Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Misioneros contra Bichos; Vivo Livro da Historia e Diccionário; and the Greatest District I Could've Asked For

 Elder Newman's desk (check out his shelves he made out of cardboard boxes)
 Service Project at a member's house

Hello my peoples! This was a crazy up and down week, filled with miracles and challenges ¡a la vez!

My dear brother, so glad you got the experience already to use your priesthood to bless the lives of those around you. That honestly just made my day. It's truly amazing how the Spirit sustains us in such important moments; if we have prepared ourselves and listen closely, He will NOT let us fail. Haha, I remember my interviews with Pres. Gleason; did he tell you the parable of the youth that didn't have his recommend and missed the experience of a lifetime? That one hit me pretty hard.  Hope high adventure is a blast for you! If you could read D&C 88:72-73, 67-69, and 118-119, that would be awesome. Love you Christian!

Hey, I remember when you were trying relentlessly to get down your aerial, and now to teaching others how to do their aerial! ¡Estoy tan feliz que pudieras disfrutar tu primera *despedida! (I'm so happy that you could enjoy your first mission farewell.) Haha with our garbage experience, we had to bring 8 black garbage bags, all filled, to a dumpster one block away. My shoulders and arms were shot. Te quiero muchísimo, Emma! (I love you a lot, Emma!)

Bear, nice trapping at Clearcreak Camp! And track would be awesome for you; it is so much fun! Best of luck with all your sports! They sure do go by fast... Love ya!

Dear Callie Anna Newman,
Wow, gymnastics seems like so much fun! I was always too clumsy to do that. Moving on to the deep end of the pool was also so much fun for me! Did you know that I could never float on my back? You look sooo pretty in your dance dress! To answer your questions: I love tug of war; my favorite sport is still football, but I'm coming to love soccer! (even though I'm terrible haha). And I sure do miss Sodalicious... Love you!

Mom, the busiest weeks are always the funnest and most fulfilling. And yes, I absolutely LOVE the priesthood; it has blessed my life and allowed me to bless others, which ends up blessing my life again.  I'm sure you did great as Sariah at the youth conference kickoff!

Digging that beard, Pap! ¡Que anciano que eres, Lehi! (How old you are, Lehi!) But seriously, that is a great talk you delivered and it applies so much to us in our day; as the mists of darkness grow ever thicker, we need to hold on tighter and tighter to the rod to triumph. Love you Pap.

This week we didn't have any investigators come to church, and our divisions on Saturday got canceled - with lots of charlas in opposite sides of the area - so we were flying all over the place that day. But definitely saw some miracles! Victor and Patricia had gone through some trials and fights, but found their peace and strength as they started again to read the Book of Mormon! Raul's brother improved in health and was able to come home from the hospital; our prayers were answered, and this and reading a Tithing folleto that we gave him helped him receive his answer that the Church is true!

Misioneros contra Bichos: The Toledo house is known as one of the biggest, best, and cleanest houses in the mission, but out back there was a pile of garbage that consisted of blankets, sheets, lawn chairs, plastic guitars, etc. This had accumulated from the other Elders and Hermanas that came before us. Well, we hadn't given it much thought, but Elder Wainker called us on Friday saying that our landlord had screamed at him over the phone about the mess and that we needed to clean it up, or she was going to hire somebody to do it and charge us. Thus, we immediately set to work, and as we uncovered the floor underneath... OH MY GOODNESS. The biggest, fattest potato bugs I have ever seen in my life! Worms! Centipedes! 2 giant, hairy spiders! And all those who know how much I hate bugs can imagine how unhappy I was. However, long story short, we cleaned up the mess, exterminated the pests, and now Elder Wainker is going to bring us a treat because we "paid the price for somebody else's sins." So that was quite the adventure! Missionaires 1 - Bugs 0

Vivo Livro da Historia e Diccionário: I recently met a recent convert named Antonio Guerra (Anthony War), who is probably in his 50's, and is such an intelligent guy! He was talking about a war that had happened between then-empire Paraguay and the rebellious union of Uruguay, Brasil, and one other country who defected from Paraguay, World Wars, true Jews in the East, etc. Incredible! But the best part: He considers the scriptures his greatest treasure and the best and 1st source of knowledge. ¡CAPO!

The Greatest District I Could've Asked For: Had our first district meeting this week, and it was amazing! We were able to talk about the "next lines of revelation" that we had received from Elder Packer of the Area Presidency, and they all participated really well and said I did great! All are hard workers, all are great and friendly guys; in short, all are capos. So blessed!

Mom’s questions:
1. Christian wants to know, did you take basketball shoes with you on your mission?

I did, but since the MTC up until now I have not used them.

2. Christian is also wondering, which style of journal do you like? Do you like a bigger one or a more pocket size one that you carry with you?

I love the red one you gave me; that size has been my preference.

3. Christian asked do any Elders still use the side messenger bag? We noticed your backpack in some of the pictures. What is your reasoning behind that?

My mission allows it and it allows me to walk easier without lilting to the side. However, I am back to the side bag because my backpack broke.

4. Christian also wants to know, it looks like you wear your boots a ton in some of the pictures. How much are you wearing the boots vs. dress shoes?

Here, boots are permitted, and my boots are WAY comfier than my dress shoes, so I only use the dress shoes for church and mission conferences.

5. How are Victor and Raul? Did you get them to come to church this week?

Victor has gone through some trials recently bot has gotten back on track with his reading; Raul read a tithing pamphlet, his brother left the hospital, and he says that he's received his answer that the Church is true. :) Yet neither came to church yesterday.

6. What have you learned this week from the AP’s and zone leaders in your district?

I've learned in even greater degree that leadership is an opportunity to serve and love each other. Technically, we are all each others' leaders (in a complex yet amazing way) and we all take counsel from and love each other.

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