Monday, October 3, 2016

Conferencia General y Master Chef! (sort of)

  Elder Fonseca and I waiting for the others to get him crutches on P-day (He`s off them now)​
We went to this place last P-day called Espetu Corridos, an actual Brazilian Steakhouse in Brazil! It was a smaller and cheaper one, so the meat was okay, slightly worse than Tucano`s, but the pineapple was WAY better than back home! It was much softer, hotter, and sweeter, and literally melted in your mouth as you bit down! Legendary! Even better than alfajors! (which is saying a TON)​
 We found a goat tied up outside someone`s house. We`ve named him Billy.​
 Eggs, chocolate pancakes, and eggs with ham. Great breakfast.​
 E' Fonseca in a nutshell
 Teammates ready for fútbol (that got cancelled last minute)​

 Watching conference in the secretary`s eletronics closet!​
 This is a genius idea called Milking. What you do is bite off both ends of an alfajor (but no more), put one exposed end in the milk, and suck through the other. The milk travels throught the alfajor, saturating it as you drink, and then you eat the milk-soaked alfajor afterwards. Magic.
 My own special creation called the Uruguayo Breakfast Special!

 Fishing! Today I caught 14 fish in 3 hours, and we as a district caught around 80!​

¡Hola otra vez, mi familia y mis amigos! ¡Espero que disfrutarais Conferencia General! ¡La vida es buena, y Dios es buenísimo!

First off, I just want to start off about how much I loved Conference! We were able to watch it in a small room at the Capilla in English and didn`t have to travel 1.5 hours to a different place, so that`s really nice! My favorite talk was probably Dieter F. Uchtdorf`s talk at the very beginning, but it was incredibly hard to choose this year because they were all FANTASTIC! If Conference is usually a 7 or 8 for me, it was a definite 10 this time. My favorites from each session were:

Sat. Morning - Uchtdorf, Craig C. Christensen, J. Devn Cornish;
Sat. Afternoon - Gary E. Stevenson, D. Todd Christofferson;
Priesthood - Holland, Eyring, Monson;
Sun. Morning - Monson, Russell M. Nelson, Peter F. Meurs, Linda S. Reeves, Dean M. Davies, Lynn G. Robbins, Eyring;
Sun. Afternoon - Ronald A. Rasband, Evan A. Shmutz.

In addition, I just want to say how much I love the music in Conference: the swelling praises seem to open up the heavens and the singers' faces and voices shine like angels, and the soft hymns seem like the Holy Ghost is caressing you like a gentle river. Incredible each time.

It`s actually pretty funny with the time difference of 3 hours, when you were watching it in the morning, probably just have woken up, I was watching at 1 in the afternoon, haven been awake for hours! And the priesthood session was REALLY late! So definitely not the same experience, but still glorious Conference.

Mom, I have started running in the morning, and I know how you feel about being out of shape. I have certainly dropped off since the foot! But I know this will help me stay in shape in a place like Chuy where food is more cheap and the members feed you a ton. I`ve started to bake and cook quite a bit! Any time you have an awesome recipe to send me for a meal or dessert, I`d love to try it. Thanks!*

So fun facts about and happenings Uruguay! A lot of people have guessed that I am American and even from Utah, but many have also guessed that I`m from Germany as well, and one even guessed England (win)! We`ve had this mystery caller named Megan calling our companionship phone the past two days. But when we searched our contacts and found her name, there was no number! So that`s odd.... Oh well! E' Anderson and I have started to give E' Fonseca English lessons, and he is giving E' Anderson Portuguese lessons! I`m too timid to try right now, but maybe soon! We tried bringing our cake to Fern. y Gloria, but they weren`t home, so we just ate the cake and are going to try again this week. Now, on to our peoples!

Right now Nilida and Viktor are kind of slowly progressing (they dropped quite a few charlas) but we have hopes that the ship will right itself. We`ve picked up a new investigator named Olga who is such a sweet old lady. She was raised Catholic but listens to us and has a ton of faith, and asks good questions, unlike most questions here which are meant just to contend. She also remarked how impressed she was with us leaving behind our families, friends, school, everything for two years to come to a strange place with a foreign people, language, and everything. As she was saying this, I got the strongest impresson: "Tell her why you do this." So I bore my testimony of how families can be together forever and THAT is why we do this: so she can have an eternal family of her own, we`ve left ours for 2 short years to help others enjoy these blessings. I also gifted her personally my first Book of Mormon gifted out here. High hopes for her!

Another new investigator is Adelaide (we call her Ade). In our first charla, she had a lot of questions, but she was willing to learn and listen and received a BoM. In our 2nd charla we were talking about the doctrine of Christ and it was going great and the Spirit was there. But just as we were about to finish up, her husband Fernando walked in, gave us a less-than-warm welcome, sat down and proceeded to stubbornly tell us why he didn`t go to church and what he didn`t like about ours, and every time we tried to share a thought with him, he cut us off again and went on for another 3-5 minutes. A 30 minute charla turned into an hour long struggle, and the Spirit was gone the moment he entered the house. The spirit of contention is devastatingly debilitating and might`ve wrecked the little faith Ade had. It made me so sad and angry and I wanted to cry and wondered how I could love a person that might have impeded another from receiving salvation. But I know I have to be patient and try.

Anyhow, back to good news. Remember Vivianna, the elegido? Well, she wants to be baptized! We have set a goal for Oct. 28 that might be delayed because she and Dennis smoke and drink coffee and need to get married, and we don`t know how complicated marriage is here. But we have a soul nearing the door to discipleship! :D :D

Funny story really quick: we were at the Sam Paio´s on Friday for lunch again, and this older guy comes in who turns out to be the husband of Sam Paio mom`s sister. He was pretty friendly, and good with the kids, but at one point he sat down and rolled a marijuana joint right in front of us! So therefore, I have seen my first joint! (E' Anderson had to point it out because I didn`t know) (Also, marijuana is legal here in Uruguay)

And I am learning how to cook and bake! All my life at home I relied on my mom and Emma to do the cooking, and without giro (bi-monthly allowance) of my own for the past few weeks, I`ve shared food with E' Anderson and let him do all the cooking. However, since I now have giro, I have been cooking my own meals! Righteous! And they`re actually not that bad!

Anyways, I gotta go, but it is a joy as always to speak with you all. ¡Guardad la fe! ¡Sed felices! ¡Os amo, y Dios para siempre esté con vosotros! ¡Ciao!

Elder Newman

Mom’s Questions:
1. What is the most spiritual experience you’ve had this week?       
Vivianna accepting the invitation to be baptized!

2. What was your favorite/least favorite thing that happened this week?        
Fav. - Either Vivianna accepting or an opportunity I had to testify about missionary work to Olga. Least fav - The experience with Fernando and many charlas falling through, that was tough.

3. Is there any aspect of the work that you are struggling with?        
Just trying to be patient with the people, because all thought they are great, they are rather stubborn! And it`s hard to understand in a foreign language. But I`m getting better each day

4. Have you experienced any miracles yet in Chuy?          
Vivianna definitely counts as a miracle in my book.

5. How have you served Elder Anderson, Elder Fonseca and Elder Saeteros this week?         

I`ve made some of the meals recently and taken that strain off of them, especially rice. It ain`t the best, but I`m improving!

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