Sunday, September 11, 2016

Elder Newman did most of his letter in Spanish and I used Google Translate so I could read it. Some of the wording doesn’t sound right because of the translation. Also, thanks to all of you who have been writing to him. He loves your letters and words of encouragement. He wishes he could write personal letters to all of you, but his time in the MTC computer labs has been so limited. Hopefully, he’ll have a little more time in Uruguay to respond.

Hi, my family and my friends! It makes me happy to talk with you again! It's amazing that I leave Mexico to Uruguay in five days! These six weeks have felt like two weeks! I have much to say, then, here I go!
Last week, when I was using email, it was raining, and stopped before we left for our home, but had continuous thunder the entire time. When a sound of thunder was ending, a new sound started, and some were STRONG!

Class, as always, is great fun. Hmo. Hernandez continues to become more and more sarcastic, and Hmo. Tapia will have their first child! Sister Masina made an impression. HMO. Hernandez was fantastic. Also, we had a fight of words about that is frozen and is snow (types of ice cream). Milk (ice cream, yogurt, custard) is frozen, and without milk (sorbet, shaved ice) is snow.

Also, the lessons are very good! Caesar has promised to stop watching pornography and also to attend church! Our lesson of the law of chastity had a profound effect on him, and from this, has been more open to our message. It's amazing the change that happened in it. And Carlos is perfect as always! He has also promised to live the law of chastity (just was not married) and has accepted all of our message. Isabel is not happy and not yet open much to our message, but is becoming more open with each lesson. And Miguel is also progressing well; slowly, perhaps, but progress nonetheless). And also my district says "joke" (joke) as hump daayyy! It is often very funny. xD

We have seen many videos of speeches this week, and they are very good! If you want to see the speeches are: Quick to Observe - David A. Bednar; Your Refined Heavenly Home - Douglas L. Callister; and (I believe called STI) Preach My Gospel Missionary - David A. Bednar. I especially want you to see to Your Refined Heavenly Home. Be alone and pray before seeing this, and listen to the Spirit. I learned a lot from this discuro; powerful!

The devotional was Tuesday and went fine! Elder Knudsen, Hermana Masina, H. Garff, and I signed up for a Sunday devotional musical number Where Can I Turn for Peace? (¿Donde hallo el solaz?). We also had the help of Elder Bagley, H. Garff´s cousin, for accompaniment. We each took a line of melody in the first verse, and then harmonized in 2nd verse - E. Knudsen melody, H. Masina alto, H. Garff tenor, and me bass - and again 3rd verse - H. Masina melody, H. Garff alto, me tenor, y E. Knudsen bass - and then we repeated the last line with the first two measures all melody, and then the last two like the second verse, and I got to hit a booming bass note. ;) We auditioned and made it in, but due to spacing issues, we were asked to perform that night pre-Tuesday-devotional! However, it went very well and we felt the Spirit so strongly. And then we had the treat of hearing E. Christofferson speak live from Provo! It was so cool to see the Apostle born in Pleasant Grove talking to a crowd with a lot of Vikings that I could see! (Elders Austin Slade and Ethan Vincent, and Sister Lisi Hong!) His message was concerning preaching repentance and how there is hope and Christ is that hope. He also talked about being trustworthy and with how good it is to be loved, it is better to be trusted. He actually used Cheerios for an illustration because they had the motto Trusted. I´m not going to lie: having my head down writing notes and hearing an Apostle say, "How many of you were raised on Cheerios?" caught me WAY off guard, but it was a great illustration.

Wellup, I´m out of time again! Just so you all know, I have a half P-day on Monday, so it is possible I may get to email you all again soon! And as always, It has been very good to speak with you again! I love thee! Do what fair! Keep the faith! See you, and see you later!

Elder Newman

Scriptures relevant to me that I would love for you all to read:
D&C 82:10 (The Lord wants to bless us, but can only do so if we do our part)
Mark 1:40-42
Isaiah 1:18

Mom’s Questions:
1. Have you heard what day you're leaving the CCM for Uruguay? I thought that it was going to be Tuesday but this last week Kegan left on Monday. So I'm wondering if you're leaving Monday or Tuesday.                    
Monday at 4:30 PM from CCM. Plane to Chile takes off at 8:25.Then a two hour flight in the morning to Uruguay!
2. What has been your absolute favorite thing about the CCM?              
Just the Spirit we feel here. Whether teaching an investigator, singing music, Sunday, reading scriptures, etc., there are so many opportunities to feel the Spirit. And the weight room is pretty nice too ;)
3. What has been your absolute favorite thing to eat at the CCM?                      
Either Costco Pizza or Carne Asada. ¡Brillante!
4. How are fast Sundays going for you? Are you handling fasting for the full 24 hours? :)            
Yes, I have managed well! And it only serves to make lunch even more awesome! (I start my fast after lunch on Saturday and end with lunch on Sunday)
5. Did you get your package and letters I sent? There should have been two dozen donuts and some letters from home and your father's blessing and notes from your setting apart.            
Yes I did!
 Our favorite hermanas besides those of our district! Hermanas Wennecott and Savoujld (I think)
                                                         My first haircut as a missionary!​
                                         We found a Viking head on the side of a construction truck. PG!​
                                                                                  Elder Jaden Bishop!​
                                                         Hermana Tristen Eady de Timpanogos!​
                                                        I took a slide while played goalie today. All is well​
 My missionary calender I have yet to use. The front picture explains a lot about Mexico; there are SOO many mosquitos!​

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