Friday, August 19, 2016

Festivals, Handshakes and Choirs. Oh my!

Hey hey hey everybody! Crazy to think I´m almost halfway through the MTC experience! It feels like I´ve been here for 3 days! Sorry about the pics not coming through, the computers down here are not stellar. Oh well, life is grand! Also, more and more Spanish will be popping up in each of my emails, so if you don´t know what a word is from now on, feel free to Google Translate it!

Christian, after reading the letters I got, it´s no surprise you´re a captain; you are a natural yet caring leader. I seriously did a fist pump when I heard about the story of you stopping by the young player´s party. Perfect job. Just remember if anything to lead your team by example first, words second. And I heard that your first game is today! WOOOT! It seems like yesterday I was padding up to play ball! Don´t even stress; just take a deep breath, relax, and go out and make plays like we all know you do. You´ll crush it.

Emma! So you went rappelling! Way to go! It always stops my heart every time I step up to the ledge, but its always epic once you´re going down. Glad you enjoyed it! And when I heard about the dating panel of Christian and Shae, I literally thought, "Perfect." Don´t stress, you´ll have some great dates. well as some to laugh about with your friends. ;) And don´t even stress about high school; just like my first week at the MTC was slow and everything has flown since then, it will be the exact same with high school. Cherish it. I never thought high school would end and... well, here I am!

Sarah, no worries, everyone has bad games. I had a few when I played too. It´s what you do next after a loss or two that defines how great you are. Even the greatest of pros have had terrible games. Peyton Manning once threw 5 INT´s in a game. But he bounced back and is now a 2x Super Bowl Champion. And I also heard how you were an example to your fellow goalies. Chin up, you´re doing great, my friend.

Callie! How was your sleepover!? I wish I had my own Cheerio Bracelet to eat right now! But I have had a bowl of Choco Krispies de Melvin with each meal, so I guess that´s the same ;)

I now have two maestros and two new investigadores! Hermano Tapia: my morning teacher who is so sweet, humble, and fun to be around. He has been my teacher the whole experience and is just THE BEST! He is also now my investigator, Carlos, a Catholic with such a sweet heart. Hermano Hernandez: the Hermano Lindon I spoke of in my last email, and now my evening teacher. He speaks at the speed of light (around 8 words per second) and is super sarcastic, but has a good heart. He is now Cesar, an Evangelist investigator who prays aloud when the misioneros offer a prayer and talks so much and gets me and Elder Cheney waay off topic. And I thought Lindon was hard! But we are still doing our best to understand his needs.

My district just continues to be so so, so amazing. Everyone is just so delightful and hilarious to be around. I actually now have a distinct handsake with every single Elder and Hermana in our district! Hermano Tapia said it looked like secret combinations. It was pretty funny. xD And we all love to sing, so it has made that awesome. Funny story: Elder Cheney and I were singing Misty Mountains one day and I did the Peter Hollens descant in the first verse the last 4 lines. (If you don´t know what I´m talking about, look up Peter Hollens Misty Mountains. Legendary) and we even did it a few keys higher which made it harder for me. Hermana Garff turned and said, "Holy cow! Are you a tenor?" I told her I was actaully a bass II and did a teensy demo, and she looked stunned and said "you sing tenor better than most tenors I know". xD

In personal study this week, I finally finished Jesus The Christ by James E. Talmage. Quite possibly the most enlightening and best books I have ever read. Highly recommended as well as Our Search For Happiness by M. Russell Ballard. Amazing! Yesterday I got to study in what we call "The Grove," a group of really shady trees between the classroom buildings and our church building. That was incredible. It was so peaceful and quiet, allowing the Spirit to resonate strongly.

There was one night that we were approaching our casa (my casa is literally the farthest it could be from everything important like the gym, comedor {cafeteria} clase, etc.) and there was this festival thingy going on in the city up the mountain that we were against. And even thought it was quite far away, it sounded like it was right outside the CCM wall! There were a few songs that sounded like Latino versions of Cha Cha Slide or Let Me Clear My Throat, but most of them were as stereotypically Mexican as possible, like what you would here in Rancherito´s. So oddly enough, I was reminded of home all the way in la Ciudad de México.

Sunday this week was amazing as usual. We watched the Jeffrey R. Holland 2009 MTC address "The Divine Companionship" speaking of the Holy Ghost as the senior companion in every missionary companionship of two actually three. Highly recommended. We also watched the John Tanner story for those of you who have seen it in PG Seminary! Touching as always; this man gave up everything he had (which was a LLLOOOOT!) in consecration to the Church. We could all follow his example in serving others.

The CCM Choir was sooo much fun! We got to sing "Calma Mi Alma (Be Still My Soul)" in the live broadcast to the other MTC´s around the world! And since the other director is leaving to the field soon, I have been chosen as the new director! I am slightly terrified but at the same time beyond excited! We will be singing "Oración de un niño (A Child´s Prayer) this coming Tuesday, and I am beyond excited!

I am trying to send the pics again, but if the captions are off, I apologize; once again, these computers are not fantastic.

Welp! I'm out of time again, but I love you all soo much and thank you for the many great emails I received! So heart warming! Can´t wait to talk with yall again! ¡Hasta luego!

Mom's Questions:
1.  How's your money situation in the MTC? Were you able to exchange to Mexican  currency or do they accept American currency?      Yup! And the exchange rate here is pretty crazy; about 9 pesos for 1 US Dollar!
2.  How's laundry going? Are you remembering to wash your whites separately from your darks?       Very well! And yes I am
3.  Are you keeping your room and belongings tidy? You don't want your companions and other missionaries sharing your room to resent you. :)            Of course Mom
4.  What was your favorite food of the week?             Carne asada or Costco Pizza
5.  Did you get your package this week? I used a different online delivery service and I was wondering if it went any better? Were the cookies fresh? Did you get the letters?           Yes I did! However, I got the rootbeer and cookies 3-4 days apart. But all is well!

Dad's Questions:
  1. Favorite moment?   Honestly can´t answer that. Everything is just so awesome!
  2. Are you allowed to send emails back and forth while you are on line? Mom said that a number of the Moms that she talks to does this with their missionaries. If you aren't supposed to do that, no problem. (Remember that we don't know most of the things that you are told to do or not do!)   I have no clue. Don´t think so
  3. Foot?      The area in question is not hurting, but my 1st meditarsel has been pretty sore lately. Will keep you updated.
  4. Have you been able to sing Called to Serve yet with the whole MTC?      YUP! Beyond awesome!
  5. Best food/worst food?           Carne asada/ tamales

                                           Los Uruguayos flying first class to LA!
                                           Los Uruguayos! Bonded immediately
                                        Elder Cheney, my companion. Isn't he grand?
                                           Gardens at the temple in Mexico City
                                            Lego hand thingies??
                              Conju"game"tion! A language study game. Pretty intense                                                 The next pictures are of Pleasant Grove boys at the Mexico CCM
                                                        Elder Lee
                                          Elder Hatfield is in the house! #WriteInMalc
                                                     Elder Anderson got here this week!
                                                    Elder Coon
                                                Elder King
                                               El templo hoy

                                          Elder Ogborn loves nature
                                         ¡Las hermanas! in Elder Newman's district
                                            ¡Viva México!
                                                   Visitors Center at templo

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