Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Snakes un ful, y Oven Asado

 Isn't it great when Elder Newman's friends in Uruguay request to be my friend on FB and then send me pictures they took of him?
 ​Capilla Abierta - Elder Souza and I had the privilege of wearing all white and talking about baptism​
 ​La Costa

  ​Elder Souza thought he was Spiderman...​
...thus we brought in the real deal!​

¡Hola queridos! ¡Que semana que fue! ¡Milagros a full! ¡Que bueno que es para estar en el servicio de mi Padre Celestial, mi Salvador, y mis hermanos aquí en Uruguay! (Translation: Hi dears! What a week that was! Miracles to full! How good it is to be in the service of my Heavenly Father, my Savior, and my brothers here in Uruguay!)

Christian, OPA!!!! Your chance finally came! Way to take advantage of the opportunity; WOOT! How'd the game go with Lone Peak? Tell Andrew hi for me!  You can never go wrong with NSYNC; nice job on defending the title of Mr. Congeniality at Mr. Viking! Dude, I can't believe Coombsy's going to Bismark; what a coincidence!  Color festival? And no photos? tsk tsk tsk I'll be praying for you and the mission call; ¡buena suerte, mi amigo y hermano! (Translation: Good luck, my friend and brother!)  Love you Christian!

¡Hermana! Looks like you had a ton of fun at the color fest; the pic shows it all! The food is what grabbed my attention (like always). Huh! I wonder what happened with your neck; strange. Best of luck with the tryouts!¡Te quiero muchísimo! (Translation: I love you so much!)

BEAR! Way to start off the season right in soccer and shut them down on offense! #zilch Looks like you learned a little bit from Christian. Ask him about 8th Grade vs. AF and Cody and you'll know what I'm talking about. Adding more and more sports to the list! Well, when you're busy, you're happy, and you feel a sense of fulfillment. Best of luck! Love you Sarah!

CALLIE! I saw the photos of you at Mr. Viking; that dress was SOO pretty! That must have been so fun to escort Christian and Coombsy across the stage. Tigers are such cool animals and polar bears are too. That must have been scary to get lost at the zoo! But I'm so happy you were found. Haha I saw your post office video; SOO FUNNY! Love you tons!

Mom, forgetting to pick up Callie from school, losing her in the park; man, you are losing your touch!  So great to see all the wonderful things happening in the family each week; I pray every night that you guys may have success and happiness in all that you do, and each week I see a huge answer! BTW: I would love it if you could send me that beautiful Italian song that I used to sing when I was little (Partiro something) and a Portuguese song that Elder Souza recently showed me: Ninguem Explica Deus by Preto no Branco.

Pap, that range looks like paradise. 1000 yards! We will definitely have to go when I get back! I also love that talk from Elder Cornish; the referee reference made me laugh and feel the Spirit at the same time.

This week has been absolutely amazing! Kevin Reus, a youth preparing to serve a mission, has become our secret weapon and greatest friend here; he finally got us a charla with his girlfriend Solange, who has been investigating the church for a while now. And she now has a baptismal date set for the 15th of April! He and his family have also helped us a ton with Nicolas; we've had charlas about the 10 commandments and OLA (Orar, Leer, y Asistir) as well as a fantastic lesson about the Sabbath Day specifically. Man, every time I'm in that house, I can feel the Spirit sooo strongly; incredible family.

We have also been working to find new people to teach, and we were blessed this week with 7 Nuevos! (including Solange) Diego and Leo are twins and friends of Santiago Rivero, and they were there when we came for the lesson. Immediately, Santiago said; "they've got this Book! Want to read?" In addition, his 12 year old sister Lucía, who had not been joining us for charlas for a while, told us that she received an answer that the Book is true! In addition, Margarita and Valentína, a mother/daughter combo that have taken the charlas before.

We also got to put on a Capilla Abierta (Translation: Open Chapel) in El Bosque (stake center of La Costa) this week, and it was amazing! Such a privilege to be dressed in white and talking about baptism and the Holy Ghost. Funny story: upon talking about baptism by water and baptism by fire (which I promise we said was symbolic), one woman raised her hand with a little fear in her eyes and said, "What does baptism by fire mean?" She had construed it literally.

Snakes un ful: Snake means a chick that could be dangerous to the missionaries and flirts with them (not sure if I told y'all once already). Two experiences: 1) We were walking to a charla on Thursday and waved to a group of teenagers passing by, and a girl in the front turned her head back and said, "What's up, baby!" #etee 2) We got to know a lady (who's in her 50's) in the streets, but we got to know her 24 year old daughter when we arrived at their house for the charla. When the daughter saw us, a look came into her eyes that made us Elders uncomfortable, as if she liked what she saw. It's a good thing that her older brother was in the house and that she respects her mother, because otherwise it would be REALLY risky to visit again.

Oven Asado: José María cooked us an asado yesterday! It was in the oven, because he is blind and doesn't have the asado pit, or churrascero, but it was absolutely DIVINE! Great charla as well about forgiveness; strong spirit present.

You all should read Moses 6:59-68; it explains the reason for baptism better than any scripture I've ever read. Modern revelation to the max.

I love you all a ton, and I hope y'all enjoy GENERAL CONFERENCE! (wait, wasn't it just yesterday that we had conference? How the time files!) Come into it with prayer in your heart and a hunger to learn, and it will be a spiritual feast for you. ¡Que tengáis una buena semana! ¡Os quiero tantísimo! (Translation: Have a good week! I love you so much!)

Con amor,

Elder Newman :)

Mom’s Questions:
1. I saw a picture of the temple in your last email. Will you get to attend the temple soon? Or have you already?

April 11th. Finally! :)

2. How is Elder Souza’s training coming along? You two seem to really get along well.

VERY well! There's a lot of lessons that the oro is supposed to take charge of in week 6 or even more advanced that I've let him take charge of, and he is absolutely killer. Makes my assignment very easy :)

3. What miracles have you experienced this week?

Finally finding Solange and immediately being able to set a baptismal date with her; 6 other nuevos this week, with 2 of them in part by missionary work from our 9-year-old investigator, Santiago!

4. How is the punching bag and exercise coming along? Have you done any pushups lately? What’s your record? What’s Elder Souza’s record?

Exercise is very good; I've been 90% on days doing them! We are still trying to find a way to get the punching bag hung up, but I've done some squats with it since. And nope on the pushups. Will have to get back into that.

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