Tuesday, May 23, 2017

There´s a First for Everything; Familia Eternas; e A Vacina Mais Rápida do Mundo

District Pic
 Temple trip with Elder Souza, Kevin, and Solange

 "Genealogy, I am Doing It"
 Last Pday in El Pinar with Elder Souza, Kevin, and Solange

 Getting ready to leave El Pinar

Hello everybody! As you all know, this week is changes, and I have learned that I am leaving El Pinar. I am sad to be leaving the area where I experienced so many miracles, but I am ready to go where the Lord needs me. I will be serving in Toledo A in Maroñas (really close to Montevideo) and will be serving as district leader! Excited for the opportunity to serve and love the members of my new district and my new comp, who will be Elder Mereneles (or something like that) from Paraguay! Elder Souza is staying in El Pinar and receiving Elder Wheat (I think) as his new companion. El Pinar is in good hands!

Bahahahahaha! Dude, that rip in your pants is epic! Dude, it is so weird to see Nancy running slick, know that Powell is coming, and not be there. But I trust y'all will have fun the same. Dude, the temple is coming quickly! Let me tell you, the endowment experience is incredible and unforgettable; the Spirit is so strong and your mind is truly opened. Don't have any fear or nervousness, just focus on the Spirit you feel and the covenants you make, and it will be the experience of a lifetime. And the Melchizidek Priesthood will be so amazing for you, especially in the mission. Best of luck with Graduation! Live it up, my brother! Love you Christian!

Emma! You jumped on the wakeboard! Man, how I miss boating... Haha no worries, we all have bad test days at school. Makes me think of Calculus... Hey! Tell Sami Jo hi for me! Espero que las cosas te vayan bien. ¡Te quiero muchísimo, mi querida hermana! (I hope things go well for you. I love you very much, my dear sister!)

Bear! May 15th is probably the latest I have heard of snow in Utah, so I don't blame you for being angry. Nice work in soccer! I have been so impressed with the way you've played and the opportunities you've received. Way to go! Haha you need to send me tons of photos of Lake Powell and Clear Creek. Love you Bear!

Way to go on the big kid rides! Have fun with Lake Powell and Lagoon! Always choose the right! I love you Callie!

We had found a youth way back named Fernando who had a little contact with the Church and we taught the Restoration. Afterwards, he disappeared for 3 months, and we found him this week. He was not a very firm believer in God 3 months back, but when we found him this week, he told us that he prays every night to God! And he has accepted the invitations to read the BoM and pray, and to be baptized the 15/6/17!

We went with Kevin and Solange to the temple this week to show her what the House of the Lord is like, and it was perfect! She was absolutely amazed by the peaceful Spirit there and was enchanted by the white temple dresses in the distribution center. Solange has been rock-solid since her baptism; she has faced her challenges with faith and courage and also has been helping out in activities. So wonderful to see the happiness in her life that Christ has given her!

There's a First for Everything: Well, I've always had a slight fear of dogs, but until this past week, I had never been bitten. We went to a lunch in Pinar Sur (South), very far away, and as we entered in the gate, her dog jumped up and went for my arm! He only got sweater, and after a second I finally realized that there was a dog biting my sweater. I yelped, shook him off, and then the peachy went straight for my ankle! The poor sister was so embarrassed.

Familias Etarnas: We recently had a multi-zone conference with Elder Packer of the Area Presidency, and a big theme of the conference was thinking differently and using different tools to find investigators, one of which was... family history. When we talk about our families, we naturally feel the fruits of the Spirit, "love, joy, peace," etc. And when an investigator feels the desire to provide his ancestor the ordinances of salvation, he naturally feels and thinks, "Well, if this is important for them, even more so for me." Putting it to the test this week!

A Vacina Mais Rápida do Mundo: (excuse my Portuguese) After the conference, we received vaccines for the flu (I think), and as you all know, needles and I do NOT get along well. I naturally stepped in expecting the worst. The nurse came up and started rubbing my arm with a cotton swab to prepare and said, "Uno, dos, tres, puede salir." (One, two, three, you can get out.) I then realized that she had given the shot very discreetly in between rubs and that I had not felt a thing. Now THAT's professional.

Love you all; always choose the right and look to Christ, and you will feel the most pure joy possible in life, no matter the trials. ¡Vamo arriba! ¡Os quiero muchísimo! (Let's go upward! I love you very much!)

Con amor,

Elder Newman :)

Mom’s Questions:

1. How did the transfer go? Are you staying with Elder Souza? 

Nope; I am heading to Toledo A in Maroñas.

2. Did you get your package from Claudia? Were you able to give Solange her envelope from us? Do the shoes fit ok? 

I did receive it, and Claudia couldn't stop raving about how beautiful our family is or how young you look; she thought you were my sister! I am giving the envelope to Solange today. And the shoes fit amazing; thanks Mom!

3. Any updates on your investigators?

 Darío and Joanna have reduced to only 1 cigarette a day and are about to kick smoking for good! :D They were recently introduced to FamilySearch and are so excited to continue! We found the Fernando that we taught in the park, 3 months later! He has gone from almost athiest to praying to God every night, and has a baptismal date set for 15/6/17!

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