Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Reverse Contacts Galore y ¿Invierno?

 Elder Newman and Elder George lunch appointment
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Hey peoples! This has been a pretty crazy yet miracle-filled week! The Lord is truly preparing His elect to receive His message!

Raúl, Victor, Adrianna and Agustina all came to church yesterday! Raúl has a baptismal date set for the 12th of August and that's pretty much all he talks about. Victor and Patricia received their official marriage date: 10/19/17! And Victor will be baptized the 4th of November! They accepted the Law of Chastity with complete ease. Adrianna is still in the tough spot of not being married because her marido (boyfriend) doesn't want anything; we're going to try tackling that this week. Agustina said she wasn't sure about baptism when we invited her, but the invitation made her super sober and pay attention; she wants to be sure about this decision. Potential!

Reverse Contactos Galore: We have received an inflowing of people who are prepared to listen to the gospel! We have received a handful of references, one of which has said she wants to be baptized and has already attended a few times! (her charla fell through, but we have another one set for this week) We also had 3 reverse contacts this week, the last of which was pretty funny and incredible: We were about to leave the chapel because for the first time, nobody showed up to English Class, when we saw a young lady outside the door, dressed in red with a baby in her arms. We went outside, and the first thing she asked was, "¿Ustedes hacen bautismos aquí? Quiero sacar una ficha bautismal." ("Do you baptisms here? I want to get a baptismal record.”) We were absolutely shellshocked and gleeful... until we realized that she was talking about her baby son. We ended up having a great contact with her and set a charla for tomorrow. Super excited!

¿Invierno?: Up until Sunday, this whole week was super nice, and reached 20º (Celcius). Then on Sunday, nice and brisk, with tons of rain in the evening. Hmmm…

Mom, make sure you send my comp a happy birthday message? He turns 19 today. Haha, only Isaiah (or maybe even Coleman) could pull off the pizza metaphor. Love you Mom.

Pap, thinking about each Book of Mormon character played by each member of the ward for youth conference... perfect fit. Haha, we have had to get quite a few of cars here unstuck; lots of dirt streets. Love you Pops!

Ooops! Haha I remember receiving that punishment (hugging timeouts) with Christian, Callie. Remember the Primary song, "Love One Another"! I didn't know you were playing soccer! How fun! Haha, way to be tough and not cry at all! (
Actually she cried most of the 2nd half.) Love you Callie!

Bueno, mi hermana querida, solo pasará el tiempo más y más rápido; ¡estaremos todos en casa antes que lo sepas! (Well, my dear sister, only time will pass faster and faster; We'll all be home before you know it!) Speaking of time passing quickly, already going to be a junior! 2nd-to-last drill team picture! Haha, only Isaiah would even attempt the pizza analogy in a farewell talk (or maybe Coleman or Ethan Hollis). Wish him and Derek good luck from me! Te quiero, Emma, y ¡nos vemos en 1 AÑO Y 2 DÏAS! (See you in 1 YEAR AND 2 DAYS!)

Haha truly quiet without the big boys there, huh?  No worries, I'll be home before you know it. Way to beat a California soccer team and play very well this weekend! Haha I remember the hugging punishment vividly; Mom used it on Christian and me many times. Make sure to help out Callie a lot in soccer and encourage her lots; it'll mean tons! Love you Bear!

Love you all, and the next time I write I will be officially OVER THE HUMP! (I hit a year on Wednesday). ¡Os quiero! (I love you!)

Con l'amore,
Elder Newman

Mom’s Questions:
1. What is the best activity you have done on pdays in Toledo? 

Definitely the asado with the district or watching The Best Two Years for the first time at Gustavo's house

2. What is the best thing you learned by the AP’s and zone leaders that are in your district? 

Well, the AP's are no longer in the district, but the greatest thing I've learned has to be about desire and giving all and more from Elder Childs.

3. What are your goals for the second half of your mission? 

Be exactly obedient, have no fear, be more humble and meek, and rely more on the Lord to acheive my objective of bringing souls unto Christ.

4. How are your seven nuevos? Have you been able to have teaching appointments with any of them? 

With Seria Marquez, yes! Sandro is a little complicated because he gets home late in the evening and his pareja (unmarried spouse) doesn't really want anything. Also had a charla with Ezequiel about preparing for baptism and being able to attend each week no matter what (parents are divorced, and he switches off weekends visiting each parent).

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