Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Cremación, Asado Muito Bom!, and Posso Negro

 A great view of the beautiful Montevideo, Uruguay Temple
 Lineage (My son, Elder Souza, me and my father, Elder Anderson
 Rain gear activated!​
 ​​​So very soon, I will be choosing a college to attend after the mish! I am currently down to two choices: the obvious University of Utah...
 and the Thunderstrike Brigham Young University! (trust me, even I didn't see that coming!) I'll be letting y'all know in a bit which I have decided on!​
 Nosotros tenemos tantos problemas con los possos negros
 When your ward friends are homies and help you exercise and obey the rules

 ​Our first attempt at asado was a success!

¡Hola mis queridos! Estoy muy feliz y agradecido para hablar con vosotros, porque ¡esta semana fue milagrosa y chistosa a la vez! (Translation: Hello my dear ones! I am very happy and grateful to talk to you, because this week was miraculous and funny at the same time!)

IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN! Christian, my man, words cannot explain how stoked I am for you dude! You are about to join the field with me! Secretly rooting for that you get Uruguay Montevideo, but you are going to make an impact wherever you go.  Way to kick butt again with the bracket! Did Utah make the tourney? Oh yeah, btw, how'd they do in football this year? Hope you guys enjoyed the March Madness games; must've been intense in a hostile crowd! Dude, you guys beat that team by 30 points in the championship game? That´s just straight up ridiculous. I saw your dunk; approved!  Oh I forgot to tell you: last week at the zone activity I was playing alone in a 1-vs-2 bball pickup game vs Elders Souza and McMillon before the big game started. On defense, I probably only allowed one basket, and on offense, I pulled your between-the-legs move vs Elder Souza, crossed up Elder McMillon, and easy lay-up in. Hahaha, Pop's still got game. Best of luck with Mr. Viking! Don't stress it at all; just have fun with the other guys and don't worry about the scores, and you will have a highlight experience. Enjoy Israel in April! Love you buddy! Game on!

Emma, haha the State Math Competition is always a mind-buster; I honestly just went to get out of school, get strawberry candies, see the BYU performing arts, and get my Uruguay t-shirt. (Plus, having it on my resumé aint too bad either.) The weather here is FINALLY starting to cool down; we actually got to wear sweaters this week! Poor Elder Souza is from Recife where the COLDEST it gets is 20* Celcius, and he thinks THIS is cold. My poor friend is going to die before he even completes training! ¡Te quiero muchísimo hermana mía! ¡Que tengas una buena semana! (Translation: I love you very much, my sister! Have a good week!)

Bear! So excited to hear about how outside soccer goes! Outdoor sports are always the best. Haha I remember when I was the tallest in Grovecrest and got those kind of advantages. Enjoy it while you can, because if you go anything like me, you'll stop growing once you hit 7th grade. I'll pray to make sure that doesn't happen. Make sure you send me a video once you get up on slalom! Love you!

Callie, haha oops! Mistakes are made sometimes! (*her friend called 911 from our house) Did I ever tell you that when I was little, Mommy found me having made a 6-HOUR phone call?  I miss you soo much too, Callerist! Beautiful music ALWAYS makes me happy! I love you!

Mom, I honestly am laughing my head off. Maddie got called to the Orem, Utah mission!? What are the odds!? Do you have Maddie's email? I wanted to send her a quick congrats. Or you could just send my congrats to her personally. I am 100% with you: music is the key to my soul; I honestly cannot express my love for it sufficiently in words. I love you and wish you a happy and spiritual week.

Pap, Elder Souza does not know Uilary Pedrosa, but hey! Recife seems to run in the family! B...B...Battle! Pretty sweet with solar! You'll have to send me some pics when they're all set up. Love you Dad!

Ever since we gave that blessing to Nicolas, he has been a completely different man; I see a light in his eyes that I haven't seen before, and he is working on repenting and correcting his errors. It is truly incredible to be able to witness such miracles in the work here. We have had many new friends show interest and start learning about this glorious gospel that can bring such happiness into their lives. And Facundo and Mikaela now have a baptismal date set for the 8th of April; their mom gave them permission! She personally does not want anything, but it is touching to see her love and respect to her dear kids allowing them to exercise their agency. Mikaela says that she has received her answer on the Book of Mormon, and Facundo is progressing and gaining light and love for the gospel each time we meet with them! Truly a miracle!

Cremación: Monica is an investigator that has taken the charlas a few times but struggled with her work schedule and the death of her husband. She has kept her Book of Mormon through it all and loves learning, and wants to come to church despite believing it impossible due to night work. We have been working with her and she has progressed well! However, when talking about the plan of salvation and how our bodies become perfect, and she all of a sudden asked us if cremation was okay and if it was discussed in the scriptures. And I realized: I honestly have no idea! I never would've expected it!

Asado Muito Bom!: We had 3 (yes, 3) asados this week that were all fantastic! 1) Familia Pereira en noche de hogar, 2) almuerzo con familia Plata, and 3) ¡lo nuestro! You read that right: we made our own asado today! And may I just say: it's honestly the best one I've ever had! (your seasoning and a little orégano saved the day, Mom!) Not too bad for first-timers! Pictures below!

Posso Negro: A posso negro is a nickname for the septic tank that the majority of the Uruguayan houses (including ours) have instead of access to the septic line. The city is currently trying to fix that. Before this week, I had no idea what it was, and when Elder Anderson imitated Elder Wainker (senior couple missionary) in his Idaho accent saying, "Nosotros tenemos tantos problemas con los possos negros," I thought Elder Anderson was making E' Wainker appear racist. But this week, I was studying in our study room, and I heard,"AYYY Elder!" I said, "¿Que pasó?" (what happened?) And I heard the most horrifying, heartstopping phrase of my entire life: "¡Hay caca saliendo de nuestro lluvero!" (There's crap coming out of our shower drain!) "¡¿QUÉ?!" I responded as I ran to the bathroom, saw and smelled the crap, and almost vomited. I called Elder Wainker in a panic and blurted, "Elder Wainker, there is crap coming out of our shower drain! What do we do!?" I then heard him explain what a posso negro was and that ours was overflowing; we had to call the barométricas and have them empty our tank. (Like a porta-potty) I then understood what his phrase meant.

Some scriptures I wanted to share:
James 5:14-15 (where blessings of the sick with oil came from)
Acts 20:7 and 3 Nephi 15 (evidence of the Sabbath being changed from Saturday to Sunday and why)
Jacob 5:70 in connection with 1st Nephi 14:12, D&C 101:55, and D&C 103:21. (Missionary work, and the Church in our day!)

Well, that does it again! Another fantastic week! I love you all so much and wish you all an incredible week as we fast approach April General Conference! (Woah, already! Didn't the last one just happen??) Sisters, enjoy the Women's Session, and know that your Father in Heaven and your Older Brother love you infinitely and eternally! ¡Os quiero!

Con amor,
Elder Newman :)

Mom’s Questions:
1. Since we’ll be asking everyone to put their guesses up on the map for Christian’s call, what are your guesses state side and outside of the states for him?

State-side: Eugene, Oregon! International: Uruguay, Montevideo!  OR Argentina, Resistencia!

2. What is the best thing you have eaten since Elder Souza has been your companion?

The asado we cooked together today

3. You mentioned in your last letter that you ripped your pants and scratched your leg on a metal pole. Were you able to mend your pants? And how are the rest of your clothes doing? Anything wearing out yet?

Will send my pants in (as well as my backpack) to the hermana who works on such clothes tonight. And so far, so good!

4. How are investigators doing? Did you have any show up to church today?

Yup! Facundo and Santiago came together to stake conference!

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