Thursday, July 12, 2018

God Bless America; Las Pruebas Nos Hacen Resilientes; e Dez Dias Mais

Hey peeps! How you all doing?  Kind of an up and down week: we had a few empty days where I was sick with a brutal sinus infection and then poor Elder Chandía got sick after I got better, so we didn't get as much working time as we'd like; no investigators of ours showed up for church, and poor Debora was not able to be confirmed because her disabled son had some serious complication the night before. But as we know, you've always gotta search for those tender mercies! So here they are:

1) Thanks to the help of our CAPO Dom Hermano Hernandez, Debora is in good hands. We learned that she didn't even have a bed, so we donated one of ours and he donated a mattress, all on Sunday. She was very excited.  Also, the Relief Society sisters are going over today to support her, thanks to the fact that Hermano Hernandez organized that with them. He takes a TON of stress off our shoulders.  Gotta love Las Piedras!

2) We were able to find a new with Damian, 22 years old and who used to attend the Evangelical church. We're gonna pass by again on Friday, but he has a Book of Mormon now and is really receptive. ¡Vamo arriba!

So crazy to think that this is my last full week here in Uruguay as a servant of the Lord and that I have 10 overall days left; 2 years passed by in a flash! I am completely determined to take advantage of this last week I have and give it all I got. I have learned so much in this time I've been here and I hope I can bless the lives of others the most I can.

Lastly, an announcement for everyone: my missionary homecoming will be July 22nd at 1 PM; 495 North 700 East Pleasant Grove Utah.  Friends and family may also come by to visit on Saturday night at my home (1071 N. 1100 E., Pleasant Grove) between 7-9 pm or after the meetings at Sunday at 4:15 PM. Thank you all for your constant love and support throughout these two years!

Mucho amor, y ¡nos vemos pronto!  (Lots of love, and see you soon!)
Élder Newman :)

Mom, thank you so much for your constant support and generous help throughout these two years. You've made missionary life much easier for me.  Crazy mishap with the giant flag! But just goes to show that although America may take its scars, it will always stand as a nation. Haha I love the Uruguayan flag as well under our flagpost.  Love you so much! :)

Pap, that flag is absolutely huge! Lookie that! I did not know that Cici was already married. (Or maybe I did and just forgot. Quite possible haha) Thanks for the great topic, I'm going to have a ton of fun with that one for sure. ¡Te quiero, y nos vemos! (I love you, and see you)

Emma! I know, right! So crazy! So glad to hear that Dillon and Coleman killed it, say hi to them for me!  That looks like a fun hike to Indian Springs! Perhaps we could do it when I get home.  ¡Te amo, nos vemos prontito! (I love you, see you soon!)

Bear! Haha that is hilarious that you are as tall as Coleman!  Also that he wore his Samoan wrap. See you soon, love you Bear!

Callie! How fun to play with cousins! I'm so happy that you were able to enjoy the 4th of July. But I'm so sorry about the horse fly bite!  Not fun! I have also tried root beer with dry ice, it's super good! I love you sooo much, see you soon!

Mom’s Questions:
1. How are you staying focused during these last days of your mission? 

I am constantly thinking of how many days I have left. But not in the trunky way, or days until I come home. Days that I have left to be a full time minister of the Lord Jesus Christ. That helps me desire to take advantage of each and every day.

2. Over the last two years, what has been your favorite food in Uruguay? 

That's a tough one. I'd have to choose between asado sobre brasas (barbeque over coals) and fideos con tuco (spaghetti with meat sauce).

3. What is the last week of the mission like? Do you spend some time in Montevideo with President and the other Valientes? 

Yes. On Wednesday, all the valientes go to Tres Cruces and, from there, to the mission home in Carrasco. We have a Self-Reliance Training, interviews with President, and a dinner and testimony meeting, and weigh our bags for the next day. (Normally we have the temple that same day, but Wednesday July 18th is a national holiday and the temple's closed, so we're going tomorrow to the temple.) On Thursday, we just wait until we get taken to the airport.

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