Monday, June 11, 2018

The Lost Plates of Newman; Grandes Cambios; e Serviço Pagado Com o Churrasco

Hey peeps! Another week in the Lord's service. Kind of a tough one, to be honest, with no new investigators and few in church. But we had opportunities to serve and to coordinate with the ward going forward.

We did service this week for Raúl and Rosana, cutting down some trees and branches on the roofs of their sheds that were blocking water flow. They rewarded us by turning all those branches... into an asado!!  They are the absolute best. And while the meat was cooking, Rosana did a little photo shoot for us (they work as photographers). Good day, and they are getting close to selling that property and being able to get married and then baptized. Awesome!

Well, I got my journal back! After a week and a half of not having it, I felt like an old piece of me was back.  And I've thought about it a lot, how Joseph Smith must've felt to have lost the 116 pages of the original translation, and what life would've been like if Mormon or Moroni had lost the entire Book of Mormon. How different would our lives be? I'm definitely hanging on to my journal a little bit tighter.

With lots of missionaries going home this past change and the next one, there are some big changes happening in the mish. There are areas closing and areas being combined as the number of missionaries has decreased. Lots of movement as missionaries are moved around to cover for the missionaries that completed their missions this last week.

We had ward council this week and have a correlation on Friday to talk about how the members can help in finding investigators. Should be awesome!

¡Les quiero a todos! ¡Que tengan un verano buenazo! (I love you all! Have a great summer!)

Con amor,
Élder Newman :)

What a small trip for sure! And how fun that you and Dad got up skiing together!  Super crazy that all my buds are getting home before me! Love you Mom! :)

¡Opa! Haha sinus infections are not fun.  But I'm glad the Powell trip went so well. And it's not every day that your neighbors set up the ski course! #TheFewTheProud Love you Pops.

Callerist! Look at you going down the slide! I think it took me longer to be that brave. Way to go!  I'm glad you enjoyed Lake Powell! And you danced so well!  Love you so much!

Home alone. Haha I bet you had lots of fun with you, yourself, and thou. Lots of luck with drill camp! ¡Te amo, Emma!

Bear! Haha, how I miss surfing and skiing. Glad you had fun! You'll have to show me your skillz when we go boating together! Love you!

Mom’s Questions:

1. How are the Mendez Gomez family doing? Are they still responding well to the lessons? 

We haven't been able to have a charla this past week, but we're going to set something up this week!

2. How many investigators do you have this week? 

Not sure, but no more than 10.

3. Were you able to get more done this week since Elder Chandia is feeling better? 

Not really; he had a couple more sick days, and it was kind of a tough week. But we're going to hit it harder next week.

4. How cold is it getting? 

It keeps switching off between warm and freezing. I think Uruguay weather is even more unpredictable than Utah weather.

5. Any more opportunities to play the piano this week? 


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