Monday, October 17, 2016

The Chronicles of Perdidos and Nuevos and Tales Cosas

 The members here are the absolute greatest​
 Decided to organize my desk a little. Feel a lot better now

 Cuddling with a huge bear at Adrianna´s (member) house
Lunch at Adrianna´s

Family and friends! So good to be talking with you once again this beautiful Monday! Quickly wanted to let you know something coming up: due to time restrictions starting to be enforced more, most of the huge content in my emails will start transferring over to my voice recordings so that I can fit in all the material and stay under time.

Pap, I have been reading my scriptures in Spanish every day; I´ve already finished the BoM and am in D&C! After that, I plan to read the Old and New Testaments, and then the Pearl of Great Price! I continue to receive complements from every one about my Spanish already, but I know I´ve still got a LONG way to go! You said it yourself: A person can be everything that they want to be, through work. You guys are putting in the work to be better and it shows, and I continue to try to better myself every day. Work and the Lord transform us into incredible beings!

So this week was kinda quack! Eduardo is no longer an investigator of ours, and it´s a very strange story. While we´ve been teaching him in his house, there´s always been this older woman (like her 50´s) named Selma, 3 kids of about high school age, and a 4 year old girl. Initially I though Selma was Eduardo´s mom because he´s about 20. Nope. His wife (but not married). She already had the 3 kids when Eduardo moved in, and then they had the 4-year old together. I was beyond shocked as I´m sure all of you are. And then one day we came over and learned from Selma that Eduardo had separated from her and fled for the Castillos, leaving his daughter behind with Selma, never to come back. So we lost an investigator but got 4 nuevos that day! So we returned yesterday to start teaching Selma and the kids, and notice that Selma is not there. Then we hear this voice beckoning us into the back room, and lo and behold! Eduardo! In his shorts alone, watching TV, back from the dead! E´ Anderson handled it pretty well, but as soon as we left the house, he told me we were dropping them. I can´t say I entirely blame him, because it was a messed up, quack story!

We do have other nuevos though! I will have to send the voice recordings next week because I don´t have much time today, but we have our golden investigator Rocio, two other promising investigators names Gislaine and Dinora, and Lucia, the girlfriend of a member, as well as her sister Veronica! So our hard work is still paying off, and I have faith that these are elegidos that the Lord has provided for us!

¡Os quiero mucho! ¡Para siempre Dios esté con vos! ¡Ciao!

Elder Newman

Mom’s Questions:

How big is Chuy? Are you four the only missionaries in Chuy or are there others as well?
Just us 4. But it is a pretty big area

Are there buses in Chuy that you take sometimes, or is it all walking? 
Never for proselyting. Sometimes on P-day we take buses to go to certain areas, and also for conferences

Have you received your birthday package yet?   
Nope. But I have faith it will come!

What is your ward like? Are there kids and a primary? What about youth? Is the ward helpful in the missionary work?   
The ward here in Chuy has about 600 members and around 50-70 active, but the people that attend are spectacular! There are kids and primary, as well as youth, but the majority of the members are adults. There are a few members who love to accompany us in charlas, so I´d say yes!

Is your foot continuing to feel better this week?  


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