Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Fruit Snacks and Eggs do NOT Mix Well; La Lluvia y la Fe Traen Milagros; e A Promessa Cumprida

Uruguayan Sunsets and Flowers

 With Rossana
 With Victor and Patricia at Victor's baptism

Zone Activity

Hey fam bam and friends! I hope you all had a splendid Mother's Day; I surely enjoyed mine. So amazing to see through Google Hangouts how my family in Utah and my little bro in Bolivia have grown and progressed. The Lord truly keeps his promises, especially the one He makes to missionaries in D&C 100:1. And I am forever grateful for loving mothers all over the world, and most especially my own. It was such a joy to talk with you yesterday. I love you, Mom.

Man, what a great week this was! We had a zone conference this week and decided to put President Eddy's counsels concerning faith to find and baptize into play, and we had an immediate payoff as we went from 0 to 5 fechas (dates) in 5 days. 3 are still going strong, and one of them, Cinthia, has been el propio milagro (the miracle itself). When we had first met her a week before, she had declined going to church because she really didn't like them, but she has read the Book of Mormon, felt the Spirit, and accepted baptism in order to quit smoking and find peace in her life. And she came to church this Sunday with her two little kids! (She actually beat us to the building, haha.) It's amazing to see the difference a little faith makes in everything. With all these miracles, and being able to travel back to Toledo to baptize Victor (that was also the PROPIO milagro [own miracle]!), this was probably the favorite week of my entire mission. We spent over 3 hours in our weekly planning trying to prepare for each person we're teaching. Truly blessed in the work.

Been quite a rainy week as well, but that doesn't stop us, for every missionary knows that faith and rain bring miracles.

Victor in itself was one of the greatest joys I have experienced, for almost a YEAR ago, I met him for the first time and proceeded to teach and help him for almost 5 months as he struggled to get married with his pareja and quit smoking for good. And when I came to Toledo to baptize him, he reminded me that he had promised that one day, while I was still in the mission, that I would come back and baptize him. Very humbling to see how the Lord honored that promise and put me just 30 minutes away so that I could obey mission rules and still go and baptize him. Very grateful.

(Not so) fun fact: eating fruit snacks and eggs together will kill your stomach. Do not try it.

I am so grateful for the miracles that the Lord has granted us, and I'm excited to see what He can help us do in these last 66 days of my mission. Such a blessing to be a missionary, and I can't believe that it's almost over. Gotta make every day count for sure. ¡Les quiero a todos! ¡Vamo arriba!

Con mucho amor,
Élder Newman :)

Hey Mom, good luck with your guitar recital! And I have a firm testimony of the law of the harvest as well.  Love you soo much.

Bear, I loved talking with you as well, it was awesome!  And when I get home, I can help you with your goalie training, and you can help me with mine!  Deal? Haha night games were the best with my homies, glad you enjoyed yours. Have a great week, love ya!

Callie, look at you, soo tall! Runs in the family, I guess  It was soo great talking with you! Way to go reading the Book of Mormon! Keep it up and let me know what you learn! Love you!

Haha, the AP US History test is a doozy for sure; best of luck, Emma! If you get a 3 you will have beaten me!  I thought that Vines had been discontinued...? ¡Te amo!

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