mission? Where is he from? 

Elder Chandía is from Santiago Chile, the capital. He's got 9 months in the mission (same time as Elder Rodríguez).

4. What is something interesting you have learned about your new companion this week? 

He is an absolute Coca Cola addict. Like, seriously. It's bad. xD He's also a champ at fútbol!

5. How is Santiago doing this week?

Doing good! He said he's going to come to the ward activity tomorrow, and we have super high hopes for him.

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