Monday, May 7, 2018

The Power of Prayer; "María, ¡Por Favor!"; e Bênçãos

 District Picture
 Zone Activity

Hello my people!  Definitely a week of stretching and growth, filled with a dash of miracles as well.

This week, we had lots of fallen charlas (not kidding, like 80% of them) and lots of trials. On Wednesday I had gotten quite upset after an older man had insulted us in a contact, and I was still irate as we walked away (although I didn't let the man see it) when Elder Chandía saw that I was not doing good, and suggested that we pray right there, right then. Well, we did, with him as voice, kneeling down in the street, and the rest of that day was great: charlas and news and miracles. Then, on Friday, believe it or not, I was once again grumbling and criticizing under my breath against people who had set charlas with us and bailed out at the last minute. Now that I think about it, I was quite like Laman in that moment. Elder Chandía ONCE again suggested we pray. I felt a little foolish for having allowed myself to get to this point again, and this time I offered to be voice. I prayed for forgiveness for my bitter feelings and started to ask the Lord to bless those that had bailed out. And OH, what peace and healing instantly took place in my heart. Later that day, we found another new investigator as well. I've learned much about the power of prayer this week, and am going to try to be more diligent in that light. It reminds me of Captain Moroni's experience with the Lamanites in Alma 43:48-51 (which I strongly encourage y'all to go read) and something my zone leader Elder Hunt once said, "Every miracle is preceeded by a prayer."

Funny story: we were teaching Ana the 10 Commandments this week with a sign game, and an inactive girl named María came over randomly; she was only there for like 5-10 minutes. But whenever Ana struggled to remember a commandment, María would blurt it out, and Ana would say in frustration, "María, ¡Por Favor!" Good times.

We also had a powerful opportunity to give a blessing of guidance to Rosana and of health to Raúl following some difficult trials they've had. The power of the priesthood is so real.

Bright side: we got an investigator, Debora, to church for her first time, and she liked it so much and was so well fellowshipped that she raved to her mom (who lives in 18 de Mayo) all about it, and her mom wants to attend church! Blessings for sure!

Love you all so much, hope you all have a good week!

Mucho amor,
Élder Newman :)

Mom, Primary is such a joy. "Gordon Hayward...?"  And soo cool for Callie as well being the spotlight.  Getting old here too, crazy to be with a ton of missionaries today on P Day and realize that only Elder Estouco was older than me. Countdown continues! Love you so much.

Bear, I remember when we did a mutual activity like that. Fun stuff. Way to get that 2-1 victory!  And that presentation looks super good too! Love you!

Callie! Congrats on the spotlight! I told you you'd get it someday!  I love you!

Emma, nice job with the 4's.  Haha good ol' seniors  And WAY TO BE CHOSEN AS ONE OF THE PRESIDENTS! ¡CAPA!  Lots of love!

Mom’s Questions:

1. How is Santiago doing? Is he ready to commit to baptism?

 We've kind of lost contact with him, so we'll see what we can do.

2. Did Esteban come to church again this week? 

Nope. :/

3. How is Margarita? Were you able to coordinate with the 18 de Mayo missionaries? 

She's doing good. Understood super well when we taught the Plan of Salvation, but for some reason didn't come to church (Debora was the only one). And we haven't had time to coordinate with the other Elders yet. Still a process.

4. Is Rossana a member in your ward? I got a nice email from her this week (and some pictures).

She's a dry member! Once she gets married to Raúl, she'll be ready for baptism. She's like a 2nd mother to all the missionaries, super loving.

5. The most of important question from Mom: when are you calling on Sunday for Mother’s Day?

8:00 PM here, which is 5 PM your guys' time.

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