Friday, June 30, 2017

Confederate Keylock, Milagros en Plenitud, e Que Abençoado Que Sou

 Elder Newman loves his churasco

 District Activity

Quite the crazy week! But truly a week full of miracles. So good to be talking with y'all once again!

Pap, the last time I saw the lawn so dirty was when we moved there and there wasn't any grass! Sorry to hear the recovery from surgery has been going a little slowly, but it is truly in our trials that we are strengthened! (D&C 121:7-8 and 122:5, 7-8) Great to see that everything is going so well at home! Scriptures that I challenge you to read: Proverbs 9:9-10 and Moses 6:27-34, 7:13.

Mom, great to see all the miracles here in Uruguay and back home!  The Book of Mormon is perfect to help us combat pride, because it helps us 1) identify Christ and follow him, and 2) expose and avoid his enemies. Scriptures for you: 2 Nephi 32:3->Jeremiah 15:16, and 1 Nephi 1:1->Proverbs 22:1,6

Hey buddy! You're learning a great lesson already that I learned here in the field; sometimes our plans are not exactly what the Lord wants, and we just have to be patient. Thanks for sharing your amazing experience with the work! DUDE! You weigh 210! Haha, you finally got me, and with good weight too. Glad to see that you've been busy and happy. Love you Christian! Your scriptures: Alma 18:2-3,8-10, 14-41; and Jacob 5:70 (visit all the footnotes).

¡Hola hermana mía! ¡Tan feliz estoy para oír de su campamiento buenazo! (Hello sister of mine So happy I am to hear of your camp buenazo!) Haha the Copper Hills part especially made me laugh. You'll have to send me some pics of the new wood you stained on the porch! Tus escrituras (Your scriptures) : 2 Nefi 4:15-16, 20-23, 26-35 ¡Te quiero (I love you), Emma!

Hey Bear, way to be tough and play even with a black eye! That is true toughness! Looked like a fun tournament! The tougher competition always makes for the most games. Love you! Scriptures for YOU: 1 Nephi 8:2-12, 11-8-25

Callerist! Elder Mereles' favorite colors are negro (black) and rojo (red). Yes, I know how to count in Spanish! It's quite fun! Yes, I do miss Great Grandma Ione, but I know that her spirit is alive and happy. I love you! Please read these scriptures!: 2 Nephi 2:22-27

Confederate Keylock: We came home on Friday to prepare for the branch activity, and somehow, our key got stuck in the lock after we entered. We literally had to take the doorknob and lock out of the door, cut the key, and open up to the gears to get the key out. Then we had the brilliant idea to try our spare, and it also got stuck! 2 hours until we finally got the lock working again. aka We didn't make it to the activity.

Milagros en plenitud: First and foremost: Victor and Patricia are finally getting married! They are getting their exact date today, and we will finally be able to set a baptismal date for Victor! He has progressed so much and has become a big example for his friends who always come over to the charlas. The contact that we made on the past P-Day, Leonardo, is reading the Book of Mormon! Also, we found one of our old investigators, Nele. She read her assignment in the BoM and a little from the beginning, and her pareja, who hid in the last charla, read even more than her! And I had the blessed opportunity to be able to do the baptismal interview for the Bella Italia Elders for Antonella, a 10 year old girl with a solid testimony. The Spirit was so strong in the interview and she passed marvelously. Elders Belnap and Larsen seemed VERY happy that day.

Que Abençoado Que Sou: I was recently studying in the house Sunday morning when this thought came across my mind: "Man, how blessed I am. I'm not even done with 2 decades of my life, and I already know my purpose here. I know where I came from and am certain of where I'm going after this life. I know not only that God lives, but that He is my Eternal and Perfect Father who has given me this glorious Plan to become a god like Him and live forever with Him and my family." Then, I looked out the window and began to notice more fully the people, and I realized, "Man, these, my brothers and sisters, don't remember ANYTHING about the Plan we accepted and cheered for back home. Look at them; they're completely lost! My heart aches for them... I gotta go out and help them." Sometimes we don't realize how much we've been blessed. Quick activity: You cannot read anymore of this letter until you try to imagine erasing, for 1 minute, EVERYTHING you know about the Book of Mormon or thanks to it. Starting now (don't peek early)!

Now: what did you lose? To me, I've lost absolutely everything. Can you even imagine living without the things you know now? Well, many of our brothers and sisters are living that right now, so hopefully we can understand why we do what we do as missionaries and members. It's all about love and sharing! So don't have fear to share what you love and know; if they don't accept in the moment, you've planted the seed to give them the Tree of Life and Knowledge.

Well, I love you all so much, and can't wait to tell you next week about my final full week with E' Mereles. ¡Os quiero muchísimo! (I love you so much!)

Con amor,
Elder Newman

Mom’s Questions:
1. How is your teaching going with your new outlook you explained in your last letter?

Miles better. The teaching has become much more comfortable and interactive; it's turned from a lesson into a discussion. :)

2. Do you feel you have enough pday clothes? I’m wondering if I should send Christian with more workout clothes since you work out 6 days a week in the MTC and only get to wash your clothes once a week.

Maybe so with him, because I didn't sweat much in the MTC due to the foot. But here in the field, I'm good.

3. Did Victor come to church again? How is Raul coming along? Any other nuevos to report on?

Nobody came to church, but we found one of our old investigators, Nele. She read her assignment in the BoM and a little from the beginning, and her pareja, who hid in the last charla, read even more than her! Potential!

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