Wednesday, February 22, 2017

¡Canarias en Utah! and Mate Celestial

 ¡Doble arcoiris!​
 Even Bart Simpson supports Peñarol
 Mate Celestial
 ​"It is not expained or understood; it is just lived and felt." A Peñarol grafitti that could be partailly applied to the gospel!​
 ​​​Welcome to the Jungle​
The bishop here has this fantastic seat that we couldn't resist snapping a foto with b4 lunch.​
 Zone Activity today! We played volleyball in the morning ( and then played Señales (Signs) (I'll explain it later, but it is a FUN group game)
¡Hola mi gente querida! ¡Esta semana ha sido muy buena al pesar de algunas cosas tristes! ¡Realmente es bueno al estar en el servicio del Señor! (Translation: Hello my dear people! This week has been very good despite some sad things! It really is good to be in the service of the Lord!)

Well Christian, a dunk is the only acceptable technical foul in my book; the scriptures say that if you got talents, you gotta develop them! I would love to see the vid; bringing back memories! That's a nightmare to hear you got five shots at the doctor! But, you are all set to send you papers! Mom sent me a picture of your scripture thought on PGSeminary Instagram, Christian; couldn't have been better. Truly this is a gospel of love and service, and we can know how we're doing in this Great Gospel depending on how we love and serve 1) The Savior, and 2) everyone around us. One time, a lady told Joseph Smith "I don't believe in your religion, Mr. Smith, but I do thank you for your kindness." His response? "Sister, this is our religion." May we look for more opportunities to serve those around us, and our Savior! Who is the kid in the photo with you? Love you buddy! Keep up the great work in everything!

¡Fa! ¡103%! ¡Muy buen trabajo! ¡Me alegro que estén bien el colegio, Drill, y DanceCo! ¡Haciendo buenas cosas academicamente y con deportes de baile!  I know the feeling, the first 6 months are BRUTAL! But then the freedom afterwards is SOO worth it! ¡Dime como te va el Sweater Swing! ¡Te quiero mucho, mi hermana! (Translation: Wow! 103%! Very good work! I'm glad you’re doing so well at school, Drill, and DanceCo! Doing good things academically and with dance sports! I know the feeling, the first 6 months of driving without friends are BRUTAL! But then the freedom afterwards is SOO worth it! Tell me how the Sweater Swing is going! I love you very much, my sister!)

Hey Bear, way to play well in bball even when the game doesn't go your way. You can always control your play and effort for good! They recognize Valentine's Day here (Día de San Valentín) but it´s not huge like in the States; I saw a few signs and that's about it. Hey, nice job with semifinals at ballroom! Did you say hi to Jess Hansen and Natalie Porter? Love you!

Callie! I hope you enjoy the day off from school! Man, I wish I could have heart-shaped cookies and pizza; that sounds so yummy! They celebrate Valentine's here, but not like you guys do! Froyo is so yummy! Tell Emma thank you for taking you and being such a good sister! Love you!

Mom, I always love a good organ! I don't know why, but there's something about this instrument that touches me and gives me chills every time. What you said is so true; Godly sorrow leads us to repentance, and repentance ends with true joy. We have been talking about that in the mish; too many people including ourselves focus entirely on the guilt and struggle of repentance! But when we take time to contemplate the JOY of repentance, of truly shaking yourself free from the weight of guilt and sin and truly becoming clean and forgiven, it is something that is completely worth it! And as we have taken time to teach more about the JOY of repentance, we have had much better responses from the people we teach, and a sweet Spirit has been more present in our charlas.

Well, the bad news first: We have lost Julio César. He wants to get his life and job all worked out before committing to church, and he feels bad about committing and not following up; he wants to be a man of his word. He said that when he's ready to go again, he'll come to us. Man, that was a tough pill to swallow. But when the going gets tough like that, "forget yourself and go to work!" So that's what I tried to do, and we were very blessed as a result! Juan has accepted a fecha bautismal (baptismal date)!  And we have also received 5 new investigators! None of them are as on board as Julio was, but they all have potential! One of these is actually the grandson of Beatrís (less active); we recently talked with President Eddy about the importance of working with members, less actives, and recent converts to help strengthen them and receive support and help in the work, and we have seen results in both regards! We had one member give us 7 references! (2 futures, 5 less actives) And the coolest blind man you'll ever meet, José María, is currently preparing to get a temple recommend for baptisms and confirmations for the dead, as well as trying to set up! Cool fact about him: not only does he play blind soccer, he also plays something called goalball! If you have not seen it, look up goalball on YouTube and select for the 2012 Paralympics in London. SO COOL!

¡Canarias en Utah!: Turns out that there is a supermarket in Layton Utah named El Mate, and it sells Canarias Yerba Amarilla and Dulce de Leche! The Canarias is only for the brave of heart (and those who actually have a bombilla straw), but the dulce de leche is a MUST! for all of you! THE BEST! You can literally find the market on Google Maps by typing: El Mate Utah Layton.

Mate Celestial: Absolutely heavenly, and it could easily be yours! (see photos and videos)
Well, that about sums it up; I'm super excited for this, my final guaranteed full week in El Pinar! ¡Vamos arriba! (This is an Uruguayan saying; it has two meanings: "Let's go!" (sports) or "Oh, come on!") ¡Os quiero muchísimo, y que tengáis una semana milagrosa! (Translation: I love you very much, and may you have a miraculous week!)

Con amor,
Elder Newman

Mom’s Questions:
1. What new foods have you made lately?

Well, I hope that rice and eggs counts!

2. Is your next transfer next week? Boy six weeks goes fast!

This is my final full week until transfers! And you're right, it FLEW!

3. How have your prayers been answered this week? 

This week, I prayed for more opportunities to serve, and they have definitely come! Helping a lady with her groceries, helping a little kid out of a pit, etc.

4. You mentioned in your last letter that you are working on retention and reactivation a bit. What are some of the things you are doing to achieve this?

We've been trying to visit less actives, share scriptural thoughts, invite them to church, and fellowship them with members. Also, with José María, we are preparing him to have his limited temple recommend interview and also get started on! Exciting stuff!

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